Moving Picture World (Jan-Mar 1914)

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INDEX Faversham to Act For Playgoers 1531 Favors Increase In Admission Price 1104 Films In Education of Adults 924 Final Proceedings of Ohio Convention 791 "Fire and Sword" (Kismet)... 815 First American Censors. The 26 Five Reels 652 F. J. Carroll Will Make Pictures 54 "Fooling Uncle" (Beauty) .">22 Ford Sterling a Universal Star 1;191 "For Ireland's Sake" (Gauntier Played*)..., 526 ""For Napoleon and France" (Kleine-(!?ines) 1326 "Por the Queen's Honor" ( Ambrosio) 275 Fourth Annual Convention of Ohio 681 Frank Smith 158 "From Gutter to Footlights" (Apex) 78S "Frou Frou" (Thanhouser) 277 "IFulflllment. The" (Essanay) 1659 N'ew EdlsoD Series 1665 New Picture Making isi Xew Star, \ 1095 New York City Exhibitors 295 New York Operators' Ball 680 No Distinctions in Censorship 264 • No Lowering of Standards S89 No Man Big Enough to Be City's Censor 932 Now for the Screen Club Ball 548 O Observation By Man .\l)out Town 37. 161, 278, 400, 530, 667, 797. 936, 1095. 1223. 1372, 1511. 1670. Oklahoma Exhibitors' .Meeting 1218 "Old Curiosity Shop" (Blinkhorn) 1533 "Ou the Lazy Line'' (Edison) 275 Opened With Eclat 931 Oregon League Organized 294 "Over Niagara" (Sterling C. & I'^. Co.) 55 "Gambler's Revenge, The" (Pasquali) 180 "Gangsters of New York. Tie" (Reliance) 932 "Germinal' ' ( Pathe) 416 George .\lbert Smith Wins 663 Get Together at 'Frisco 1218 "Governor's Ghost, The" (Ramo) 1076 Great Historical Subject. A 954 "GYeat Mine Disaster, The'' ( Eclectic) 1215 "Grip of Circumstances, The" (Essanay) 393 H H. B. Coles 1663 "Hara-Kiri" (Apex) 295 "Hearts Adrift'* (Famous Players) 927 Herbert Brenon Still in Hospital 107O Herbert Brenon Home 1691 Herbert Prior ' 273 "Her Guilty Secret" (Gaumont) 177 "Hermit, The" (American) 524 H. Hirsch 1219 Hippodrome's ".\merioa" in Pictures 1510 "His Comrade's Wife" (Edison) 1.364 Hite Engages Tliree 1366 Ho<lkinson, Iconoclast 816 Home of the Vitagraph. The 401 "House of Bondage. The" (Photo Drama) 276 H. Winik 16.92 I Ideal Motion Picture Home. An 1225 Imperator Projet tor. The 1510 "Impersonator. Tlie" (Edison) 1534 lnter<'ontinent Film Company Begins 177 Interview With A. C. Rromhead (>56 "In Mizzoura" (All-star) -. 16SS "In the Python's Den" (Apex) 527 "In the Stretcli" (Ramo) 39.% Is the Nickel Show on the Wane? 1065 J .Tack London. Picture Writer 547 Jesse L. Lasky in Pictures 35 Jewish Religious Subject 1369 "Joan of Arc" (World Special) 790 Joe Brandt Is Back 56 Joseph Fornas Visiting New York 190 "Joseph's Trials in Egypt" (Eclectic) 983 J. Searle Dawley. Producer 531 "Judgment of the Jungle. The" (Gaumont) 1094 "Judith of Bethulia" (Biograph) 1242 Just Complaints of Exhibitors 784 "Justice" (Hepworth) 929 Kempton Greene "King Charles 11" (Mfgs. Film Agency). . 958 .1368 ladles' World Contest 56 "Lady of (Quality. A" (Famous Players) 153 Last Call for Ohio Convention 420 "I^ech of Industry, A" (Pathe) 16.58 "Let No Man Escape" (Essanay) 1067 Levlne Slated for London 1247 "Life's Temptations" (Midgar) 1091 "Lincoln the Lover" (Vitagraph) 523 "Lion and the Mouse, The" (Lubin) 659 Living Genealogical Tree 1222 "Love Everlasting" (Gloria) 277 M Maine ETxhibitors in Convention 957 "Man's Shadow. A" (Eclectic) 654 "Man Who Came Back, The" (.\m. Klneto) 109S Man With the Bark On. A 1243 Mark-Brock Consolidation. The 391 "Marriage of Figaro. The" (Kleine-Ambrosio) 655 Massachusetts Exhibitors at Springfield 1530 Massailmsetts Exhibitors Fight Legislation lf)99 Massachusetts Exhibitors' Special Meeting 1390 "Mephlstopbelia" (Savoia-Inglese) 1694 "Merchant of Venice" (Gold Seal) 813 "Message of the Sun-Dial, The" (Edison) X2 ".Mexican Rebellion. The" (Ammex) 396 "Mexican War Pictures" 6.57 Mexico 11191 "Michael Perrine" (Ambrosio) 953 "Million Bid, A" (Vitagraph) 658 Miss Jane Wolf 269 Missouri State Meeting 683 "Modern Mephisto, A" (Greene's Features) 529 Morgan-Universal Contract .' 952 Motion Picture Exhiliitors' league. 33. 294. 4-20, 6S1., 791, 1099, 1217. I.'i9(i. 15.30. 1087. Motion Picture Trades' Club 42t Moving Picture Educator 159, 274. .■i32. 665. 79,S, 9:14, KI77. 1220. 1373. 1512. 16.SS. -Music for the Pictures. By Clarenie E. Sinn 534. 706, 1072. 1071 "Mystery of St. Martin's Bridge" (Fidelity) 6S4 ".Mystery of the Fatnl Pearl" (Empress) 7.S9 N "Napoleon" (Eclectic) 1058 >'atioDa. Executive Committee Meeting 682 "Paid in Full" (All Star) 397 "Paradise Lost, A" (Gt. Northern) 1075 Passing of a Mania, The 653 Persistent Errors 10(i4 Phillips Smalley Talks 399 Photoplaywrlght, The. By Epes Winthrop Sargent 40. 165, 282, H>6, 537. 670, 802, 939, 1081, 1229, 1378, 1518, 1674. "Pickles. Art and Sauerkraut" (Vitagraph).... 267 Picturing Americans 1360 "Portrait, The" (Vitagraph) 1246 Previous Restraint, The 25 "Pride of Jennico, The" (Famous Players) 1071 Prigs Is Prigs : 388 Prof. Frederick Starr 928 Practical Low Priced Home Projector HHil Projection Department. By F. tl. Richardson 43, 167, 284. 408, 539, 672, 804, 941, 1083. 1231. 1380. 1520. 1676. Q Quality's Deadliest Foe 1.504 "Quo Vadis'/" at the Regent 680 R Ralph Ince as Lincoln : 1102 "Rebecca, the Jewess" (World's Leader) 291 Recent Legal Rulings 1075 Beina Valdez 1395 Itelationsliip of Characters 1655 Reliance a Million Dollar Company 32 Rex E. Beach 1506 "Honiany Spy" (Pathe) iXi'2 Ruth Roland , 135 "llouiance of the Sea, A" (Broncho) 392 Rothapfel Relicarsing _ 787 "Ruby of Destiny. The" (Warni-r's) 815 S "Salvation of Nance O'Shaughnessy. The" (Sellg) l.">"7 H. W. Savage Allies With Famous Players ^... 955 Screen Children's Gallery, The 1066, 13il, 1667 Screen Club Ball, The 818 Screen Club Has Mock Christmas 160 "Sealed Orders" (DeLuxe) 1654 .Second International Exposition, The 1100 Signor Fornas Sails for Home 953 "Shadows of the Moulin Rouge, Tie" (Solax) 417 Sid Olcott In Traveltalk 272 "Silver Loving Cup, The" (Imp) 1535 "Sixty Years a Queen" (Barker) 51 "Sky Monster, The" (Universal) 1363 "Soldiers of Fortune" (All Star) 154 "Soul's Tempest. A" (Pasquall) 552 "Spartan Girl. The" (Pasquall) 1538 "Squaw Man. The" (Lasliy) 1068 Standing Room Question Before Board 527 State of Missouri Sues Mutual 928 Survival 265 T Thanhouser In New Studio 268 "Three Shadows. The" (Gaumont) 1661 Theories vs. Facts 1652 "Third Degree, The" (Lubin) 30 Thomas .Santsehi 180 "Three Musketeers, The" (Anglo-Amer.) 1369 "Through Fire to Fortune" (Lubin) 1240 Too Many Cooks : . . . . 546 To the Theater Manager 1224 "Triumph of an Ehnperor, The" (Savoia) 1073 Two Comprehensive Apexes 1102 Two Ideal Features Worth Noticing 528 Two More Stars for Famttus Players lt>42 Tyranny of Censorship, The 152 U ' 'Under Suspicion" (Pasquali ) I09S Universal Ball 293 Universal Has Fire -li^S "Unknown Monster. The" (Features Ideal) 107O "Unseen Terror. An" (Kaleui) ^ 31 V "Vampires of the Night" (Aquila) ISl.'* "Vavasour Ball, The" (Vitagraph) 176 Vernon G'oes Abroad 1669 Visualization 925 Vitagraph Picture Theater 786 ■w "Waif of the Plains" (Frontier) 179 Weekly "Masterpieces" 520 When Features Are Failures 1505 "Whirl of Destin.v, The" (Mundstuk) 552 Who Will Help! 179 Will Barker 55 Wisconsin Organized At I^st 33 Women and Children 962 World's Baseball Tour 1661 Worthy of Contidencc 1212 "Y'ounger Sister. The" (Turner) 26i Your Program 785 Z "Zingo, Son of the Sea" (Ambrosio) 1533