The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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30 -THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY Universal Animated Weekly No 91 Colonel Harts, President's aide, is (/ranted fighting leave, and is assigned service which takes him to France. Secretary Baker and General Bliss at Camp Mil Is, Mmeola, L. I. Louis Chevrolet wins $10,000 Harkness Gold Trophy and makes new record, Sheepshead Bay, N. Y. Universal Current Events No 21 Below— Baron Ishii and the Imperial Japanese Comission reach New York. After reviewing their fighting guard, the new 169th regiment, and being extensively feted, they depart for France. A Patriotic winner. Escoba, Jockey Knapp up, wins $7,000 Kentucky Futurity. Owner, Alexander, now driving ambulance in F ranee, donates it to the Red Cross. The Big Push at Case School, Cleveland, O., between Sophomo r e s and Freshmen. \\ 1 \