Moving Picture World (Jan-Mar 1914)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 33 Motion Picture Exhibitors League WISCONSIN ORGANIZED AT LAST. The Oshkosh Convention of the M. P. E. L. of America, Results in a Real Organization in That State. By James S. McQuade. THE convention held at Oshkosh, December i6th and 17th, was one of the most harmonious and delightful it has been my good fortune to attend thus far. There was a spirit of good fellowship and brotherhood on all sides that was distinctly felt by every visitor. As a representative of The World. I was made to feel that I was also included as one of the band of good fellows, and I take this opportunity to show my appreciation of the sincere cordiality and hospitality extended me. The committee on arrangements, the members of which included John R. Ek, Arthur E. Gray, N. J. Hughes, H. E. Hogan and Charles Portier, were instant in season and out of season to extend a courteous welcome to every visitor and to entertain them royally. Our friend. Arthur E. Gray, is a whole host in himself, and while the convention lasted he availed himself of little sleep in order to uphold the good name of Oshkosh. Mr. Athearn, proprietor of the Hotel .\thearn, is a prince of good fellows, and all the visitors were entertained, not only as guests, but as personal friends. I cannot remember being better accommodated in any other city, large or small, as well as in Oshkosh, at the Hotel .Athearn. Mr. .\thearn even put himself to considerable inconvenience by assigning the green room, a spacious private dining-room, as a meeting-place for the convention. The various speeches made by President Neff during the convention proceedings appealed to all present, not only because of their appropriateness, but for the conciliatory spirit manifested towards all exhibitors— the bolters and their adherents included. There was not a single word of bitterness for anyone and no names were brought up for rebuke or excoriation. The pronounced contrast between President Neff's policy and that pursued by the officials and executive body of the International Moving Picture .Association at the meeting in the La Salle Hotel. Thursday afternoon. December i8th, was really remarkable. The following telegram from Carl Laemmle was received while the convention was in session, and read by President Neff: "Extend to assembled exhibitors and my many Oshkosh friends my cordial greetings, and to exhibitors, especially, my sincerest good wishes for the success and future welfare of their organization." The reading of the telegram was greeted with cheers and applause. The following pictures were projected in the lobby of the Hotel Athearn, Tuesday evening. December i6th : "Across t h e Continent" ■ (Pilot), "The Fall of Constantinople" (Gaumont), "Zu-Zu" (Keystone), and "His First Case" (.American). On the evening of December 17th, "A Bargain with Satan" (Ape.x), was specially shown at the Rex Theater, owned by Arthur E. Gray. Following are the names of members who served on the various committees : Constitution and By-laws — H. H. Burford, N. J. Houze, Harvey Hansen and John Herzinger. Grievance Committee — D. P. Long. A. M. Beglinger, Neil Duffy, Henry Goldman, John Karl and Mrs. P. J. Droske. Legislative Committee — H. A. Gray, O. Larson, W. S. Smith and F. W. Keller. Membership Committee — J. W. Clark, John . Olson, F. T. McCarthy and H. C. Zander. T. F. Wesley, special organizer for President Neff, deserves much praise for his effective work in Wisconsin. Securing seventy-two members in three weeks' time marks an efficient and tireless worker. Manufacturers, Supply Houses, etc., Represented. Manufacturers' supplies and film interests were represented as follows: Nicholas Power Co.. Bert Bohannon ; Wilboken Mfg. Co. (Veriscope machine). George A. Knaak; Bartola Mfg. & Sales Co. (Bartola instrument for picture theaters), Chas. C. Pyle, sales manager, Don Barton, inventor, and Harry Awl, demonstrator ; Marathon Theater Stores, W. E. Shymanski, manager ; Warner's Features, Phil H. Solomon, manager ; Pilot Film Corporation, H. G. Kosch, vice-president; J. B. O. Feature Film Service, H. R. Hedden, traveling representative: Continental Feature Film Corporation, I. .A. De Sommers ; Western Film E.xchange, Milwaukee, J. H. Mergener. manager; Celebrated Players Film Co., J. A. Schuerman ; General Feature Film Co., A. G. Spencer, secretary and treasurer, and R. R. Eunson ; Famous Players, Bert Barnett, who controls North and South Dakota, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and J. D. Bryson, manager Universal branch in .Minneapolis. List of Enrolled Members After Re-or*ganization. The following members are now enrolled in the reorganized Wisconsin state branch of the M. P. E. L. of -America : J. T. Stark, the Ideal, Grand Rapids; A. M. Eswein. the Bijou. Grand Rapids ; W. J. Raiehe, the Lyric, Marinette ; J. Follett, the Bijou, Oconto; William Van Dyke, the Vaudette. South Kaukauna : Olaf Larson, the Star, Peshtigo: W. I',. McKenna, the Mermac. Appleton ; J. P. Adler. Opera House, Marshfield: C. W. Rice, the Lfnique. Marshfield ; Neil Duft'v, the Flite, Apple ton; C. S. Cone, Grand Opera House, Wausau ; Charles Staehle, the Cosmo, WISCONSIN CONVENTION AT OSHKOSH Group of Exhibitors in Front of Athearn Hotel.