The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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42 THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY LIBERTY" brings 22 weeks of gripping situations — tense scenes — thrillingly patriotic punches that keeps every one of your patrons on the edge of their chairs while each episode is being shown. "WILD AND WOOLLY WOMEN." "LIBERTY" has the same star and the same director as the "Red Ace." These two, working together, have practiced the most wonderful serials ever shown. You can't lose either. Book "LIBERTY" and you will have an acknowledged leader among money getting serials. Book through any Universal Exchange, or UNIVERSAL FILM MFG. CO., Carl Laemmle, President, "The Largest Film Manufacturing Concern in the Universe," 1600 Broadway, New York • v : lE'LL go on a real hike, and leave the boys alone. Horrid things! saying that girls can't get along without them." "We'll show them whether we need them along or not." "We'll have a better time without them, anyway!" The girls are indignantly setting out on a hike, as the boys of the co-ed college have annoyed them by saying that they can't manage a trip alone. "We can't let them get away with it, fellows," says Eddie. "We've got to get something on them or we'll never hear the last of it." At that minute a spasm passes over the sneaking countenance of his chum, Lee. "Where does it hurt you?" cries Eddie solicitously. "Hurt me ? Wadda ye mean — hurt me? I've got an idea!" The girls were preparing their lunch and enjoying the freedom of the male attire they had donned for the hike, when suddenly from out of the bushes came a bloodcurdling yell. The next moment they were all captured by a band of bad men, and rushed off, willy nilly, to a neighbor-^ ing ranch. Here they were given terrible things to do, like milking great big cows with horns and everything, feeding nasty, dirty pigs and driving squawking hens out of the garden. Hot and exhausted, the bad men declare that all hands must bathe in NESTOR COMEDY. By FRED PALMER. CAST. College Boy Eddie Lyons His Chum Lee Moran Co-Ed Charmer Edith Roberts Produced by Clements. Scenario by Fred Palmer. The Bad Men and the Wild Women. the creek. This is too much. The girls cannot decide what to do. The bandits, meantime, begin to undress right before them, taking off their guns first. This gives Edith an idea. Quickly grabbing the nearest gun, she signals to the others to follow suit, and the bovs find themselves backed into the water, where they are forced to take off their property whiskers and reveal their identity. "And cross your hearts that you'll never do it again, or we won't let you out of the water all night," says E'dith sternly. And every heart was crossed with one movement. UNIFORM STANDARD. Bluebird Photoplays, Inc., Butte, Mont. Gentlemen — About two months ago the local Bluebird manager at Butte induced me to cancel "Paramount" in favor of Bluebirds. In justice to the treatment I have received on part of the Bluebird Photoplays and judging from the excellent service I have been getting, I am more than pleased at having changed to Bluebird features. They get me more money and are of a uniform standard that seem to be sadly missing in other productions I have handled. Yours trulv, W. W. FREEMAN, Mgr., Imperial Theatre. Great Falls, Mont.