The Moving Picture Weekly (1916-1917)

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4& THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY "OUT AGAIN. IN AGAIN.' Joker Comedy. Scenario by Tom Gibson. Produced by Wm. Beaudine. Photographed by Wm. Edmunds. CAST. Prisoner No. 13 Wm. Franey Professor Quince Harry Mann Camille De Auverne.... Eileen Roberts Warden Milbum Moranti (Copyright 1917, Universal Film Mfg. Co.) "\ can restore life to the dead if I can get a current of electricity strong enough," promises the Professor to the Warden. "All right, let's take your mummy from the museum and run over to my electric chair. It's idle to-day and has lots of juice," returns the Warden. It was Friday, the thirteenth, in "Happy Day's Prison," and Prisoner No. 13 was elected to be the guest of honor at his own execution. But he was superstitious and while he had a breath of life left in his body, he determined to escape. This he did and to avoid detection forced the porter of Prof. Quince's museum to change clothes with him. He is forced to take the porter's job because a policeman near precludes his chance of getting away. The many specimens in tiie museum cause the luckless prisoner to wish he was out of it, but fate seems against him and he stays on. The Prof .'s fair daughter, Mamie, attracts him hugely, but he has little time for her on account of his efforts to keep the disrobed porter, "sub rosa," as it were. The Warden of the Prison drops in and joins the Professor^s argument about the mummy. While they are discussing the matter, the prisoner, having effectively disposed of the troublesome porter, comes back into the museum, discov The mummy participates in the liquid refreshments. ering the Warden's presence. He tries to make his escape, but escape is cut off and in desperation he hides in the mummy case, which, forthwith, is carried away by the Warden and the Professor to the prison. When No. 13 feels himself set down he makes immediate plans to beat it, but is dumbfounded to discover himself back in the chamber from which he had so recently escaped. Realizing that fate is agin' him, he decides to do the job himself and sitting in the electric chair, starts to adjust the harness preliminary to his demise. The near-sighted Professor believes he is witnessing a miracle. Bill escapes, is pursued and finally caught when the Warden hands him a pardon. No. 13 is overjoyed, but it is shortlived, for Camille arrives and has him again arrested for picking her purse and back to jail he goes. Roy Clements is directing the Universal-Nestors in a • comedy callec "His Welcome Home," the story ol which was written by Henry McRae. Eddie Lyons, Lee Moran and Edith Roberts have the leads. /i America, as a united nation, is determined upon the preservation of the national integrity and honor. The people are intensely interested in patriotic productions. "Eagle's Wings" is the timeliest, truest and noblest patriotic production ever filmed. It has been ethusiastically praised by high government officials at Washington, D. C, and Endorsed by 1500 Chapters of The Daughters of the American Revolution through their National President. It will play to big crowds in your theatre. It will repeat its record-breaking abilities for you just as it has for hundreds of other Exhibitors all over the country. BOOK IT! Push it! Get your local patriotic societies interested. Ask vour nearest BLUEBIRD Exchange for full details, or BLUEBIRD Photoplays (Incorporated) 1600 Broadway New Yoric