The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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•THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY— 5 Hurry Carey to ihe Aid of the Nation; He Would Help to Drive the Bolshevist From Our Midst; May Discard Ponies Rodgh-Riding Star Might Come to Omaha to Curb the Reds. is Harry Carey, Universal star, come to the aid of the nation. Many folk thought he had been in training with his gang of bronco busters solely for film purposes. Tain't so, entirely. Carey wants to help drive out the bolsheviki. So he has offered the services of his rough-Eiders to combat the reds. He believes his sharpshooters from the plains would obtain effective results. However, he says they may have to discard their, ponies it they are to invade the east side. New York, to drive anarchy from that melting pot. Carey himself, if necessary, will go unaided into the red retreats to use his shootin' irons against the menace of radicalism. M. G. Rogers, publicity expert in the Omaha offices of Universal, has a big idea. He has heard there are a lot of red in Omaha, and more on the way. He thinks if the bolsheviki set rampant in Omaha, Carry might be persuaded to come here td aid the local authorities in keeping anarchy down to a minimum in the Gate City. Rogers ideas have been visualized by an expert of The Omaha Dally N'cws in the accompaning cartoon. -+>*IHyAKlKS. ' 1 ■*3 iVeCL CW ffOT as n and & gin 01 nigh ideals. Figuring in the web is a man of lax morals and a'| hot-headed but adored brother who is sentenced for i"nurder. It is at the Empress for the ^week-end. PEG 0' MY HEART." A movie of "Peg o' My Heart" hai een completed by Famous Players It is the play in whieJ' T — T» ^-1 — I — fr/>^/> car or hohit/ CAJv/mp >JifH-dAO<i~ft§z& Gdr%oon in an Omaha paper where Carey is and very popular, slio icing: how to deal with t Sander lin Issued Souvenir Pro grammar '%asca 55 REALIZING the tremendous popularity of Frank Desprez's poem, "Lasca." Manager Sanderlin of the Tudor Theatre of Atlanta, Ga., did a wise thing. He got up a souvenir program for the theatre containing a Christmas wish for his patrons on the outside cover, a beautiful photograph of Frank Mayo, the star, on the inside cover and a reproduction of the poem itself facing the photograph. He played to capacity business during his run and hundreds of people "expressed to Mr. Sanderlin their appreciation of his souvenirs. Here are two letters which Mr. Sanderlin sent to the Moving Picture Weekly as evidence of the appreciation expressed to him by word of mouth and by letter: MUTUAL LIGHT & WATER CO. Brunswick, Ga. Dec. 22, 1919. The Tudor Theatre, Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen': I note in the Atlanta papers that you are to have the poem "Lasca" on the screen, and that you are giving away souvenirs in the shape of a THE TUDOR Temple of Motion Pictures Personal Direction Wm. Oldknow Joe H. Sanderlin, Manager Atlanta, Georgia WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL HOLIDAY PROGRAM FRANK MAYO bookler/'-eontaining the complete pofem. Forborne time,*1 have been tS^ng. to get a copy of this poem, but have , ' been unsuccessful. I am enclosing stamps that may cover the booklet, and am going to ask you to'mail me a copy. By so doing, you will greatly favor the undersigned, and when next in the city, I will drop in at the Tudor and stay a while. Yours truly, J. P. Brooks. in "LASCA" Music by TUDOR ORCHESTRA Vincent Kay John Gordon Moore Director Organist The front cover of Programme. Y. M. C. A. Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Joe H. Sanderlin, Mgr., Tudor Theatre, Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir: After seeing the wonderful presentation of "Lasca" at your theatre, I must confess that it is indeed a beautiful picture with a splendid moral. If possible I would like very much to buy from you a copy of the poem "Lasca." If you have none to sell me, then perhaps you can tell me where I can buy a copy. Thanking you for your kindness,I am, yours truly, Geo. E. Chancellor.