The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY 4a THE WART ON THE WIRE." By TOM GIBSON and C. B. HOADLEY. JOKER COMEDY. CAST. John Shirtless, Criminologist William Franey Polly Piffle Gale Henry Dr. Rainhole Milburn Moranti Crook One Chas. Haefli Crook Two Milton Sims Pete the Unfortunate John Cook Produced by Allen Curtis. "The advertisement looks that lovely that success is surely ours!" exclaims Polly Piffle, joyfully, as she gazes upon the announcements of the Wartless Pickle, the latest and most wonderful product of the "Piffle Pickle Works," of which she is the sole owner and manager. Just then there was a knock on the office door. "Come in!" cried Polly, and there entered a messenger boy with a mysterious letter. Polly tore open the missive. "It's the war," said John Shirtless. "Beware — beware — beware ! " she read. "Divulge the secret of your wart remover or take the consequences. And they are the last things that you will ever take on this earth. Be warned in time! "The Wart." Polly rushed to the telephone and called up the famous criminologist, John Shirtless, her friend and fiance. "John! John!" she cried. "Rescue me from the threats of the Wart! I am frightened. It is all so mysterious." in his secret den sits the great Doctor Rainhole. Though apparently a physician of not more than ordinary unintelligence, the Doctor, in reality, is a Man of Mystery. He is the inventor of the famous Wart Remover. It will remove warts from anything on earth, pickles included; and having seen the ads of the Piffle Pickle Works, he feels certain that his formula has been stolen. The Doctor is a person of ordinary appearance, You can back "Hell Morgan's Girl" with every dollar you own and you will win the big stake. In every city shown it has cornered the crowds, no matter what other plays or stars were being shown. DOBGTU PHILLIPS* N HELL. (0<D MORGAN'S GIRL (DfOCO puts over an unusual drama. It's a big drama of mighty emotions, gripping passions and powerful love. Its time is during the devastating fire in San Francisco — its place is the notorious Barbary Coast. If you have already played it you know what it has done for you. On the strength of this knowledge, take our advice and BOOK IT REPEAT. If you have never shown it by all means do so TODAY. Get in touch with your local BLUEBIRD Exchange, or BLUEBIRD Photoplays, Inc. 1600 BROADWAY NEW YORK y except that one foot is much larger than the other. He calls his faithful henchmen over the telephone, who at once respond. They, also, each have one foot larger than the other. By means of his wonderful psychic power, he can dematerialize his body all except the odd-sized foot, which is the only part of him that remains visible. John Shirtless enters the Works, and trips over a human foot, as he does so. His great brain is occupied with the problem and he thinks nothing of such a trifle as a detached foot. As soon as he leaves, the crooks enter the Pickle Works, and make the men prisoners. They torture from them the information that it is Polly who owns the secret formula. Polly hears them coming, and just manages to gasp "The Wart" over the wire to John before she is snatched away. The great detective answers the phone, and by means of a simple attachment which he has invented he sees the entire occurrence at the factory. He sets out at once, taking with him another little invention, the Magnetic Materialization Machine, with which to draw the recipe to him. First he turns it on the "Wart," who cannot resist, and is drawn into view, proving to be none other, when materialized, than Doctor Rainhole. The gangsters and the Doctor are turned over to the police, and Polly and Shirtless are united in happy anticipation of making a million out of the wartless pickle.