Moving Picture World (Jan-Mar 1914)

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Index to Stories of the Films I'Yir the benefit of the readers of The Moving Picture World, we have compiled a complete list of films vifith their dates which have been released during the past three months. Some of the films listed which have no page numbers indicate that synopses were not furnished bv the manufacturers. Licensed Releases -\hide With Me— Mar. 11 iPatbe) 11>96 .Vlmve the Ijiw (Si)eeial — 2 parts) — Mar. 2.> (l.iiliini l.-i76 .^lispiitMiiicle.l Mc.ther. .An— .Mar. 4 (Edison) .. .114.S .\clventiiri' uf the .\i-tress' .lewels. The (First of Ortaviiis — Amateur Detective Series) — Jan. 1 (Edison I 206 Adventnre of tlie Extra Baliy. The (Second of the Octavius — .\mateiir Detective Series) — Fell. 1 G ( Edison ) 838 Adventure of tlie Alarm Clock, The (Third of the Octavius — Amateur Detective Series) — Mar. K; (Edison I 1416 Ativentures of, No. 1 — The Unwelcome Throne (Special — ;{ parts) — Dec. 29 (Seligl. 76 .Adventures of Xo. 2 — Tlie Two Ordeals (Special— 2 parts! — .Ian. 12 (Selig) 318 Ailventnres of Xo. S — The Temple of the Lion (Special— 2 |iarts)^Tan. 26 (Selig) 432 Adventures of Kathl,vn, Xo. 4 — The Royal Slave (Special— 2 parts) — Feb. 9 (Selig) 590 Adventures of Xo. ."> — A Colonel In Chains— Feb. 2.'i (Selig) 1292 .Adventures of Kathl,vn. Xo. 6 — Three Bags of Silver— Mar. 9 (Selig) 1292 .Vdventnres of Xo. 7, The (The Garden of Bridesi— .Mar. 2S (Selig) 1562 Affa'r of Dress, An (Third of the Dolly of the Dailies Series)Mar, 14 (Edi.son) 1284 .Afri<-an Sea Birds — Jan. 7 (Edison) 72 After Death (Special— 2 parts)^Feh. 10 (Cines) Against Ileavv Odds (Special — 2 parts — Mar. 14 (Pathe) 1296 All for His Sake (Special— 2 parts)— Feb. 20 (Edison) SoS All on Account of Poll.v — Feb. 11 (Pathe) 710 American King. An (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 6 (Edison) 580 And the Villain Still Pur.sued Her— Mar. 27 iKalem) 1.504 Andy Plays Hero-^an. 14 (Bdison) 208 Aiuiy (ioes on the Stage (Third of Andy Series) —Feb. 11 (Edison) 714 ,\ndy the Actor (Fourth of the Andy Series) — .Mar. 11 (Edison) 1284 Angel— Jan. 13 (Selig) 318 .'ene of t'e Golden Heart-^Tan. 22 (Vitagraph) 322 Antony and Cleopatra — Jan. (8 parts) — George Kleine Antidotes for Suicide — Feb. 9 (Lubin) 712 Arm of Vengeance. The— Feb. 26 (Essanay) . . .1006 Art for a Heart— Mar. 11 (Vitagraph) 12.S0 As It Might Have Been— Feb. 12 (Biograph).. 708 At Home With the Heron— Jan. 21 (Pathe)... 328 At Last They Eat^^Ian. 23 (Kalem) 332 At the Eleventh HourFeb. 3 (Selig) 5.88 .Atonement. The — Mar. 26 (Essanav) 1570 Attic Above. The — Feb. 27 (Selig) 1154 Auntie — Mar. 16 (Vitagraph) ....1414 Award of Justice, The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 18 (Kalem) 1414 B Back to Broadway (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 17 (Vitagraph) 860 Barber of Seville. The (Special— 3 parts)— Mar. 24 (Ambrosio) Bartered Crown. The — .Tan. 10 (Biograph) 202 Baseball Stars — Jan. 15 (Vitagraph) Battle at Elderbush Gulch. The (Special— 2 parts)— Mar. 28 (Biograph) 1572 Battle of Shiloh. The (Special — 1 parts)^an. (Ltfbin) 334 Batty Bill and Bis Pal's Legacy— Feb. 26 (Melies) 11.56 Batty Bill's Honeymoon^Ian. 20 (Melies) 592 Batty Bill's House "Rough House"— Mar. 20 (Melies) Beating Their Board Bill— Feb. T (Vitagraphl. 592 Beautiful Leading I/ady. The (Third of the Wood B. Wedd Series) — Feb. 23 (Edison) . .1002 Beauty, the Educated Horse — Mar. fi (Kalem) . .1144 Because of a Hat— Feb. 28 (Biograph) 1142 Behind Comedy's Mask (Special — 2 parts) — iFeb. 5 (Pathe) 586 Best Man. The — Mar. 3 (Lubin) 1144 Better Wav, The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 16 (Selig) 156J Betn'een Savage and Tiger (Special — 6 parts) — Feb. (Clnes) Between Two Fires — Jan. 8 ( Lubin) 74 Blame the Tailor— Mar. 14 (Biograph) 1418 Blinded Heart. The — .Ian. 24 (Lubin) .326 Blue Blood and Redman. 15 (Selig) 320 Boarding HoiLse Romance. A — Mar. IS (Edison). 1418 Borrowed Pinery. Tlie— Mar. 24 (Edison) 1.568 Bottled Romance. A— Feb. '20 (Kalem) 860 Bottom of the Sea, The — Mar. 28 (Lubin) 1378 Brass Bowl. The (Special— 2 parts)— Mar. 27 I Edison ) 1.568 Bridget Bridges It— Mar. 25 (Essanay) 1570 Bringing I'p Hubby— ,Tan. 29 (Selig) 4.52 Broken Lives (Special — 2 parts) — ^Feb. 12 (Pathe) 710 Broncho Billy and the Bad Man — Jan. 24 (Essanay) 330 Broncho Billy and the Red Man — ^Feb. 7 (Essanay) ■. . 584 Broncho Billy and the Settler's Daughter — Jan. 31 (Essanay) i 44S Broncho Billy — Guardian— Jan. IT (Essanay)... 204 Broncho Billy's Bibh — Feb. 2S i Essanay I Ilroiii-ho Billy's True Love — Mar. 28 (lOssaiiay). Brother Counts. The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 5 (Pathe) Brute, The — .Ian. 15 (A'itagraph) Buffalo Jim — Mar. 2 (Vitagraph) Bunch of Flowers, A — Mar. 2 (Biograph) Bunny's Birthday — Feb. 13 (Vitagraph) Bunny's Mistake — Jan. 9 (Vitagraph) Bunny's Sehenie — April 3 (A'itagraph) Buy Wool — Jan. 29 (Biograph) By I'nseen Hand — Jan. 7 (Selig) lOOS 1570 1152 202 1142 12.S2 7<14 74 1726 460 SIS Cabaret Dancer, The (Special — 2 parts)— April 6 (Kalem) , .1732 Calling of Jim Barton, The— Feb. 14 i Essanay) 712 Call of the Fmitlights, The — Jan. 28 (Edison)".. .570 Card of Mystery, The— Jan. 20 (Ln;hin) 324 Canning Industry In California — Mar. 31 (Bs sa na ry ( 1722 Cast of the Die, The (Special— 2 parts)-,7an. IB ( Dssanay ) 204 Catch of the Season. The — Feb. 3 (Lubin) 5.80 Cathedral and Leaning Tower of Pisa. The — Mar. 11 (Selig) Caught With the (Jixxls (Special — 2 parts)— Feb. 3 ( Vitagraph ) 5S2 Celebrated Case, .A (Special — t parts) — Feb. (Kalem ) Cliains of Bondage (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. ('. ( Essanay ) 1 148 Chains of Honor, The (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 14 (Pathe) ■. . 710 Chanter Rao, Criminal Ex-pert — Mar. 26 (Vitagraph) 1566 (^ange in Baggage Checks, A — Feb. 27 (Vitagraph) 1004 Charmed .Arrow. The — Jan. 21 (Selig) 450 Chasing the Smugglers (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 18 (Kalem) 858 Cheese Mining — ^Feb. 25 (Edison) 1002 Chest of Fortune, The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 2 (Kalem) 1142 Children of Destiny — Mar. 7 (Biograph) 1282 Children of the Feud (Special — 2 parts) — ^Feb. 14 (Vitagraph) 706 Chocolate Dynamite — Feb. 28 (Biograph) 1142 Chronicles of CHeek, Series No. 3 (The Mystery of tlie Talking Wire) — .Tan. 27 (Edison)... 376 Chronicles of Cleek, Series No. 4 (The Mystery of the Ladder of Light) — Feb. 24 (Edison)'.1002 Chronicles of Cleek Series. Xo. 5 (The Mystery of the Laughing Death) — Mar. 31 (Edi.son )'.17'22 Colleen Bawn, The (Special— 3 parts)— Mar. 16 (Kalem) 1414 Colonel Heeza Liar's African Hunt — Jan. 14 (Pathe) 208 Colonal IVeeza Liar Shipwrecked — ^Mar. 18 (Pathe) 1422 Colonel In Chains, A (The Adventures of Kath lyn. No. 5)— Feb. 23 (Selig,) 1292 Coming of Sophie's "Mamma"' — .April 4 (Essanay) 1722 Comedy and Tragedy (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 6 (Edison) 1130 Concentration — .Tan. 12 (Biograph) .332 Confiscated Cuunt.April 3 (Kalem) 1730 Conqueror, The — Jan. 20 (Essanay) 330 Conquest of Man. The — Mar. 5 (Essanay) 1148 and the Temptress — Jan. 14 (Selig). 320 Conspirators. The — Jan. 27 (Selig) 450 Constancy of Jeanne. The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 26 (Pafi'e) 1576 Convict's Story. The (Sjiecial — 2 parts) — ^Feb. 2 (Kalem) 590 Coon Town SufTragottesFeb. 28 (Lubin) 1012 Cop On tlie Beat. The — Mar. IS (Selig) 1426 Counter-Melody. The — Mar. 10 (Essanay) 12,88 Countess and the Burglar. The— Mar. 4 (Selig). 1289 County Seat War. The (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 9 (Kalem) 706 Coarting Betty's Beau— Feb. IS (Bdison) 858 CrawBshingFeb. 25 (Vitagraph) lOfM Criminology and Reform — ^Feb. 21 (Biograph).. 868 Cruel Pevenge. A (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 11 (Lubin) J2,«4 Crucible of Fate. The (Special — 2 parts) — April 4 (Vitagraph) 1728 Cupid's Canri.-e— Mar. 26 (S»>lig) 1.562 Cupid's Window — Mar. 19 (Melies) '. Ciitev's Vacation — .Tan. 16 (Vitagraph) 202 Cynic, The — Feb. 24 (Selig) 1154 Cypress Logging in Florida — Mar. 20 (ICalem) .1414 . D Dan Cupid. .Assayer — April 2 (Essanay) 1722 Dangerous Case. A — Mar. 10 (Lubin) 12S4 Dawn and Twilight — Feb. 3 (R.ssanay) 584 Deacon Billirgton's Downfall (Special — 2 parts) —Jan. 16 (Edison) .574 Deal in Real Estate. A— Mar. 24 (Lubin) 1376 Decoration Day at Old Soldiers' Home — Jan. 23 (Vitagraph) Delayed Special. The — Feb. 28 (Tvalem) 10O6 Desperate Chance. A— Feb. 27 (Lubin) 1012 Desperate Hero. A— Feb. 19 (Biograph) 868 Detective Short— Mar. 28 (Lubin) 1578 Devil's Assistant, The (.Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 26 (Pathel 10O8 D'ana's Dress Reform — Jan. 7 (Vitagraph) 72 Dilemma. The— Feb. 5 (Biograph) .592 Dlnkelsplel's Baby— Mar. 23 (Bdison) 1368 Dippy On the Boston Dip— Feb. 5 (Melies) 708 Dishing Dick's Dishwashcr^an. 7 (Pathe) 78 District Attorney's Duty. The (Special2 parts) —Mar. 23 (Kalem) 1562 Doctor Polly (Special— 2 parts)— Feb. 24 (Vitagraph) 1002 Doc I'ak. Moving Picture Artist — Jan. 23 (Selig) 4.50 Doc A'ak. The Poultryman — .Mar. 25 (Selig)... Dolly of the Dailies Series, No. 1 (The Perfect Truthi^an. 31 (Edison) 578 Dolly of the Dailies Series, No, 2 (The Ghost of .Mother Eve).— Feb, 28 (Bdison) 1002 Dolly of the Dallies Series, No. 3 (An Affair of Honor) — ^Mar. 14 (Edison) 1284 Dolly of the Dailies Series. Xo, 4 (Putting One Over)— .Mar. 28 (EdLson) 1.568 Double Shadow, The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 20 (Edison) 141S Down Lone Gap Way — Jan. 13 (Pathe) 2U8 Drama In Heyvllle. The (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 27 (Edison) 1002 Drudge, The (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 28 (Vitagraph) 1004 E Elizabeth'is Prayer— Mar. 13 (Selig) 1292 Engineer's Revenge. The — Jan. 9 (Luhln) 76 Eternal Duel, The — Jan. 19 (Luhln) ;.. ;{24 Evil We Do, The — Mar. 19 (Selig) ..1426 Eyes Have It, The— April 4 (LubIn) '....1730 Ex|iIoslve "D" — Jan. 24 (Kalem) i... 3.'E> F Falde and Its Moral, A— Feb. 19 (Melies) 10O6 Faddists, The — ^Feb. 7 (Biograph) 592 Fallen Angel, The — Jan. 31 (Biograph) 480 Family Skeleton, The — Mar. 20 (Kalem) 1414 ■Faui'y Skating — .Mar. 31 (Selig) Fast Freight 3-20.-.— Ajiril 4 (Kalem) 17;iO Fatal Clues, The— Feb. 14 (Kalem) 706 Father's Temper — Feb. 28 (Lubin) 1018 Fat Man's Burden. The— Feb. 4 (Pathe) 586 Fatty On the Job — Feb. IS (A'itagraph) 860 Female Book .Agent. The — Feb. 21 (Lubin) 864 Fighting Blood, The (Special — 2 parts) — April 1 (Lubin) 1728 First Endorsement, The — ^Feb. 19 (Vitagraph).. 860 Fitzhugh's Ride (Special — 2 parts)^Feb. 12 ( Lubin ) 712 Flood On the Dal River — Feb. 14 (Kalem) 70S Foot of Romance. .A — Jan. 7 (Essanay) 76 For .Auld Lang Syne — Mar. 9 (Biograph) 1418 Four-Footed Desperado. A — Mar. 4 (Edison) ... .11,50 Franclne — .Tan. 5 (Vitagraph) 72 Friend In Need. A — Jan. 22 (Seltg) 4,50 Friend of the District .Attorney, A — Mar. 21 (Biograph) 1372 Fulflllnient, The (Special— 3 parts)— April 2 (Essanay) ■ 1722 Q (Gambler's Way, A — Feb. 5 (Essanay) 584 Game of Politics, The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 26 (Lubin) i 1378 Garden of Brides. The (Th» Adventures of Kath lyn, Xo. 7)— Mar. 23 (Selig) 1.562 Gentleman or ThiefMar. 16 (Biograph) 1572 Germinal; or the Toll of Labor (Special — 5 parts)— Feb. (Pathe) 1014 Getting Even— Feb. 17 (Lubin) 862 Ghost of Mother Eve. The (Second of Dolly of the Dailies Series)— Feb. 28 (Bdison) 1002 Ghosts, The — Mar. 18 (Vitagraph) 1414 Ginger's Reign — Mar. 9 (Vitagraph) 1280 Girl at the Curtain, The (Special— 2 parts) Jan. 30 (Essanay) 448 Girl In the Middy, Tlie — Jan. 5 (Edison) 72 Girl, the Cop and the Burglar, The — Mar. 11 (Essanay) 1288 God's Warnlng-^an. 24 (Pathe) 328 Good Pals (Special— 2 parts)— Jan. 17 (Pathe) 208 Grass County (roes Dry (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 13 (Essanay) 1289 Greatest Gift, The (Special — 2 parts) — .Mar. 10 (Cines) 1289 Grip of Circumstances, The (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 6 (Essanay) 384 (■■nn Behind the Man, The— Feb. 13 (Kalem).. 706 Gypsy Love (Special — 2 parts) — ^Mar. 17 (Cines) H Hall Room Rivals. The— Mar. 25 (Vltagraiih) . .1566 Hand Print M.ystery, The (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 4 (Kalem) 590 Hand That Rocks the Cradle, The — Jan. 13 (Essanay) !8(M Fandsouie Harrv's Wooing — Mar. 26 (Melies).. Hear No Evil— Feb. 24 (E.ssanay) 1006 Hearst-Sellg Xews Pictorial — Mar. 14 iSelig).. Hearst-Sellg Xews Pictorial — .Mar. 21 (Selig) . . Hearst-Selig Xews Pictorial — Mar. 2S (Selig).. Heart of a Gvpsy, The (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 13 (Cines) T6 Heart of Maygie Malone, Tlie— Feb. 4 (Selig).. 588 Hearts and Flowers — .Tan. 6 (Essanay) 76 Hearts of Women (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. S4 (Vitagraph) 322 Helpful Sisterhood. The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 31 (Vitagraph) 1726 Her Fallen Hero— Mar. 13 (Kalem) 1280 Her Father's Silent Partner— Feb. 23 (Biograph) 1142 Her Hand— Mar. 12 (Biograph) 1418 Her Husband (Special— 2 parts)— Mar. 24 (Vitagraph) 1566 Her Husband's Friend (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 7 (Kalem) 80 111