The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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-THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY Two * Week Newsservice The Best News Pictures Each Week of OUR BOYS in Camp— at Home and Abroad — and — YOU GET THEM FIRST Over a million men are now under arms in the Army and* Navy. Everybody has friends or relatives in the service. Every one wants to know what is going on in the camps, in the field, at the front. There is just one way to show ALL the pictures of war activities — and that is thru the UNIVERSAL Two-a-Week News Service, one of which is the — Universal Animated Weekly Wherever the boys in khaki are gathered camera correspondents show the folks at home where and how the boys live. How they work and how they play. No subject ever screened has such a wide appeal as these. No other news service shows so many phases of the activities of the army and navy. AND YOU GET THEM FIRST in the Animated. Don't forget that in addition there are shown in every Animated release the most important news events of the entire world, and ALWAYS FIRST. The Animated will strengthen any programGet full particulars today. Universal Current Weekly This great one-reel feature scored an instantaneous hit. Its subjects include the happenings throughout the world that are making history. All the big and important doings at home and abroad, both civil and military, are shown to your fascinated patrons just as they actually happen. The only form of moving picture entertainment that pleases EVERYBODY. Book the Universal Two-a-Week News Service and you can count on capacity each day one of the two is shown. You can book either or both on the "open" plan, no contract required, thru any Universal Exchange, or direct from the UNIVERSAL ANIMATED WEEKLY, 1600 Broadway, New York. Book Through Any Universal Exchange