The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY 5 Whose Featuring Ben Wilson Neva Gerber Jos. Girard Directedjby Stuart Paton From the Book by Eustace Hale Bali; "The Voice on the Wire" packs mystery — it thrills with startling situations — it grips with unusual plot — a baffling reason for marking certain men for death. It defies solution by the most astute fan — it keeps them coming back for fifteen weeks. They simply can't let go until they have seen the solution of the mystery. BOOK "THE VOICE ON THE WIRE" Get this big crowd-producer busy in your house. It will surely make money for you. We know that it will, because it has made wads of money for EVERY Exhibitor who has run it. Get the BIG, FREE AD BOOK and follow directions. It shows you how to put the story over in a fine, profitable way through ads, teasers, stunts, posters, and other advertising helps. Book "THE VOICE ON THE WIRE" through any Universal Exchange, or UNIVERSAL FILM MFG. CO., Carl Laemmle, President, "The Largest Film Manufacturing Concern in the Universe, 1600 Broadway, New York. THE VOICE ON THE ^flRE**"213^1* TheThrillinqUmVEBSALSerial