The Moving Picture Weekly (1919-1922)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WEEKLY WHATU YOU DO WITH YOUR NEW YEAR? No. 253 Straight from the Shoulder Talk by Carl Laemmle, President, Universal Film Manufacturing Company I hope you'll have more than a Happy New Year! I hope you'll have the best year you ever lived, not only in health and happiness, but in prosperity ! But the New Year will be what you make it, not what someone hopes it, particularly in the matter of prosperity. Practically all of you have had a fat share of prosperity in the year just closing, but many of you were successful in spite of your own mistakes in booking. Prohibition helped you. All sorts of after-the-war conditions helped you. In fact it has been "The Exhibitor's Year." You can make the New Year another "Exhibitor's Year," but you'll have to do some of the making yourself. You won't be carried along on the tide quite so easily as you were during the year just ending. Maybe it isn't polite and nice to tell you that your past success was not of your own making, but it's a good scheme to face the New Year with a clear understanding of what's what. For example, exhibitor competition is going to have some hot spots this New Year. Territories where the exhibitor has been the czar are going to have new theatres. Czaring is not going to be such a cinch. The former czar will have to lay away his crown, doff his ermine robe, put on some overalls and work for a living. By that I mean that the exhibitor will have to do his booking with his brains and his showmanship and not with a lead pencil. The Universal has, without doubt, made not only the biggest but the best pictures of the past year. There is no argument on that point at all. We've sprung more novelties than anyone in the business. We've kept away from the stereotyped stuff. We've supplied the original pictures and the unexpected things that have kept many a theatre from dying of dry rot. Flushed with our success in this respect, we're going to give you even bigger and better productions during the New Year. Our part is done when we make the goods you want. After that it's up to you to keep so well posted that you'll know what is ready for you. And as soon as you know that, just that minute you will ask the nearest Universal salesman to honor you with a visit. You'll have a Happy New Year and a prosperous one if you use the brains God gave you!