The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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tie MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY ft 1 ■ The MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY A Magazine for Exhibitors and others interested in films. Published Weekly by the Moving Picture Weekly Pub. Co., Inc. Editorial Offices 1600 Broadway, N. Y. Publication Offices 409 Pearl St., N. Y. PAUL GULICK Editor M. WINKLER _ Music Editor PETER PEPPER Interviews MARJORIE HOWARD Interviews JOE BRANDT Business Manager RAYMOND S. PECK Canadian Rep. IRVING MACK Chicago Corr. KINTARO SAKAMOTOJapan Correspondent ROBERT S. DOMAN—.London Correspondent BURTON RICE Paris Artist Subscription Price, $3.00 a year; Foreign, $3.50; jingle Copies, 10c. (Copyright, 1917, Universal Film Mfg. Co.) (All rights reserved.) UNIVERSAL CITY IN THE "TRIBUNE." UNIVERSAL CITY has found its way into F. P. A.'s justly celebrated column in the New York "Tribune." One Beatrice B. Bernheim, who has been wandering up and down the face of the earth seeking what she may put into alleged poetry, has made such an impression by her poetic genius upon Mr. F. P. A. that he has been reproducing her masterpieces in sequence in his column for a long time. On Sunday, Sept. 23, Miss Bernheim's metrical version of her impression of the film capital of the universe appeared, and is reproduced here: UNIVERSAL CITY. (Prom "Impressions," by Beatrice B. Bernheim.) A town of film and actor folk. Who have their tasks well planned. They laugh and sport and seem most gay. But must obey commands. The villain and the dancing girls Are best of friends — they flirt and eat, The cowboys cheer as their horses tear With spirit down the street. Little Zoe Rae in her queer pink frock Is eagerly waiting her turn ; Miss Peacock's here with raven locks And eyes where passions burn. Little we think when we see the plays The labor that's required for manv davs. (Next Stop: "DEL MONTE TO SAN FRANCISCO") Scenes from "Society's Driftwood" 8 Seeing New York With Hy Mayer 15 Advance Notices 17 Three Coming Butterflies 18-19 Dorothy Phillips Makes a Record, by Mar jorie Howard 20-21 Mobilizing America's Cartoonists for Current Events _...22-23 The Endings of Ten Episodes of "The Red Ace" 24-25 Canadian Notes, by Raymond S. Peck 27 Chicago Notes, by Irving Mack 27 Scenes from Current Events and the Animated Weekly 30 Bluebird Ideas 36 Putting It Over 37 L-Ko Notes ~ 39 Music, by M. Winkler 41 STORIES OF THIS WEEK Bondage, Bluebird Feature 12-13 Cross-Eyed Submarine, The, Star Featur ette 28 '49-'17, Butterfly Feature 34-35 Magic Jazz-Bo, The, Joker Comedy 36 Seeing New York, With Hy Mayer 15 Silent Terror, The, Universal Feature 11 Taming of Lucy, The, Gold Seal Feature .... 9 Temple of Terror, The, Bison Feature... 14 Universal Animated Weekly No. 94 29 Universal Current Events No. 23 31 Universal Screen Magazine No. 41 36 Vamping Reuben's Millions, L-Ko Feature.. 16 When Liz Lets Loose, Victor Comedy 47 Who Done It? Joker Comedy . _ 33 Wild and Wooly Women, Nestor Comedy.... 42 I I 3 l a