The Moving Picture Weekly (1920-1921)

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40 THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY "THE DIAMOND QUEEN" Episode Five * lhe Tide Of Destiny" CAST Uoiis Eileen Sedgwick Bruce George Cheseboro Zimba Al Smith Martin Harvey Alfred Fisher Zeidt l-rank Clarke Aline Josephine Scott Benson Al Smith JUST when all hope for Doris seems lost, the wall of the dressing room yields to the flames, opening an avenue of escape for her. As sne rushes forth she stumbles over the unconscious Zeidt, but is powerless to save him. She makes her way out and leads firemen back into the flames to rescue Ziedt. Bruce, meantime, recovering from his fall, is almost suffocated by smoke and fumes. A hotel bellboy brings Doris a cablegram from her grandfather telling her of the marvelous success of the mysterious experiment and asking her to return to America at once. Bruce and Zeidt both reach safety without meeting each other. Zeidt leaves to hasten on to Cape Town, whence he sails next day for London on his way home. Bruce sets out for the hotel to see Doris. Doris, meantime, has reached her hotel room just as Alme has been visited in the room adjoining by Reitman, her confederate, who has brought a package of uncut diamonds worth $50,000 with which he has fled from the shop just as it was about to be raided by Benson, a detective for the Veers Syndicate, controlled by Zeidt. Benson is even at that moment trailing Reitman to the hotel and they must find some means of disposing ot the stones. When Aline learns that Doris is leaving that same night for Cape Town and thence to New YorS via London, she gets her to take 'a package" as a very great "favor" to her "brother" in London. Doris puts the package in her grip and hurries away from the hotel. On the_ stairs she passes Benson and a policeman who are on their way up to Aline's room. Doris gets into a taxi and races to make the train, while Benson, surprising Aline and Reitman, is unable to find the diamonds when he serches the room. Aline taunts Benson, saying that what he seeks is at that very moment on its way out of mimberley. Benson recalls the girl he passed on the stairs, finds he is to* late to catch the flier to Cane Town and sets out to overtake Doris by auto. Bruce learns from the clerk that Doris has just checked out to Cape Town. He decides to sail too. Doris makes the steamer at the same time Zeidt boards it, but she secretes herself in her stateroom disguising herself as a widow. Later Zicidt succeeds in establishing a friendship as fellow voyagers. Doris veils her identity from his successfully. Benson, reaching the pier too late to catch the steamer, wires the captain to take him on when the pilot is let off at the point. Benson at last boards the boat. His suspicions fall upon Doris, the "widow." Finding her with Zeidt, Benson convinces him the "widow" is the diamond thief suspect. Doris, from a secret point of vantage hears this. She recalls the package Aline entrusted to her, rushes to her stateroom and opens it, finding the stones. She realizes that to be caught would mean prison for twenty years. She hears Zeidt, Benson and the Captain, at her door and secretes herself. They enter and find the diamonds just as she darts out to the deck. A thrilling chase ensues, ending when Doris leaps to the rail of the deck and jumps overboard. The Captain plays the searchlights upon the water. Sharks are seen, headed towards Doris. She is given up for lost. 'KING OF THE CIRCUS" Episode 18 'The Lost Heritage" CAST Eddie Eddie Polo Gray Harry Madison John Winters Charles Fortune Mary Warren Kittoria Beveridge Zola Sinclair Eugenia Silbon FDDIE gets out of the flaming circus wagon and Dick Maxwell tells him that Mary is held a prisoner in Chinatown. In searching for her he follows one of Gray's henchmen to the place where Gray and Flint are holding Mary, but falls into a trap they set for him. In order to save Eddie's life Mary tells Gray where she hid the canvas behind the window shutter. Leaving Eddie and Mary securely tied. Gray and Flint go to the place where the canvas was hidden. They find the parchment and decide to burn it and destroy the last bit of evidence of Eddie's inheritance. In the meantime Eddie succeeds in freeing himself and his companion and they start back to the circus. Gray and Flint make a fire and place the canvas in the flames. When they look away for a minute The Great Unknown appears at a window behind them and snatches the canvas from the fire. Another piece of paper is placed on the fire which teh two allies believe to be the remains of the canvas. Back on the circus lot the sale of the outfit is about to be completed when Zola appears and denounces Gray as a crook. She is brushed aside, however, and the official paper is ju:>t about to be signed when Eddie and Mary join the group around the capitalist negotiating for the circus. At this moment the Great Unknown gives John Winters the canvas which would prove Eddie to be the rightful owner of the circus. When Gray is confronted with this evidence he whips out a revolver and trys to shoot Eddie, but Zola throws herself into range and is shot in the shoulder. Winters, the foster father finds a will in the barrel of the gun proving that Zola is Eddie's sister and on her shoulder they see the mark of the Polo family. The revolver was stolen the night that Eddie' father was killed and Gray is suspected of being the murderer. When Eddie learns that Zolo and not Mary is his sister there follows a love scene in which he tells Mary that he wants to make her Jiis wife. As he is about to take her in his arms Gray is shown standing behind one of the circus wagons and about to shoo*. Before he can pull the trigger, however. The Great Unknown kills him. The Great Unknown then explains that he, and not Flint, represents the combine looking to purchase the circus, and that he suspected for some time that Gray was trying to defraud Eddie. The End. 'Fresh From The Farm* Two-Reel Century Comedy Featuring HARRY SWEET H ARRY is a country boob and when ' he gets to the city, a shrewd taxidriver grabs him and relieves him of his roll. He also loses his watch and chain when a "sharpster" spots him. He gets entangled with a couple of cops and there is a fight from a roof in which the bricks fly hot and heavy, but Harry somehow emerges to find himself working in a boarding house. There is a classy queen living there and Harry falls for her but in so doing, he incurs the wrath of Bud, the fat cook, who swears he will have the lady for his bride. Harry gets into considerable of a rumpus with Bud and this time it is flour and dough that does the flying. He ties the cook's ankle to a rope attached to a truck, thinking this way to get rid of him but his plan is nipped in the bud when a trolley car comes along and cuts the rope. Somehow or other, he and the classy gueen make a getaway in an auto, closely pursued by Bud and reach a, parsonage, where they are united in matrimony and live happily ever afterwards.