The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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-THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY 29 ANIMATED WEEKLY. NO. 91. 100 Miles In 54 Minutes, 10 Seconds /—Louis Chevrolet wins $10,000 Harkness Gold Trophy and makes new record. — Sheepshead Bay, N. Y. A Regular Daddy Fixes the Kids Up In Great Style.— Builds world's largest "Teeter Board" for his own and neighbors' kiddies. — Norfolk, Va. Spanish Revolutionists Yield To Machine Gun Argument. — Satalonians, threatening great seaport, are overawed by government. — Barcelona, Spain. Col. Harts, President's Aide, Granted Fighting Leave. — Asks permission to go "Over There" and fight, so Mr. Wilson assigns him to service which takes him to France. — Washington, D. C. French Veteran Instructors With Our Student Officers In the South.— Tricks, that will make the enemy realize that we mean business, being mastered in America. — Camp Warden McLean, Fort Oglethrope, Ga. President Wilson Honored As World's Greatest Humanitarian. — Receives medal of the Humanitarian Cult in recognition of his work for world's betterment. — Washington D. C. Here Are More of 'Em! — Selected men, now Uncle Sam's pet nephews, are busy getting ready for "The Day." — Governor's Island. New York. (Passed by Bureau of Public Information) . Quebec Bridge Completed After Much Trouble. — Fourteen years building, delayed by disaster last year, huge structure is a success. — Quebec, Canada. Sub-Titles.— One of huge hydraulic " pumps used in placing span. 640-foot span, weighing 7,000 tons, is hoisted 160 feet at six feet per hour, above St. Lawrence River. 27,000 "Rainbows" from Every State In Our Union Ready for the Word "Go!" — Secretary Baker, Maj. Gen. Tasker H. Bliss and many thousand others review one of the wedges which will pry autocracy loose from democracy's throat. — Camp Mills, Mineola, L. I. Sub-Titles.— "Here come Secretary Baker and General Bliss!" Our Secretary of War doffs his derby in salute. "Rainbows" in name, but bulldogs for fighting. Cartoons by Hy. Mayer, World Famous Caricaturist. SPECIAL— (St. Louis only). Music For Soldiers. — Ty Cobb, world's greatest baseball player, presents an armv victrola with records to the 23rd N. Y. Regiment, a gift from Mr. August A. Busch, wealthy St. Louis brewer. — Brooklyn, N. Y. Sub-Titles.— One of Mr. Busch's many patriotic deeds. Three cheers for Mr. Busch! Universal Specials For YOU Released Week of October 3. Book thru U Exchanges "The End of the Run" WHAT kind of a show are you giving Feature, program or part vaudeville? These Universal Specials will fit into any moving picture or vaudeville program, and give it strength and balance. Get in touch with your nearest Universal Exchange now and book them all. Helen Gibson, on the extreme right, is about to leap from a speeding auto to a flying express train. The gentleman in the car is Val Paul, secret service man, and on the train is a crook who has been passing counterfeit money and throwing suspicion on Helen's dad. They get the crook in a smashing climax, you bet. A thrilling three-reel Gold Seal. Neal Hart in "The Get Away ff 2-REEL BISON 1^ 0 N our left we see Neal Hart, than whom, etc. However, several millions of fans consider Neal the nerviest, handsomest and most dashing of all Western stars. With Mignon Anderson he appears in a powerful two-reel Bison, "The Get Away," which provides the thrills of a man-hunt and the contrasting emotions of a love-at-firstsight romance. It has the punch and pep of a longer subject and you'd better book it and boost it, too.. "Little Marianna's Triumph tt -Keel Lena Basket tu Feature SHE can dance, little Lena Baskette, and she proves it in this beautiful grown-up juvenile two-reel drama of the stage, "Little Marianna's Triumph." It is a Lena Baskette Feature, and the dancing is a big part of the story. This will make a strong attraction for matinees. It will appeal to the kids and the grown-ups, too. Lena learns to dance, and then the old dancing master is discharged from the theatre. Lena goes on a strike, which ends only when her teacher is restored to his position. You'll be glad you booked this. / (S