The Moving Picture Weekly (1918-1919)

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-THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY ■89 "BRASS BULLET," SCREEN MAGAZINE, CURRENT EVENTS AND ANIMATED WEEKLY. "THE BRASS BULLET." Episode No. 5 — Two Reels. "THE MOCK BRIDE." UNIVERSAL ANIMATED WEEKLY No. 37. CAST. Rosalind Joy Juanita Hansen Jack James Jack Mulhall Spring Gilbert Joe Gerard Victor King Ashton Dearholt Mrs. Strang Helen Wright Dr. Canfield Harry Dunkinson JAMES is sinking in the quicksand. Gilbert and King, on the cliff above, refuse to rsecue him unless Rosalind agrees to marry King at once. She finally agrees and the ceremony is performed before James is pulled to the top. Although weak from his experience, James becomes infuriated when he sees Rosalind being carried off by King 2tnd attacks both King and Gilbert. During the fight Rosalind runs to the coach, where the sheriff, Dr. Canfield, Mrs. Strang and several deputies have landed from the police boat, and persuades them to separate the struggling men. Mrs. Strang then accuses James of the murder of Homer Joy and he is arrested. James is imprisoned in the Joy home. He is puzzled when Mrs. Strang, his accuser, shows him a secret exit and tells him her plan to help him escape. She fires a revolver to attract the crowd to her. James forces Dr. Strang to accompany him in an attempted rescue of Rosalind, who, in the meantime, has been carried off to Gilbert's yacht. The suitcase containing the money, which had been left under Rosalind's pillow by Harry, the man of mystery. Look out for has been found by her but is left carelessly on the beach by King, who does not know its contents. Back in the Joy home, the deputies discover the hidden trap in the laboratory. James manages to escape and, with Dr. Sanfield, staits for the yacht. Stenographers — Typists. — You are urgently needed by the Government for important war work. See representative U. S. Civil Service Commission, Post Office, any city. Barber Buys Gun and Wins Championship.— John Henry, who trims hair in Elkhart, Ind., had a hunch he could shoot and proved it by winning the Grand American Handicap for Trapshooters. — Chicago, III. French Zouve Band Carries London by Storm. — Seventy bronzed bandsmen in their picturesque blue and red Oriental unifoiTns, escorted by battlescarred veterans of many conflicts, arouse London to high pitch of excitement.— London, Eng. Labor Department Recruits Men for Army of Industry. — Hundreds of laborers from the West arrive in the National Capital for work in the shipyards along the Potomac. — Washington, D. C. Wonders of Science Reduce Horrors of War. — Wounded Tommies recently returned from battle-front hospitals show what can be done with artificial hands and arms at British War Exhibit.— San Francisco, Cal. Women Workers Aid Britain In War-Time Saving. — King George and Queen Mary visit one of the great depots where soldiers' shoes from the front, returned as worn out, are repaired by women shoemakers replacing men in the army. — London, Eng. Beauty of the Screen Adopted by Naval Lads. — Mary MacLaren, beautiful Universal star, is made a daughter of the "Annapolis of the West" by the formal presentation of a commission making her a junior officer. — San Pedro, Cal. "Battle Plane 1.000" 7s On the Way To Smite the Hun! — Employees of the DaytonWright Aeroplane Company let loose their patriotism as the thousandth swift cruiser of the air is completed and s^nt r^nid rejoicings on its way to France. — Dayton, 0. Baker Greets Wounded Heroes of Rheims Salient. — First of American wounded to arrive at Walter Reed Hospital are visited bv Secrstarv of War Baker and Chief of Staff General Peyton C. March. — Washington, D. C. In London With "Sammies" and the Sailors. — They used to think it a queer place, but now they're quite at home and having a e:ood time and raise Old Glory religiously every morning at their camps and canteens. — T.ondnn, Ena. Belgium. — 'Mids+ ruin and desolation, and threatened with complete extinction her Hero has stood, broken bu*^ not crushed haly. — On the heights, confident and unafraid, he awaits the barhaTou; enemv, constantly alert, with defian'. banner lifted France. — He will not soon fox'get the nameless wrongs of the despoiling stranger, nor yield his hard-won liberty to the encroaching Hun England. — Battling without fear, oblivious to shot and shell, he stands in a veritable inferno, stoical and unmoved America. — That men everywhere may breathe the air of human freedom; that nations weak and helpless may no longer be vandalized and trodden down; that the world may become forever safe from the tyranny of militarism— the American boys with Old Glory go "over the top!" Look out for "THE EXTRA BRIDEGROOM. Lyons-Moran Star Comedy. CAST. Grocery Boy Eddie Lyons Butcher Boy Lee Moran Grocer Fred Gamble His Daughter Dorothy De Vore The Rival Harry Nolan pD, a grocery clerk, and Lee, a butcher boy, both working in Gamble's store, are in love with Gamble's daughter but neither knows that Harry, a wily devil, also likes Dorothy. The boys are invited to a party at Dorothy's house. Ed buys a bug box of flowers and Lee a box containing a large bottle of perfume. Ed, thinking Harry his friend, shows the latter the flowers. Harry then tells Lee and helps Lee to substitute vgegtables for the flowers, when Ed isn't looking. Then Lee shows Hariy the perfume box. Harry tells Ed and helps Ed to substitute vegetables for the perfume in Lee's box. Each of the boys think he has put it over on the other but Harry, the false friend, -has a quiet laugh all to himself, knowing he has fooled both of them. At the party that nifht Ed and Lee give the boxes to Dorothy, who leaves the boys in a rage when she finds only vegetables in them. The boys get into a fight and throw the vegetables at each other. Stray turnips and cabbages and tomatoes hit guests in the other room and Dorothy's father puts the boys out. The next morning at the store they are fired. As they leave, their misery is deepened by the sight of Dorothy pinning to the lapel of Harry's coat one of the roses which Harry had stolen, with the nerfume. from the bovs the night before, and ■^'-ith which he ha ! won the favor of <^he girl.