The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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12 THE MOVIisC, PICTURE WEEKLY— (Copyright 1917, Universal Film Manufacturing Co.) AM only a girl — not very strong or — a fighter. But I would not wage war on women or — old men. I would not be mixed up with any gang if I were a man." She stood, straight and slim, in the doorway of her cabin, like a slender sheet, bathed in sunlight. Danny Morgan uncovered, stared a t her with open admiration, then stuttered : "Neither will I — if it comes to a 'show -down' I'm with you. Call on me then, I'm yours." She stood gazing at him as he rode away over the hills, then cupped her little hands as horse and rider became a mere dot on the horizon. On he rode slowly, the girl's thoughtful face By GEORGE HIVELY. oddly before him, until, at last, he reached the cabin of Thunder Flint, cattle king — in all the name applied — a strange overlooker of the rights of others, who, the day before, had reached a cruelly characteristic resolve— to drive the Nestors out of the The sheriff holds up the two badmen. Cheyenne was almost persuaded to take up the old man's proposition as he thought of the events of the day. country. And it was to "Sweetwater" Sims, their adored leader, that he sent the warning of his resolve, delivered by Danny to Joan, beautiful young daughter of the Nestors, who had remonstrated with him. But almost too late. One of Flint's foremen has already informed Flint that he has fixed it so that the Nestors cannot get to the water, and when the cowboys want to go after the Nestors, Flint tells them to stay out of the affair — that when he needs them he will let them know. Then Flint sends the foreman to find " Cheyenne " Harry, the man wanted for "the work." Harry is found asleep in a saloon, where every one is afraid of him because of his reputation as a gunman of the place. Harry, hearing the news, agrees to