The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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ffipMOVINC PICTURE WEEKLY Vol. 5. AUGUST 26, 1917. No. 2. The MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY A Magazine for Exhibitors and others interested in films. Published Weekly by the Moving Picture Weekly Pub. Co , Inc. Editorial Offices 1600 Broadway, N. Y. Publication Offices 409 Pearl St., N. Y. PAUL GULICK Editor M. WINKLER...._ Music Editor PETER PEPPER Interviews MARJORIE HOWARD Interviews JOE BRANDT -..Business Manager JULIUS BERNHEIM Minneapolis Corresp. KINTARO SAKAMOTO . Japan Correspondent ROBERT S. DOMAN-. London Correspondent BURTON RICE _ Paris Artist Subscription Price, $3.00 a year; Foreign, $3.50; Single Copies, 10c. Advertising Rates on Application. (Copyright 1917, Universal Film Mfg. Co.Q TITLES OF SUBJECTS COM jj PLETED WHICH HAVE BEEN J OKAYED AT WASHINGTON. H FLIRTING WITH DEATH THE SPOTTED LILY THE EDGE OF THE LAW THE MYSTERIOUS MR. TILLER SIRENS OF THE SEA THE MAN OF GOD THE LOVE DOCTOR IT'S UP TO YOU THE BUMBLE-BEE TABLE OF CONTENTS Her Face Is Your Fortune 8-35 '///A Scenes from "The Little Pirate" 9 W//. More Studio Stuff 14-15 ^ Announcing "The Red Ace" 16-17 Bluebird Players Rescue Child 19 'M. Gladys Tennyson Learns to Swim 19 -vix; Her Picture Debut at Seventy-Three 21 WW. Zoe Rae Does Piratical Stunts 27 y/fi A Bluebird on a Mountain Top 27 A Letter from Marcus Loew 31 ^/ Appreciation from Japan 31 Putting It Over 37 Bluebird Ideas 37 |p Music ! 41 %p Music for "Mother o' Mine" 43 gp List of Universal Past Releases 48 STORIES OF THIS WEEK Backward Sons and Forward Daughters, L-Ko Komedy 20 Curse of a Flirting Heart, The, Victor Com. 45 Dream of Egypt, A, Star Featurette 28 Empty Gun, The, Gold Seal Drama .36-38 Gale of Verse, A, Joker Comedy 44 Gray Ghost, The, Episode No. 11 11 Looking 'Em Over, Nestor Comedy 46 Lure of the Circus, The, Bison Com. Dr 18-38 Mother o' Mine, Bluebird Extraordinary-24-2"; Officer, Call a Cop, Joker Comedy 23 Triumph, Bluebird Production 12-13 Universal Animated Weekly, No. 85 22 Universal Current Events, Issue No. 15 10 Universal Screen Magazine. Issue No. 35.... 44 Who Was the Other Man?, Butterfly Picture 32-33-35 (All these stories are copyrighted by the Universal Film Mfg. Co.)