Moving Picture World (Jan-Mar 1914)

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IV INDEX Her Old Tsaoher— Feb. 16 iBiograph S6S Hero, The — Feb. 25 (Vitagraph) 1004 Her Side-Show Sweetheart— Feb. 7 (Lubin)... 582 Her Wayward Son — Feb. 2 (Lubin) 580 Hills of Peace, The — Jan. S lEssanay) 76 Hiram's Hotel— Mar. 6 (Kalem) 1144 His Comrade's Wife — April 4 (Edison) 172 HIs Excellency — Jan. 27 (Lubin) 454 His Father's House — Jan. 8 (Biograph) 202 H'is Fireman's Conscience — Jan. 26 (Biograpb). 460 His Grandchild— Feb. 14 (Edison) 714 His GniBing Spirit^an. 20 (Selig) 450 His Indian Nemesis — Mar. 21 (Kalem) 1414 His Little Page — Feb. 20 (Vitagraph) 862 His Wife (Special— 2 parts) — Mar. 5 (Lubin). 1146 His Wife Wins (Special— 2 parts)— Mar. 21 (Pathc) 1422 Historic Old TarrvtownApril 3 (Kalem I 1730 Hobo PhUosopher. A— Feb. 19 (Mclies) 1006 Hogan's Alley— Mar. 4 (Pathc) 1152 Hopi Raiders. The — Mar. 7 (Kalem) 1144 Hot Time In Snakeville. A— Mar. 21 (Essanay) .1420 Hour and the Man, The (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 9 (Essanay) 78 Hour of Terror, An — Mar. ffii (Biograph) 1724 House of Fear, The (Special — 2 parts) — Feb, 19 (Lubin) 862 How Bobbie Called Her Bluff^an. 28 (Edison) 576 How Burke and Burke Made Good — Feb. 4 (Vitagraph) 582 How God Came to Sonny Boy— (Feb. 2 (Vitagraph) 582 How the Earth Was Carpeted — ^Feb. 2 (Edison) 578 How They Struck Oil — Jan. 15 (Biograph) 332 Hunting -Spiders, The — Mar. 10 (Pathe) 1296 Husband's Eiperlment, The — Jan. 24 (Biograph) 460 I Idler. The — Mar. 19 (Vitagraph) 1414 If It Were .Not For Polly— Feb. 2 (Biograph). 592 Indian Ambuscade. The — Feb. 7 (Kalem) 592 Indian Blood (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 12 (Kalem) 204 Indian Fate (Special— 2 parts) — Feb. 11 (Kalem) 706 Indian's Honor, An— Feb, 21 (Kalem) 860 In Mysterious Ways — Jan. 16 (Lubin) 212 Innocent Victim, An — ^Feb. 17 (Lubin) 862 Insects that Mimic— Jan. 20 (Pathe) 326 Inscription, The — Jan. 13 (Lubin) 210 Interference of Broncho BUly— Mar. 14 (Es sanav) . 1289 In the Dredger's Claw— Feb. 20 (Lubin) 864 In the Gambler's Web (Special— 2 parts)Mar. 4 (Lubin) 1146 In the Mesh of Her H'air (Special — 2 parts)^ Feb. 7 ( Pathe) 588 In the Old Attic— Feb. 23 (Vitagraph) 1002 In the. Soup — Mar. 31 iLubin) ...172S 111 Remembrance — Mar. 24 (Selig) 1562 Into Society and Out — ^Feb. 4 (Essanay) 584 Intrigue; The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 4 (Kalem) 1142 Iron and Steel (Special — 2 parts) — -Feb. 21 (Vitagraph) 862 Italian Games and Dances — Feb. 6 (Selig) Italian Love— Feb. 19 (Essanay) 864 J Janitor's Flirtation, The — Jan. 19 (Edison) 574 Janitor's Revenge, The — Jan. 5 (Biograph) 202 Jerry's Uncle Namesake (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 6 (Vitagraph) 202 Joke on Jane, The — Jan. 9 (Kalem) SO Just a Note — Mar. 14 (Lnbin) 1288 K Kid Pink and the MaharajahMar. 12 (SeUg).1290 King Baby's Birthday— Feb. 25 (Selig) 1154 Knave of Clubs— Mar. 31 (Lubin) 1728 L Last Scene of All, The — Jan. 17 (Edison) 574 Laziest Man, The — Mar. 17 (Lubin) 1422 I>eap For Life, A — Mar. 28 (Kalem) 1564 Leech of Industry, A (Special — 3 parts) — Mar. 28 (Pathe) 1376 Let No Man Escape (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 27 (Essanay) 1008 Lincoln the Lovet^-Feb. 5 (Vitagraph) 582 Lion and the Mouse, The (Special — 8 parts) — Jan. (LabiB) 334 Little Bugler, The — Jan. 29 (Vitagraph) 448 Little Lillian Turns the Tide — Mar. 5 (Selig) . .1290 Little Sister, The — Feb. 5 (Selig) 588 Living Wage, The — Jan, 6 (Selig) 318 Local Oolor (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 17 (Vitagraph) 202 Ix)nely Road. A^an. 10 (Edison) 72 Long Cold Night, The — Mar. 3 (Essanay) 1148 Long Island Skunk Farm, A — Feb. 21 (Kalem). S(X) L.ioking for a Fortune — Mar. 13 (Kalem) 12S0 Looking for Trouble — Jan. 21 (Essanay) 330 I/ord Mayor of London. The — Jan. 16 (Kalem). 206 Lost Child. The — Feb. 24 (Lubin) 1010 Love Route Via Pittman, The — Mar. 24 (Essanay) 1570 Lovely Senorita. The (Second of Wood B. Wedd Series) — Jan. 26 (Edison) 376 Ix>ve of Tokiwa, The (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 31 (Vitagraph) 448 Ix)ve'5 Oblivion — Mar. 12 (Melles) Love's Old Dream^an. 21 (Vitagraph) 320 ■ves Young Dream — Feb. 25 (Edison) 1002 Luck In Odd Numbers — Mar, 18 (Essanay) ... .1420 I.ucky Elopement, The — Jan. 30 (Vitagraph) 44S Lumbering In Sweden — ^Feb. 18 (Vitagraph) 860 Lunatic's Child, The (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 31 (Pathe) 458 X Madura and Its Pagodas— Mar. IS (Pathe) 14"" Making Cnt Glass^an. 9 (Kalem) 80 ^'■'■in" Hig' -(tt" 'e I'.t-pf — .'an. 'Mt (Kalem)... 462 Man from the West, The (Special— 2 parts) — Jan. 22 (Lubin) 324 -Man of Destiny. The — Feb. 7 (Edison) 580 -Man's Faith, A — Ajtril 3 (Lubin) 1728 Mansion of Sol>s, The (.Special — 2 parts) — April 2 (Lubin) 172S Marriage of Figaro. The (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 3 (Ambrosio) .Married Men — Jan. 10 (Lubin) 76 Marrying Sue — Feb. 6 (Vitagraph) 5S1 Masked Dancer, The (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 13 (Vitagraph) 202 Masquerader, The (Special — 2 parts)— Jan. 28 (Kalem) 460 Massacre, The (Special — 2 parts) — iFeb. 26 (Biograph) 1006 Master of the Mine (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 10 ( Vitagraph) 704 Match-.Making Dads^an. 20 (Lubin) 3'24 Measure of a Man, The — Feb. 10 (Lubin) 712 Medicine Man's Vengeance, The (Special — 2 parts)— Mar. 11 (Kalem) 1280 -Medicine Show at Stone Gulch, The — Jan. 30 (Kalem) 460 .Memories— Feb. 20 (Selig) 1154 Message from .\cross the Sea, A — Jan. 16 (Selig) 320 Message In the Rose, The — Mar. 21 (Edison) . .141S Message of the Sun Dial, The — Jan. 20 (Edison) 574 Me.\ican's Gratitude, The — Mar. 10 ( Edison) .. .1284 .Midnight Call. The— Mar. 31 (Selig) Million Bid, A (Special — 4 parts) — Feb. (Vitagraph) Million In Jewels, A (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 16 (Kalem) 858 Millions for Defence — Mar. 27 (Vitagraph) ... .1566 Minister's Daughter, The (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 10 (Pathe).. SO Mischief Maker. The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 14 (Vitagraph) 1282 Miser's Reversion. The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 24 (Vitagraph) 1726 Miss Milly's Valentine — Feb. 11 (Essanay) 710 Missing Twenty-live IKdlars, The — April 1 ( Edison) 1724 Mistress of His House, The — Feb. 12 (Selig)... 704 Model Young Man, A — Mar. 20 ( Vitagraph) ... .1416 Modem Vendetta, -\ (Special — 3 parts) — Feb. 2 (Selig) 588 Money Sharks, The (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 24 (Cines) Montana State Fair — .Tan. S (Vitagraph) Monte Cristo Up to Date — Jan. 22 (Melies) 456 Monuments of Upper Eevpt — Feb. IS (Pathe).. .866 Moth. The^an. 23 (Lnbin) 324 Mrs. Maloney's Fortune — Mar. 13 (Vitagraph) . .1280 Mrs. .Manly's Bab.v— Feb. 25 (Essanay) 1006 Mrs. Romana's Scenario — .\pril 1 (Edison) 1724 Mr. Sniffkins' Widow— Mar. 2 (Edison) 1148 Mystery of the Ladder of Light, The (Chronicles of Cleek Series. No. 4)— Feb. 24 (Edison) 1002 Mystery of the Laughing Death, The (Fifth of the Chronicles of Cleek Series) — Mar. 31 (Edison) 1722 Mystery of the Milk. The — .Tan. 5 (Biograph).. 202 Mystery of the Talking Wire, The (Chronicles of Cleek Series, No. 3)-^an. 27 (Edison).. 576 N Nearly Married — Jan. 2S (Essanay) 448 Necklace of Rameses, The (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 23 (Edison) 574 Nest Unfeathered, A— Feb. 14 (Biograph) 708 Never .\gain (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 28 (Vitagraph) 1566 Never Shrink— Mar. 26 (Biograph) 1724 Niagara Falls — Feb. 12 (Vitagraph) Night at the Inn, A^an. 13 (Edison) 206 Night on the Road. A— Jan. 22 (Essanay) 330 Night Out, A— Mar. 25 (Edison) 1568 0 Oasis of Gabes, The — Jan. 27 (Pathe) 456 Octavius — .\jiiateur Detective Series, No. 1 (The Adventures of the Actress* Jewels) — Jan. 12 (Edison) 206 Octavius — Amateur Detective Series, No. 2 (The Adventure of the Extra Baby)— Feb. 16 (Edison) 858 Octavius — Amatenr Detective Series, No. 3 (The Adventure of the Alarm Clock) — Mar. 16 (Edison) 1416 Officer and a Gentleman. An (Special — 2 parts) ' Mar. 14 (Vitagraph) 1142 Officer John Donovan (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 10 (Vitagraph) 202 Oh. Doctor — Mar. 17 (Essanay) 1420 Old Oak's Secret, The— Feb. 26 (Vitagraph) 1004 Old Reliable (Special— 2 parts) — Mar. 21 (Vitagraph) 1416 (lid Streets of Cairo. Eg.vpt — Mar. 25 (Pathe) . .1732 Old vs. the New. The — Jan. 28 (Selig) 452 One on Batty Bill— Mar. 12 (Melies) One Thousand to One Shot— Feb. 9 (Biograph). 708 One-to-Three — Feb. 8 (Essanay) 864 Onlv One Shirt^Ian. 16 (Kalem) 206 On the Altar of Patriotism (Special— 2 parts) —Mar. 7 (Pathe) 1132 On the Breast of the Tide — .Tan. 9 (Selig) 318 On the Great Steel Beam — Jan. 6 (E<lison) 72 On the I-a^v Line — Feb. 4 (Edison) 578 Or"hans of 'fe Wild^Feb. 10 (Pathe) 708 Ostrich Fanning. South Africa — Jan. 19 (Edison) 574 Other Girl. The (Special— 2 parts)— Feb. 20 ( Essana.v ) 8(>4 Out-Blacked — .Tan. 15 (Biograph) 3.32 Out In the Rain— Feb. IS (Kalem) 706 Out of Sight. Out of Mind — Jan. 29 IBiograph) 460 Out of the Depths (Special— 2 parts)— Feb. 5 (Lubin) S'** P T*a and ^fa Flope — Mir. 5 (T^iogranb) 1282 Pair of Frauds, *Mnr. 4 (Vifagrnnb) 1142 Paleface Brave, The (Special— 2 part9)-^an. 21 (Kalem) 332 Pale of Prejudice, The^an. 31 (Lubin) 456 Passover Miracle, .\ (S|iPcial — 2 parts) — Mar. 3> (Kalem) 1730 Patched .\donis. The — .Tan. 28 (Pathe) 456 Pathe's Weekly. No. 78. 191.'! — Dec. 22 (Pathe) 78 Pathe's Weekly, No. 79. 1913 — Dec. 23 (Pathe) 78 Pathe's Weekly, No. ,S0. 1913— Dec. 20 (Pathe) 208 Pathe's Weekly, No. 1, 1914 — Jan. 1 (Pathe).. 328 Pathe's Weekly, -No. 2, 1914 — Jan. 5 (Pathe).. 328 Pathe's Weekly, No. 3, 1914 — Jan. 8 (Pathe).. 330 Pathe's Weekly, No. 4. 1914 — Jan. 12 (Pathe). 460 Pathe's Weekly. No. 5, 1914 — .Tan. 15 (Pathe). 460 Pathe's Weekly. No. 6, 1914 — Jan. 19 (Pathe). 586 Pathe's Weekly, No. 7, 1914 — ,Tan. 22 (Pathe). 586 Pathe's Weekly, No. 8. 191-1 — Jan. 26 (Pathe). 708 Pathe's Weekly. No. 9. 1914 — .Ian. 29 (Pathe). 70S Pathe's Weekly, No. 10, 1914 — ^Feb. 2 (Pathe). ,866 Pathe's Weekly, No. 11. 1914 — Feb. 5 (Pathe). 866 Pathe's Weekly, No. 12, 1914 — Feb. 9 (Pathe). 1010 Pathe's Weekly. No. 13. 1914 — Feb. 12 (Pathe). 1152 Pathe's Weekly. No. 14. 1914 — Feb. 16 (Pathe). 1152 Pathe's Weekly, No. 15, 1914 — Feb. 19 (Pathe). 1134 Pathe's Weekly, No. 16. 1914 — ^Feb. 23 (Pathe). Pathe's Weekly, No. 17. J914 — ^Feb. 26 (Pathe). 1294 Pathe's Weekly, No. IS, 1914— Mar. 2 (Pathe). 1420 Pathe's Weekly, No. 19. 1914 — Mar. 3 i I'athel . .1372 Pathe's Weekly, No. 20, 1914 — Mar. 9 (Pathe) .1.372 Pathe's Weekly, No. 21, 1914 — Mar. 12 ( I'athe) .1.372 Patbe's Weekly, No. 22, 1914— Mar. 16 I Pathe) .17.'{2 Pathe's Weekly. No. 23, 1914 — Mar. 19 ( Pathe) .17:12 Pat's Revenge — Feb. 7 ( Lnbin ) 582 Perfect Truth. The (First of the Dolly of the Dailies Series) — .Tan. 31 (Edison) 578 Perils of the White Lights (Special — 2 parts) — • Jan. 14 (Kalem) 206 Perplexed Bridegroom, The — Jan. 23 (Vitagraph) ,322 Phosphate Mining — Mar. 27 (Kalem) 13fU Pickles. Art and Sauerkraut (Special — 2 parts) — .Tan. 27 (Vitagraph) 448 Picturesque Coast of Catalonia, The — Mar. 10 (Pathe) 1296 Pietro. the Pianist-^Tan. 8 (Selig) 318 Pla.ving for a Fortune — Jan. 31 (Kalem) 462 Playing With Fire — Feb. .") (Melies) 70S Politics anil Suffragettes— Mar. 5 (Biograph) .. .12.82 Portrait. The (S|)ecial — 2 parts! — Mar. 10 (Vitagraph) 1280 Power of Print, The (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 29 (Pathe) 4.38 Powers of the Air. The — Feb. 21 (Edison) .8.38 Presto Willie — Magician — Mar. 4 (Essanay) 1148 Price of Silence, The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 31 (Cello) 1570 Price of a Ruby, The (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. IS (Lnbin) 862 Price of tlie Necklace. The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 13 (Edison) 1284 Price of Vanity, The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 17 (Vitagraph) 1414 Price. The— Mar. 20 (Lubin) 1424 Professor Oldboy's Rejuvenator — .\pril 1 (Kalem) 1730 Puritan. The — -Mar. 27 (Lubin) 1578 Putting One Over (Fourth of the Dolly of the Ihiilies Series)— Mar. 2S (Edison) 1368 Q Qnantrell's Son — .Tan. 19 ( Vitagraph) 320 Queer Quarantine. .\ — .\pril 1 (Essanay) 1722 Question of Right, A (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 13 (Lubin) 210 K Race for a Mine. The — Mar. 14 (Kalem) 1280 Raid of the Red Marauders, The (Special — 2 parts) — April 1 (Kalem) 1730 Ramble In Pondichery, India, A — Jan. 8 (Pathe) 80 Rambles In Bourges, France — Feb. 17 (Pathe) . . 866 Real Helpmate. A— Mar. 17 (Edison) 1416 Real Miss I.oveleigh. The — Jan. 14 (Essanay) . . 204 Reconciled In Blood— Feb. 10 (Selig) 704 Bed Hawk's Sacrifice — Jan. 17 (Kalem) 206 Refrigerator Car's Captive. The (Special — 2 parts)— Mar. 25 (Kalem) 1564 Regie, the Squaw Man— Feb. 27 (Kalem) 1006 Renegade's Vengeance, The — Mar. 6 (Sellg) . . .1290 Restless Woman, The — Mar. 19 (Biograph) ... .1572 Return of Jack Bellew, The — Jan. 26 (Vitagraph ) 448 Reward. The-^Feb. 14 (Lubin) 712 Right and Wrong of It, The— Jan. 12 (Vitagraph) 202 Rise of Officer Casey. The — Feb. 24 (Lubin) 1010 Romance In the Northwest, A — ^Mar. 6 (Lubin) .1146 Romance of the Everglades (Special — 2 parts) — Ajiril 3 (Edisoni 1724 Rorke's Drift (Special— 2 parts)— Feb. 13 (Edison) 714 Royal Slave, The (Adventures of Kathlyn, No. 4)— Feb. 9 (Selig) 590 S Sacrifice of Kathleen. The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 3 (Vitagraph) 1142 Salvation of Nance O'Shaughness.v, The (Special — 2 parts)— Mar. .30 (Selig) Sawdust and Salome — ^Feb. 16 (Vitagraph) .860 S^-enes .\loiig the Canvery River. India — Feb. 11 (Pathe) 710 .^cenes In Nordland — Mar. 5 (Vitagranh) Scotland Forever — Jan. 28 (Vitagraph) 448 Sealed Orders (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 25 (Lubin) 1010 Second Generation. The — Mar. 3 (Pathe) 1150 Secret Marriage, The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 19 (Lubin) 1424 Secret of the Will, The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 9 (Kalem) 1280 Sentimental Sister. The — .Tan. 22 (Biograph)... ^60 September Morn— Feb. 23 ( Pathe) 1008 Seringapatam (Southern Iridiai— Jan. 29 (Pathe) 438 ^ervn'-t of tbe Picli, A — Tan. 17 iLubin) 212 Seventeen-Mile Drive, California, The — Jan, 14 (Pathe) 208