Moving Picture World (Jan-Mar 1914)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 1759 l^OR the best music obtainable for motion -^ pictures find out about the new SEEBURG-MOTION-PICTURE-PLAYER Manufactured by J. p. SEEBURG PIANO CO., Republic Bld^., 209 S. State St.. CHICAGO Machines and Genuine Parts Edison-Powers-Simplex Motiograph-Edengraph Sold cash or time Send for new catalogue today. Bargains in Rebuilt Machine* Photo and Poster Frames, Curtains and Screens Write us today what you are interested in. AMUSEMENT SUPPLY CO. "Everything from screen to booth" I6O.A No. FIFTH AVENUE, CHICAGO FILM TITLES 6c PER FOOT POSITIVE PRINTING 5c PER FOOT 1000 feet, 4l4c ft. 5000 feet, 4c per ft. Negatives Developed Free CUNBY BROS., Inc. 145 West 45th Street NEW YORK CITY Onr Supreme Program Includes FOR ILLINOIS AND WISCONSIN AU HELEN GARDNER RELEASES AU FLORENCE TURNER RELEASES ALL KENNEDY'S FEATURES, INC. ALL CRITERION FEATURES A Feature Every Day or Any Day GENERAL FEATURE FILM CO, Inc. POWER'S BLDG. CHICAa9 Good Light Means Big Crowds Tk< Sindow Uorinf Pietare Deetric Uckl Plaal fii : Lliht I TOO w«nt it, at i-io tke eott af pttblle ferTlce. Carry vour own electric li^ta. Catalog loi Want iti tells yon Detroit Motor Car Supply Company, D«tro!t,MichicMi Mi /A /-_. 'HPf^P.i ::■; W^'i'tvn*^ ... Oi^iicuiientcil Thecttpes PLASTER RELIEF DECORATIONS Theatres Designed Everywhere Write br lUuslrBted Theatre Catalof. Send la Sizes of Theatre for Special Designs. THE DECORATORS SUPPLYCO. Archer Ave. and Leo St. CHICAGO, ILL. MAKE 'EM YOURSELF SLIDES Make them yourself. Written with pen and ink or typewriter. Three minutes to make a slide. Used for advertising slides, to announce future or feature programmes, for chorus slides when chorus slide is missing. We send four colors of gelatin. The slides look well and anyone can make them. They are handy also for announcing vaudeville acts. In fact, they may be readily used for anything you may wish to say to your audience. For the sum of $3.50 wc will send, by parcel post, prepaid and insured, the following: _ 24 cover glass, i package binder strips, i dozen mats, i instruction sheet, I form sheet and so strips assorted colors gelatin — enough for from 300 to 400 slides. Order now. Address: UTILITY TRANSPARENCY CO. 1733 West 9th St. Brooklyn. N. Y. EYE COMFORT Lighting System So necessary to the success of every Motion Picture Theatre that we engineer 60 Theatres a month. This is a free service to Motion Picture Theatre Managers. Distance Screen to Rear of Auditorium Ceiling Height Width of House Height Under Balcony ■ Distance Rear Auditorium to Front of Balcony Name NATIONAL X-RAY REFLECTOR CO. CHICAGO-229 W. Jackson Blvd. NEW YORK-6 E. 39lh Si.