The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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32 -THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY You Need These Universal Comedies RELEASED WEEK OF OCT. 22. Book through UNIVERSAL Exchanges. NESTOR ONE REEL causes a merry room while Eddie is py ending is provi place on the fire "A Fire Escape Finish" Lee Moran is the favored lover in "A Fire Escape Finish," one-reel Nestor, but the girl loves Eddie Lyons. Considerable strategy is necessary to complete their plan of eloping, and a meeting at a hotel, where the couple must register, mix-up. Lee finds the girl in her hunting for the parson, and a hapded when the ceremony takes escape. A bully good Nestor. "Fat and Furious" Myrta Sterling does not deny that she is fat, and the audiences will agree that this L-KO sets a furious pace. It's in two reels and the title, "Fat and Furious," isn't nearly as funny as the comical stunts of the merry jokers in the L-KO company. Book this and give yourself a happy time in the box-office. ft The Tight Wad" ONE-REEL JOKER Can you make a swell lid for your wife by picking a few flowers and sticking them in the brim of an old straw hat? That's what Bill Franey does in "The Tightwad," one-reel Joker. Gale Henry, as his wife, tries to spend Bill's money, and the comedy is full of situations that will invite the giggles and command roars of laughter. ONE-REEL JOKER "The Wise Dummy" Max is going to get into trouble if he doesn't stop flirting with his neighbor'sā€” well, with every personable young person | he sees. Max runs a pawnshop and his next-door neighbor has a clothing store. Max insists on talking to the lady cashier and is ordered out of the place. He is caught sneaking back and takes refuge behind a clothing dummy. That's where we eet the title "A Wise Dummy" (One-Reel Joker), because they haven't been able to "get" flirty Max yet. Book this and give everybody in your town a big laugh. " What'll We Do With Uncle" -^fefff^ The problem of "What'll We Do With Uncle?" One-Keel Victor Comedy, is solved bv Henry Murdoch in the last title. Henry, hungry, and disappointed in love, ^ intends suicide, and sells his body for ten bucks. With .that much coin life seems sweet. Then his uncle dies land leaves him a billion dollars and he proposes to the undertaker that he take uncle at seven-fifty. A scream. Book the releases listed here thru your nearest Universal Exchange, or from UNIVERSAL, FILM MFG. CO., Carl Lacmmle, President, Concern , 1)1 ii mil V . ā€” ā€” . President, "The Largest Film Manufacturing in the Universe," 1600 Broadway, New York. BLUEBIRD Publicity Department WANTS to KNOW If exhibitors of Bluebirds find in Bluebird Press Sheets the right kind of material for their house programs. If there is a better way to supply the exhibitor with program helps and publicity for his local newspaper, we are here to do the needful. We request exhibitors of Bluebirds to write their ideas and suggestions in a letter addressed as below. Also mail us a copy of your house program, to show us how you handle Bluebird publicity in advance of "Bluebird Day." Help us to help you. Don't forget to mail program. Address PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT BLUEBIRD PHOTOPLAYS 1600 BROADWAY NEW YORK Notice to the Trade. The following productions have been started at Universal City. The titles have been looked up at Washington and enjoy priority over any other similar titles: HIS STRENUOUS CURE THE BAD MAJI'S BAD MAGIC THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S STORY SKIDDING HEARTS MISS SUMMERVILLE'S DECEPTION THE LIGHTHOUSE ROMANCE THE DESERT CODE THE SAGE BRUSH FEUD CAVE MAN STUFF PEACHES AND PITS AN INNOCENT DECEIVER COME TO I QUIT THE FIFTH BOY WASHED INTO SCANDAL