The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY — -35 MEW™ 49-17 wixigoSEBt GlRflRDANDL£0 PERSON CAST. Judge Brand Joseph Girard Tom Robbins Leo Pierson Ma Bobbett Mrs. Witting Lady Ann Bobbert Donna Drew Col. Hungerford. . . Harry Rattenberry "Gentleman Jim" Rayner Jean Hersholt Adapted for the Screen and Produced by Ruth Ann Baldwin. Lady Ann looked like a spring flower in her muslin frock. about to kill himself when Ma Bobbett stopped him. The Judge promises to pay the money to Jim if it is necessary. On their way home Tom pushes Jim out of the way and continues on with Lady Ann. Later Tom is suddenly grabbed and dragged away. In the morning he finds himself in the bottom of a pocket in the hills. Tom's absence at camp has caused much comment. The Judge starts out after him and they meet after Robbins has escaped from the pocket. Tom begins unloading his pockets of ore specimens. The Judge tells Robbins he thinks he has struck the Mother Lode. The next morning a cowboy shouts that the safe has been "busted open" and that all the money is gone, as well as the entire stock of guns and ammunition. Rayner now appears with two guns, and orders everyone to dump out their cash. Warning the people to remain in the house for twenty minutes, Rayner rides to the hotel, where he forces Lady Ann to mount a horse and ride away with him. Upon the Judge's instructions, Tom and the boys leave, carrying a riata. On a rock trail above that on which Jim and Lady Ann are riding, Tom "Can I have $50,000 if I really am an heiress?" and the Judge wait. The Judge swings the riata over Jim, scooping him off his horse. Tom rushes down to Lady Ann, while the Judge slides down the rope on top of Rayner and ties him up. Rayner makes a full statement. Then the Judge telsl the story. Twenty years ago Rayner, Bobbett and a stranger played cards together, when Rayner cheated and the stranger drew his gun; Bobbett pulled his gun and fired; the stranger dropped and the others grabbed up their baggage and fled. "Gentleman Jim" has held the stranger's death over Bobbett's head ever since. But the stranger was the Judge himself. Bobbett now says that Jim Rayner made him say that Lady Ann was Lorena Adams. The Judge tells that Lorena Adams was found five years ago. "But Lady Ann will look just as pretty in a bride's veil, eh, Tom?" he adds, slyly.