Moving Picture World (Jan-Mar 1914)

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1 142 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD ^ S ^\C hO^-o One good film deserves another, and so "Joseph in the Land of Egypt" is followed bv "CARDINAL <% 7^ «<"V^ ^Jk^ \^^ ■ RICHELIEU'S ^» ^%\V '^ ^^ > \\> WT4^ ward." James X%^-^^ ^*-'v ^ "^^ -aCj*" '^'■"^'^ follows himself in ^VV'' ^'VV ^ PV^ rCA^ ^ ''^''^ '"°^^ ^"d F'° La Badie Zm^ ^^^y^ A^ ^ •*■ V ,'^ '"s le.ulincr woman. She plavs Juhe De Mortemar. Morris Foster IS the Chevalier De Mauprat. Nolan Gane IS Francois. Justus D. Barnes is Huguet. Arthur Bower is Joseph. Lila Chester is Marion De Lorme. It is one of the best casts that has ever appeared m a motion picture. AND YOU NEVER SAW ThfSp?^4^^-^7^^ •^, ^lERSION OF THIS FAMOUS 1 HEME ! The film was the first "Thanhouser 'Big' Production" produced in its entirety in the great new Thanhouser Studio For some of the immense "sets," we use the entire vast new stage-half a . "^>' ^'o?l5 l°"f ' , Cardmal Richelieu's \^■ard" is a monument to the producing possibilities o the NE^\A' STUDIO. When you see it you will have real Richelien wrJ''''^ii° % ^"',^ 'l'?^" ^° "'^^' ^^^ productions. For you "Cardinal Richelieu. Ward wil not only be a money-maker, it will be a guide and a promise -a guide to our new facilities and a promise of things to come! Better see that neare;' Continental or Mutual teature office for the attractive arrangement that -ive von <^ o^ (( Thanhouser 'BIG' Productions" \ for exclusive first-run use for a full year in your locality. Absolute protection is yours under this system. No more advertising a feature heavily to learn the fellow down the street is going to get it, too. All in four reels and all BIG in stor)-, cast and settings. For March--"CARDINAL RICHELIEU'S WARD" with James Cruze and Flo La Badie THE THANHOUSER THREE-A-WEEK P^urTirthicrtlT'T ^■^''k°'' t^'^^'' ^^AySr introducing the Turner Twins, assisted by Dorothv Tordan. As the first moving 0 the "Lres Lns" ? '', "''" ""T."'^ "'" •^''' "'" ''^ '" "'-^^ ''^"^"'i ^= '" vaudeville and n,us,cal comedy eiTorts of the littlest twins have won them a national fallowing t»an which no stage kids have a greater. Jou^tnt Ltint7"^'f':.R''°p°^/ CI^OSS." TWO REELS, a Maude Fealy feature tJiat we put into the regular service to make ea"u rfor which a ir • , ;^ « ?; , """' "^ "™'' "= ^= ^ ^""^ ^-^^ '° """"'^"^^ "■«= '-"« ^'"f --^ ^^ ^^ts vou a Hora^ for which a state-nghts office would charge nice, money. Miss Fealy's support is Harry Eenham, Mignon Anderson and Charles -rif''; ^''';„'t''~"."^".'^J'' '^P'^ friend gives the favorite >rarguerite Snow in a one-reel subiect and in her first picture since .loseph in the Land of Egypt. It affords convincing proof that Miss Snow, on her return to the films, is doing better work than ever before in her picture career. Morris Foster makes his Thanhouser bow, an% jjstus D. Barnes does good work in this reel Thanhouser Film Corporation New Rochelle, N. Y. Head European Offices; Thanhouser Films, Ltd. loo Charing Cross Road. London, W. C. England.