The Moving Picture Weekly (1919-1922)

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<1he Cleverest Novelty on Any Screen Cinema Luke" Produced under direction of Leslie Elton . Process Pats. Pdf IF you, the Exhibitor, haven't personally seen "Cinema Luke" you've missed the cleverest mind-tickler that the screen has ever shown. You've seen trick stuff before, but you never saw anything that could touch this. In addition to being absolutely the very finest animated cartoon ever made the perfection with which the artist at his board and the figure on the screen work — and talk — and play together makes the ap pearance of "Cinema Luke" the signal for instant applause. People sit back and say with a laugh — "Now we'll see something really clever — really funny." Space will not permit a description of this marvelous novelty invented by Leslie Elton, an exclusive feature of the NEW SCREEN MAGAZINE, but if you will view it at your nearest Universal Exchange you will be well repaid for your time and trouble. "I'm lonesome, Art1 How about a chicken? " Say1 I mean the kind that orders ec/c/$ — not lays 'em!" Right you are, LukeHere She Is" IheNEW SCREEN