The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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m j^iays an ers "A banking house," said Mr. J. P. Morgan, "dees business on its character.'' Jewel is willing to state that photoplays can be bought on this same basis of confidence in the dealer's judgment. But, just as you wisely prefer the banker with the broadest knowledge and widest experience, so you will deal with that dealer in pictures whose care for his best interests will take perfectly equal care of your own. During the past four months Jewel has selected for you, or released, only eight pictures. But the House of Morgan was never characterized by the quantity of its offerings — it is chiefly known for big issues of sound investments — and Jewel Productions proposes to sell you pictures in precisely the same way. If this strikes you as good policy, you will very likely purchase when we recommend, simply because it is Jewel that recommends. Nothing could please us moreyourself. or secure greater profit for INC.