Moving Picture World (Jan-Mar 1914)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 1297 ROBBED ! Many Moving Picture factories have been robbed in the past year. THIEVES! Burglars entered our laboratories Sunday night, stealing cameras, positive stock and negative valued at $150,000. RECOVERED! In less than 48 hours detectives assigned on the case recovered all the stolen property, arrested the thieves and procured their confession. PROTECTION! The stolen negatives with all of our other clients' negatives are now safely stored in our new FIREPROOF AKD BURGLAR-PRCOF CONCRETE STEEL VAULTS! GUARANTEE! Every foot of negative developed and positive printed by us is guaranteed to be perfect in every respect. DELIVERY! Work completed and delivered 24 hours after receipt of order. PRICES! Negatives developed Ic. per foot. Positives printed on Eastman stock, including tinting, toning and assembling, 4c. per foot. PROOF! All of this proves what WE DO to protect and satisfy our customers. SEEING IS BELIEVING! We cordially invite you to caJl and inspect our laboratories and studios. COMMERCIAL MOTION PICTURES CO., Inc. 102-104 West 101st Street NEW YORK CITY