The Moving Picture Weekly (1916-1917)

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4 THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY J. G. BLYSTONE DIRECTOR-GENERAL L-KO KOMEDIES CREATORS OF THE GREATEST CO T "DKro-frk*!/^ Director-General of L-KO Komedies, is the man iTXr. J • VJr, DiyS LOne that has been described as "The Man with a million comedy ideas." Mr. Blystone's versatility in the producing of film comedies is amazing. The best answer to his brilliance in the Komedy field is the endlesS number of L-KO productions that have brought ins tantaneous popularity, prestige and packed houses to thousands of Exhibitors the world over. Here appended is but a partial list of Mr. Blystone's successes:— "PIRATES OF THE AIR"— "HOW STARS ARE MADE" — "GERTIE'S JOY RIDE"— "ALICE IN SOCIETY"— "WHERE IS MY WIFE?"— "A MIDAIR MIX-UP"— UNHAND ME, VILLAIN"— "TILLIE S TERRIBLE TUMBLE" — "GABY'S GASOLINE GLIDE"— "CROOKED FROM THE START"— "HIGH DIVER'S CURSE"— "MURDERED BY MISTAKE." And many others, all convulsion producers and supreme in the Komedy field. WATCH for the tremendous Komedy Smash COMING with Alice Howell, directed by Mr. Blystone. Book L-KO'S thru any Universal Exchange. L-KO KOMEDY KOMPANY JULIUS STERN, President