The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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36 -THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY Putting It Over A DEPARTMENT OF ADVERTISING SUGGESTIONS FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL EXHIBITORS YOU can't speak too highly of this Butterfly in putting it over. Think of the most sensational, most thrilling Western drama you've ever seen — and then the chances are that the production that comes to your mind falls away short of approaching "Straight Shooting" in the qualities just mentioned. Since this is a Western subject, let your ballyhoo contain plenty of Wild West atmosphere. Nothing will so attract the attention of the average man — and woman, for that matter — as a cowboy dressed in full regalia and riding a broncho. Therefore, hire a man wearing the moving j cure cowboy's attire to ride about town and distribute heralds, etc., advertising this production. If you can get a man who knows how to handle a rope, so much the bet Bluebird Ideas ALTHOUGH the war supplies merely the faintest background for "The Charmer," the fact that the heroine is a child whose parents fell victims to a U-boat will enable you to surround your presentation with timely atmosphere. If there are any organizations having for their purpose the relief of war orphans in your community, get them to work with you in your efforts to get this Bluebird over. A special benefit performance, or a percentage of your gross receipts, will win this co-operation for you and not only mean better business, but the good will of the community as well. Get some school children, little girls preferably, to hand out cards to every person wearing a frown or a worried expression. This card should read as follows: WHY WORRY? That frown is spoiling your looks. Let "THE CHARMER" chase it away for you. Her delight is to help folks who feel blue. Meet her at the (name of theatre, day and date). ter. Accompanied by one of your attaches, he could give lassoing exhibitions with your attache as the victim. If you can get a woman to act as "cowgirl" and if she knows how to handle a rope, it would attract even greater attention. Straight shooting is one of the qualities that our boys abroad will need, if the enemy is to be defeated. THK K The Hystericus I) I) Lucky Card P. S. — Her other name is Ella Hall, and she's the famous little Bluebird star. The problem of increasing the matinee business is one that engrosses the attention of every exhibitor. "The Charmer" offers the means of solving the problem for the day or days on which it is shown. Although primarily produced for the entertainment of grown-ups, this Bluebird is particularly suitable for juveniles. The exhibitor should therefore announce that children would be admitted free to the matinee performances, provided each is accompanied by an adult. This will undoubtedly attract many mothers who otherwise would stay away. Have the copy below multigraphed or printed on an ordinary one-cent Make prominent mention in all of your advertising that such marksmanship as is shown in "Straight Shooting" is going to help us win the war. In other words, link your presentation up with the presence of our boys in France, although you want to be particularly careful not to give the public the impression that this Butterfly is a war subject. War subjects are a drug on the market and the belief that "Straight Shooting" has anything to do with the war will hurt rather than help you. If your house is located near any of the army cantonments, arrange to either lease your theatre to one of the local patriotic organizations for the day, or else invite the soldiers to see the performance at a reduced rate. "Straight Shooting" is an ideal subject for this purpose. for "The Charmer" postal and sent to all the people whose names are on your mailing list. The brevity of the message and the novel manner in which it is arranged will cause it to be read. BLUEBIRD PHOTOPLAYS, Inc. SHE'S COMING TO-MORROW ELLA HALL IN "THE CHARMER" BLUEBIRD PHOTOPLAY (Name here) THEATRE COME AND BRING THE FAMILY