Moving Picture World (Jan-Mar 1914)

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lO THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD mm^^S^ FAMOUS FEATURES A YE AR. ' >. • liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniTmiTn?! DANIEL ^"^^ ^' FROHMAN "^ PRESENTS // The Distinguished Dramatic Favorite niiiiiiiiiijiiiiii > • ^ J'iade/efne Zucette /Sy/ey IN MOTION PICTURES -.V % .*/. zr\ Hir^B John Barrymore as Beresford Cruger "Good-bye, old man!" "An American Citizen," the world-famous' comedy, presents an exciting trans-conti1 nental romance, in which numerous comic complications center about a young American, who, in the midst of all his defeats and victories, never forgets his patriotism, i though for a time, due to a chivalrous impulse, he is forced to forego his American ' citizenship, which he eventually regains, ' together with love and fortune. \ John Barrymore, in the role of Beres ] ford Cruger, who chivalrously sacrifices nationality and fortune and faces all his reverses with a never-say-die fortitude typically American, adds another artistic achievement to hislist of stellar triumphs. "You ought to see the other fellow!" IN FOUR REELS, RELEASED JANUARYJ [lOth Ce( Ihe Famous Plo\ers Pester Supplement in the"Morning Telegraph Motion Picture Weekly," of Sunday, Jan. llth, 1914 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiitiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii f§ FAMOUS FEATURES FAMOUS PLAYERS EXFCUTIVE OFFICES 213-229 W. 26th STREET NEW YORK *.>»iV.