Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1913)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 503 Released I IVednesday, August 6 __ "Shipwrecked" ^ THE central figure in this intensely interesting picture is a valet who believes in "The Equality of Man." When the yacht of his employer sinks and the party establishes itself upon a desert island, the true fibre of the shipwrecked people becomes evident. It is the valet who rules the community and convinces a girl of high station that there is something in this world besides money. It's a Kalem in 2 reels. CE dOa Was a Good One" when he left a house served by General Film "but every one of these was a ten-strike. We must come here again." Perhaps that man didn't know that he had General Film to thank for m superiority of the single reels, as well as the multiples, that holds a Hence in this week's forty single reels which we haven't room to adver COMPANY, (Inc.) NEW YORK a Released Friday, August 8 The House of Mystery" AN exciting detective story of a gang of pickpockets and a girl who drops into their life because her fiance happens to buy her a hat like those worn by the women of the gang. An ingenious touch is an approach to the thieves' house through a phone booth in the store next door. Action ? Lots of it in this two-reel picture by KleineCines.