Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1913)

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THE MOVING PldURE WOKLD 56-1 ■ ^^ -t^^ 1 "t^ fX !• o in 111 g THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO The most wonderful war picture ever produced Thousands of soldiers and horses * This ■R'adeMapfe The Guarantee of Exeellenee on Goods Eleetpieal. Better Light for Your Machine The first requirement of good projection is a powerful steady light. An arc lamp using direct current from a G-E Rectifier gives the finest light that can be obtained. The light is powerful and does not flicker like the light of an alternating current arc. The G-E Rectifier not only improves the quality of the light." but at the same time it reduces the cost for current, because the rectifier furnishes current at the exact voltage needed by the lamp. Losses in rheostats are therefore entirely eliminated. Further information and prices on request. General Electric Company Motion Picture Rectifier Set Front View General Office: Schenectady, N. Y. Sales Offices in Fifty-Four Cities 4279 The "R-adg Mark. oP^the.Lapgeat Eleetpieal Kanafactupep in The Wopld.