The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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-THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY Big, Punch Serials "Liberty" THE PATRIOTIC SERIAL Featuring MARIE WALCAMP, direction Jacques Jaccard. It vibrates with speed and thrills as it pounds home a patriotic message that gets under the skin of every fan. "The Red Ace" ^THE TRUMP SERIAL Featuring MARIE WALCAMP, direction Jacques Jaccard. Carries the same star and the same director who made "LIBERTY" the most successful serial issued. The daring — smashing chances which this star takes thrill the fans to their heart's core. "The Gray Ghost" THE GREAT METROPOLITAN SERIAL Featuring Priscilla Dean, Harry Carter, Eddie Polo, Emory Johnson — direction Stuart Patonf* Based on "Loot," by Arthur Somers Roche, which had a tremendous following among Saturday Evening Post readers. A gripping story of a mysterious— nervy — and daring crook. "The Voice on the Wire" THE MYSTERY SERIAL Featuring Ben Wilson, Neva Gerber, Jos. Girard — direction Stuart Paton. A mystery serial that piques and baffles. Packs a powerful wallop in each installment. Watch for "THE MYSTERY SHIP" Book Through Any Universal Exchange