The Moving Picture Weekly (1917-1919)

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-THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY Posters and Comments Twenty-four sheet poster for "The Great Radium Mystery." HERE ARE UNDISPUTED DENVER FACTS The Strand Theatre, Denver, has run two serials— "THE RED GLOVE" and "THE MIDNIGHT MAN"— both Universal made. The Strand is one of Denver's leading theatres, charging a 25-cent admission. They have established such a serial following with the two above-mentioned serials that other first-run houses on Curtis Street have now decided to book serials. Mr. Edw. Hibben, manager of the Strand Theatre, viewed three episodes of "THE LION MAN" and immediately contracted for the first-run showing. Following this, The Plaza, another Curtis Street theatre, booked the second run. Despite the fact that the release date was several weeks off. every exhibitor who viewed the first three episodes of "THE LION MAN" immediately booked it. The following theaters have already booked "THE LION MAN," which in itself we feel is quite a recommendation for its merits, because these managers KNOW a good serial when they see oae. Strand Denver Plaza Denver Bijou Denver Grand .... Denver Ogden Denver Webber Denver Emblem Denver Rourke La Junta Critcher Pueblo Rex Raton Mutual Las Vegas Rialto Trinidad Ideal Albuquerque Hub Casper The Odeon Colorada Springs ABOUT THE STORY Maverick Thermopolis Elk Worland Rex „ Basin Hub Cowley Armada ..... Lovell Lyric Sterling Star Holly "The Lion Man" is taken from "The Strange Case of Cavendish," by Randall Parrish, a story that has been read by millions. It is the story of a girl reporter detective who is endeavoring to unravel the mystery of the millionaire Cavendish's death and the whereabouts of the "real" will. The settings are in Los Angeles and in the mountains of Arizona. It was directed by Al. Russell and stars Kathleen O'Connor and Jack Perrin. SIX REASONS WHY "THE LION MAN" WILL PROVE A WINNER 1. UNIVERSAL made it! .2. It's their banner serial. 3. The story has such interest-holding power that your patrons can't help but stick to the end. 4. 6. The man character, "The Lion Man," is the strangest character on the screen — his strangeness is good publicity. The advertising possibilities are unlimited. The cast includes Kathleen O'Connor, Jack .Perrin Gertrude Astor and Barnev Sherry.