The Moving Picture Weekly (1918-1919)

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— THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY — ■21 "The Silk -Lined Burglar AT A GLANCE. SUBJECT — "The Silk Lined Burglar." LENGTH— Five reels. STAR— Priscilla Dean. PREVIOUS HITS— "The Wildcat of Paris," "The Brazen Beauty," "Kiss or Kill," "The Two-Soul Woman," etc. DIRECTED BY Jack Dillon. STORY BY Jack Boyle. ORIGINALLY APPEARING IN The Red Book as a Blackie Daw story. SCENARIO BY Fred Myton. SUPPORTING CAST — Ashton Dearholt, Sam De Grasse, Lillian West, Sam Appel, Fred Kelsey. LOCALE— New York City. TIME— To-day. THUMB-NAIL THEME — The story of a daring girl who, to help her sweetheart, a Secret Sei-vice agent, hires a crook to i-ob the safe of a spy suspect. ADVERTISING PUNCHES. 1 — The popularity of the star, Priscilla Dean, and her recent successes, "The Brazen Beauty," "Kiss or Kill" and "The Wildcat of Paris." 2 — Its authorship, by Jack Boyle, and its appearance as a story in the Red Book Magazine. 3 — The fact that it shows the best-drawn type in crook fiction since "Get-Rich-Quick" Wallingford, " Boston Blackie," criminal par excellence. 4 — ^The appearance of Priscilla Dean in boy's clothing. 5_The fact that it gives Miss Dean an entirely new type of role and marks the start of a series of underworld stories for this star. 6— That Ashton Dearholt is again Miss Dean's leading man. 7 — That Miss Dean breaks into her sweetheart's room in her efforts to foil the villain — and is caught. By Jack Boyle. Directed by Jack Dillon. CAST. Doris Macon Priscilla Dean Robert Melchoir Ashton Dearholt Boston Blackie Sam De Grasse Michael Delano < Sam Appel Mary Lillian West Capt. von Hoffmeier Fred Kelsey gLACKIE rises to the lure of adventure like a trout to the fly. Laughing at his wife's fears, he answers an advertisement for a thoroughly efficient safe cracker, where the jazz and the one-step flourish — he meets, by appointment, Doris Macon. Blackie's practiced eye sizes her up in an instant — she is "straight," this young, superbly clad, beautiful girl who sits awaiting him in the rich glow of the shaded lamp in a nook of the reception room. Being straight, what can she want with a safe-cracker? Blackie's unspoken question is soon answered. All she asks is that Blackie shall go with her to a house not her own, enter with a key she will give him, follow a printed plan of the house to a wall-safe hidden behind a panel, blow the safe and turn the contents over to her. For that he will receive $500. Frankly the girl admits that the contents of the safe are not her property, "legally." But morally she insists she has every right to them in the world. "And you couldn't fail. Of course, if you are afraid " It is enough. Blackie takes the hook amd at midnight follows blindly as the girl leads the way into a great house standing dark and tenantless in the mids t of magnificent grounds. FOR THE HERALD. Would This Interest You in an Adv.? Wanted — Thoroughly efficient safe-cracker, one used to taking risks. Remuneration ample. Apply at once, please. Address Box 2430, Blade. That's the way the latest Priscilla Dean Special Attraction begins. "The Silk-Lined Burglar" is its name, and action and suspense are its keynotes from the opening iris to the final fadeout. It's a Boston Blackie story, made .from one of Jack Boyle's famous Red Book crook stories. There's a real safe-cracker who has made monkeys of the police; there's a rich young society girl who needs a safe-cracker in her business — whatever that may be! There's a young Secret Service agent who is at his wits' end how to stave off the ruin of his professional career — until the girl and Blackie solve the problem. To tell more would spoil the enjoyment of one of the best treats this theatre has offered this season. See "The Silk-Lined Burglar" when it comes here on What happens there, when the owner returns as the safe is blown open and when young Robert Melchoir of the U. S. Secret Service, Doris' sweetheart, comes in at the door as Doris and Blackie go out at the window — these and the surprising developments that follow when Doris climbs through the transom of Melchoir's apartment — all go to make one of the swiftest, t^sest screen dramas of the year. See ' "The Silk-Lined Burglar" here next ADVERTISING CATCH UNES The story of a feminine Jimmie Valentine. If you wanted to hire a safe-robber, where would you get one? Why, advertise! Priscilla Dean does in "The SilkLined Burglau*." The latest adventures of Boston Blackie. Would you become a safe-cracker to help the man you love? The society queen meets the king of the safe-crackers. The crook play de luxe, with the f zunous Boston Blackie at the helm. Just as she blew the safe, the owner put his key in the door. Zowie!!