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Moving Picture World (Jan-Mar 1914)

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INDEX Shallow of Guilt, The (Special— 2 parts)-^an. 2U (Kaleni) 4C0 Sliadowa (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 20 IKssana.v).1420 Nliadow, The (Special— 2 parts) — Feh. 23 (Kalem) 1004 Sherlock Holmes Girl. The — Jan. 7 (Edison)... 72 She Wanted a Count — Mar. 14 (I.uhin) 12,S.8 SIii. Was a Peai/li — April 4 (I.uhiut ]73<> Short.v Makes a Bet — Mar. 14 (Biograph) 1418 Shot In the Night, A (Special2 parts)— Jan'. 5 (Kalem) 80 Silent Death, The (Special— 2 part.s)-^an. 30 ( Edison ) 578 Silent Trails — Mar. 5 (Vitagraph) 1142 Silver Snuff Box — Mar. ;!<l (Vitagraph) 172ti Single Handed — Mar. IV) (I-^sanay) 1420 Skclle.v and the Tnrkey^Feli. 19 (Biograph)... 86.S Skelle.v Buys a Hotel — ^Feh. 9 ('Biograrth) 70S Sleeiting Sentinel, The — iFeh. 13 (l4ll)ln) 712 Slnniherville's Case — Mar. 10 (Lnhin) 1284 Smiles of Fortune — Jan. 12 (Luhln) 210 Smuggler's Sister, The — Mar. 3 (Selig) 1289 Snakeville's Fire Brigade— Feb. 21 (Bssana.v).. 8&» Snakeville*s Xew Doctor — Jan. 10 (Kssanay)... 76 Snow Kffects In Austria — Jan. 7 (Tathe) 78 Soldier of the C. S. A.. A— Feb. 13 (Selig) 1154 So Ix>ng. Count — Mar. 21 (Ulbin) 1426 Some Steamer Scooping — Feh. 12 (Vitagraph).. 704 Somnambulist, The — Jan. 8 (Melies) 210 Sen cif the Sea, A (Sijeciai — 2 parts) — April 7 (Cines) 1722 Sonny Jim In Search of a .Mother — tFeb. 11 (Vitagraph) 704 Siiphiii's Imaginary Visitors— Feb. 17 (EJdiaon). 858 Sopliie Picks a Dead One (S|iecial — 2 parts) — Feb. 13 (Essanay) 710 Sorihie's Birthday Party — Mar. 7 (Es.sanay) 1148 Speak No B>il— Feb. 10 (Ussanay) 710 Speeder's Revenge, The— .Mar. 0 I Vitagrapii I . .1 142 Speedway of Despair — .Mar. 11 (Selig) 12<I0 Splendid Sacrifice, A^Tau. 30 (Selig) 452 S|K>ile(l Life, .V (Speidal — 2 parts)— .Mar. 12 iPatlie) , Stjuire's Mistake, The — Jan. 6 (I.uhin) 456 Stage Struck — April 1 iVitagraidil 1726 Story of Crime. A^Peb. 9 IBdi.son) 714 Storv ijf Cupid. The— Mar. 27 (Selig) 1.562 Stnvv of Diana — April 2 (Selig) Story of tl:e Old Gun, The— .Tan. 15 (E.ssanav). 2(M Story of the Willow Pattern. The — Feb. 10 (Edison) 7I4 Story of Venus. The — Mar. 17 (Selig) !!..!!'! 1426 Story tlie Gate Told. The— .Ian. 5 (Lubin) 74 Strange Melody, .\ (Special— 2 parts)— Mar. 12 (I'Ubin) 12SS Strange Sea Water Creatures — Mar. 24 (Pathe) .1.576 Strenuous Scoop. A — ^Feh. 11 (Selig) 704 Submarine Mysteries — ,Tan. 20 (Pathe) 326 Sultan and the Holler Skates, The-^Mar. 9 (Edison) 1282 Sunken Village. The: or Through Fire to Fortune (Special — 5 parts) — ^Feb. (Uibln) 1012 Suppres.sed News— Mar. 10 (Selig) 1290 Suspense and Suspenders — ^Peb. 12 (Melies) Swoni of Damocles, The (Special — 2 parts)— Jan. 22 (Pathe) .•!2S T Tainted Money (Special— 2 parts)Feb. 7 (Vitagraph) 5.84 Taming Terrible Ted — Feb. 9 (Lubin) 712 Tell-Tale Stains — Jan. 10 (Kalem) 206 Tell-Tale Star, The— Mar. 13 (Lubin) 1288 Temple of the Lion. The (Adventures of Kath lyn. No. 3) (Special — 2 parts) — .Ian. '26 (Selig) 452 Temples of Japan — Jan. 1 (Melies) 76 Tested by Fire — Feb. 26 (Selig) 11.54 Testing Fire. The — Jan. 27 (Essanay) 448 That Terrible Kid — Mar. 3 (Lubin) 1144 Their Intlrest In Common — Jan. 8 (Vitagraph). 72 Their Lesson — ^Feb. 13 ( Selig) 704 Thief of Hearts (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 15 (Pathe) 208 Third Degree, The (Special — 5 parts) — Jan. (Lubin ) 3.^2 Thou Shalt Not Kill— Feb. 18 (Selig) !..11H Three Bags iif Silver (The .adventures of Kath lyn. No. 6) — Mar. 9 (Selig) 1292 Three Pairs and a Cat — Jan. 21 (Pathe) 326 Three Scratcdi Clue, The (S|iei-ial— 2 parts) — >(!ir, ".7 (Fssanav) 1570 Through the Centuries — ^I^'eb, 17 (Selig) 11.54 Through the Storm (Special — 2 parts) — .Tan. 23 ( Fssa na V ) ,3,30 Tigers of the Hills, The (Special— 2 parts)— Feh. 25 (Kalem) 1006 Timing Cupid — .Tan. 14 (Vitagraph) 202 To Alaska Via the Great Rivers of the North — Feh. 17 (Essanay) S(>4 Tobacco Industry — .Ian. 12 (T ubin) 210 '•^oniuiy's Tranin — Aori! 2 ( V'tiigraph) 1726 Tony and Malone — Feb. 6 (Selig) Too fate (Soecial — 2 oarts) — ^Tan. 19 (Selig)... 45? Too Many Johnnies — ^Feb. 20 (Kjilem) 858 T-agedv of Ambition. The— Mar. 2 ISeri) . . . .1294 •Cracped (Spc-ial — 2 parts)Ja". 19 iKaleui).. 3:lo Treacherous Rival. .\ — Feb. 3 (Edison) 578 Trea^-ilres on Earth (Spei-ial — 2 jiarts) — Jan. 29 (Lubin) 451 Trichinopoly — Mar. 24 iPatliel 1572 ■l>in to the Great Nile Dam — Ma'. 14 (Paf'e)!! Trip to the M<x>n. A — M:ir. 21 (Luliin) 1494 T«o-FamiIy Affair, A — .Tan. 27 (Pathe) 4.5(1 Two Little Vagabonds — Mar. 20 (Selig) 1426 Two Ordeals. 'Hie 1 Adventiuvs of Kntlilvn. No. 2) (Special — 2 parts) — .Ian. 12 (Seligl 318 Two Roses. The (Special— 2 parts)— Feb. 26 (Lubin) llllO Typical Buddhist Temple, A — Feh. 11 (Pathe).. 710 V Uncanny Mr. Gumble, The-Jan. 21 (Edison).. 574 United In Danger — Jan. 24 (Edison) 574 Inilitentional Hero, An — .lau. 30 (Lubin) 456 Unto the Third and Fourth Generation (iipecial —2 parts)^Ian. 5 (Selig) 3I8 Unveiling the .Maine Monument — ^Mar. 7 (Kalem) 1144 Unveiling the Pilgrim Father's Monument — Jan. 23 ( Kalem ) 332 Unwelcome 'nirone. The (The Adventures of Kathlyn. No. 1) (Special — 3 parts)— Dec. 29 (Selig) 76 Up-Hill Climb, The (Special— 2 parts)Feb. 16 (Selig) 1292 V Vaccinating the Village — ^Feh. 6 (Kalem) 592 Vagaries of Fate, The — Feb. 6 (Lubin) 582 Vavasour Ball, 'The (.Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 20 (Vitagraph) Venus and Adonis — ^Feb. 19 (Selig) 1156 Victims of Vanity (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 21 (Pathe) 860 Vision in the Window, The (Fourth of the Wood B. Wedd Series) — Mar. 30 (Edison) . .1722 ■w Waifs. Jan. 17 (Biograph) 332 Wards of Society. The (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 8 (Pathe) 78 Warning. The — Mar. 12 (Essanay) 1288 Wasted Years. The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. 19 (Pathe) 1422 Way to Heaven. The — .Mar. 12 (Vitagraph) 12SO Weaker Brother, The (Special — 2 parts) — Mar. IS (Lubin) 1422 Weaker's Strength, The— Feb. 12 (Essanay) 710 Wedding of Prudence, The (Special — 2 parts) — Aiu-il 3 ( Essanay ( 1722 What Came to Bar "Q" — Jan. 29 (Essanay)... 448 When Dooley Passed Away — .Mar. 7 (Lubin) .. 1146 Wlien the Cartridges Failed — ^Mar. 7 (Edison) .11.50 When tile Doi'tors Failed — Jan. 10 (Luhln) 76 Wliere till Heart Calls (Special — 2 parts) — Feb. 19 (Pathe) .806 WhilTles and the Diamond Pin — Mar. 17 (Pathe) 1420 Whiffles' Balcony Buds — Feb. 17 (Pathe) 8(M Whiffles' .\cw Profession — Mar. 25 (Pathe) ... .1732 While Wifey Is .\way — Mar. 25 (Selig) 1562 Whom God Hatli Joined — Jan. 6 (Pathe) 78 Who Was Guilty? (Special — 2 parts)^an. 27 (Cines) 212 Wifey's Visit Home — Mar. 26 iBiograpb) 1724 Windfall The — Jan. 26 (Lubin) 454 Winky Willy and the Fisherman^an. 29 (Melies) 592 Winky Willy's Arithmetic — Feb. 26 (Melies) . .1156 Winky Willy's Birthday Gifts — Feb. 12 (Melies) Winky Willy's Disappearing Stunt — ^Feh. 5 (Melies) 70S Winky Willy's Private Show — Mar. 19 (Melies) Winner Wins, The — Feb. 9 (Vitagraiih) 704 Winning Hand, The — Feb. 24 (Pathe) lOOS Winning Mistake, A — ^Feb. 21 (Lubin) S64 Winter Holiday in tlie Bernese Olierland, Switzerland— Mar. 18 (Pathe) 1418 With the Eyes of Love— Mar. 3 (Edison) 1148 Witness to the Will, The (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 9 (Edison) 72 Woman In Black, The— Mar. 23 (Vitagraph) ... 1.564 Won By a Nose — Feb. 18 (Pathe) 860 Wood B. Wedd Series. No. 2 (The Lovely Seno rita) — Jan. 26 (Edison) 576 Wood B. Wedd Series, No. 3 (The Beautiful Leading Lady)^eb. 23 (Edison) 1002 Wood B. Wedd Series. No. 4 (The Vision in the Window) — Mar. 30 (Edison) Wooing the Cook— Feb. 3 (Pathe) 586 Wooing the Saleslady — Jan. 15 (Melies) 456 Workaday Scenes In a Flowery Land — Mar. 24 ( Pathe) 1572 Wrecked In Mid-Air— (Special — 2 parts) — Jan. 27 (Eclipse) 326 Independent Releases A Abide With Me— .Ian. 24 (Frontier) 336 Absinthe (4 parts)— Jan. 22 (Imp) Academy Romance. An — ^Feb. 9 (Powers) 716 Acid Test. The — .Mar. 16 ( Victor) .Accusing Voice, The (2 parts) — Jan. 3 (Gau mont) 96 Across the Hall — Mar. 23 (Keystone) Ail.iiiission Two Pins — .Tan. 9 (Victor) 84 Adrift (2 parts)Mar. 25 (Eclair) 15S2 .\drift In a Great City — .Tan. 13 IThanhouser) . . 340 Adventures of Shorty. The (2 parts) — Mar. 13 (Broncho) 1302 After Her Dough — Mar. 25 (Keystone) 1740 Alarming Dinner Party, An — Jan. 23 (Lux).... (500 All's Well That Ends Well— Feb. 20 (Princess) Almost White Hope— Feh. 16 (Powers) 872 .\mateur Animal Trainer. An — Dec. 30 (Than hoiiser) 90 Amateur Sportsman. .\n — Jan. 6 (Gaumont) . . . . 94 .\ngel of the House (3 parts) — Feb. 7 (Gaumont) S,80 Animal Export from Algiers — ^Feb. 13 (Lux) ... .1022 Animated Weekly. No. 94 — Dec. 24 (Universal). 92 Animated Weekly. No. 95 — Dec. 31 (Universal). 216 .\niinated Weekly. No. 96 — .Tan. 7 (Universal). .3.38 Animated Weekly No. 97 — .Tan. 14 (Universal). 4(>4 Animated Weekly. No. 9,8— Jan. 21 (Universal). .596 Animated Weekly. No. Oil — .Tan. 28 (TTniversal) . 718 Animated Weekly. No. inO— .Feb. 4 (Universal). 872 .Animated Weekly. No. 101 — ^Feb. 11 (Universal) .1018 Animated Weekly. No. 102— Feh. IS (Iiniversal).l 160 Animated Weekly. No. 103— Feh. 25 (Universal) . 1298 Animated Weekly, No. 1(M — Mar. 4 (Universal) .1430 .\nimated Weekly, No, 105 — Mar. 11 (Universal) 1582 Animated Weekly. No. 106 — Mar. IS (Universal) 1734 Arabella's Romance — Feb. 24 (Crystal) 1016 Arrowhead Romance, .\n — Jan. 3 (Rex) 86 Arrowmaker's Daughter. The (2 parts)— .Feih. 13 ( Kay-Bee) lo22 At the Court of Prince Make-Belicvc — Mar. 15 ( Eclair) At the Crossing — Feb. 1 (Eclair) 1158 .\t the Potter's Wheel — Jan. 24 (American)... 3.38 Atonement (2 parts) — .Mar. 22 (Majestic) 1740 -Vuntie's Romantic Adventure — Mar. 29 (Crystal) 1580 B Baby. The — Dec. 30 (Majestic) 88 Babies' Doll. The — April 5 (Rex) Bad Egg, A— Mar. 30 ( Powers 1 1736 Bad Man from the East. The — ,Ian. 1 (Komic). 342 Baffles. Gentleman Burglar (2 parts) — Feh. 16 (Keystone) Baldy Belmont Breaks Out— Mar. 10 (Crystal) . .1300 Baldy Belmont Nearly a Hero — Mar. 17 (Crystal) 1430 Baldy Belmont Picks a Peach — Feb. 10 (Crystal) 718 Baldy Belmont's Bump— ,Tan. 13 (Crystal) 214 Barrier Royal, A (2 parts) — Mar. 11 (Broncho). 1160 Beautiful Snow — .Mar. 27 (Princess) Because She Loved Him (2 parts) — Mar. 20 ( Victor) Bee Farming — ^Feli. 19 (Gaumont) 1166 Bee. The — Feb. 19 (Gaumont) 1166 Bell-hoy's Revenge. The — Mar. 28 (Royal) Bells of .\usti. The (2 parts)— .Mar. 19 ( Domino I 1.5R6 Bertie Has a Free Ride — .Ian. 30 (Lux) 726 Bess, the (Outcast — .Tan. 28 (Beauty) Better Man, The (3 parts)— Feb. 28 IG'aumont). Between Showers — ^Feb. 28 ( Keystone) Bill .-iiid the Compass — Jan. 9 (Lux) 470 Bill ami the Electrician — *Tan 16 (IjUx) 470 Hill's Day Out— Mar. 6 (Lux 1 1166 Billy's Ruse — Mar. 13 (Princess) 1432 Bimlierg's Love AffairMar. HI (Oystal) 1300 Birds of Passage — Mar. 8 (E<'Iair) 1158 Birthday Present. .\ — Feh. 19 (Komic) Black Hand Cousjiiracy. The — Feb. 15 (.\pollo). Black Hands and Dirty Money — Mar. 26 (Frontier 1 1.580 Black Sea. The— Feb. 8 (Eclair) 5W Blood Test. The (2 |iarts)— April 2 (Imp) 1734 Blowout at .Santa Banana, A (2 parts) — Jan, 26 (American) 468 Boating On the Seine — Feb. 20 (Lux) 1022 Boob's Honeymoon, The— 'Feb. 19 (Rex) 870 '•ox Couch The— Feb. 18 (lui|il Breed o' the Mountain.s — Feb. 25 (Nestor) ... .1016 Bride of Mystery, The (3 parts) — Feh, 10 (Gold Seal) 716 By Radium's Rays (2 parts)— (Mar. 3 (Gold Seal) 1158 0 Caballero's Way. The (3 parts)— April 1 (Eclair) 1734 Calamity .\nne In Society — vTan. 31 (American). 4(>8 Calino as a Stage Prompter — Jan. 27 (Gaumont) 7'26 Call of the Traumerei. The (3 parts)Mar. 9 (American) 1302 Can of Baked Beans. A — Feb. 22 (Thanhouser) Captain Jenny, S. A. (3 parts) — Feb. 24 (Gold Seal) 1018 Carbon Copy, The — Feb. 28 (American) 1020 Carlotta. the Bead Stringer— Mar. 22 (Rex).... Case of Cherry Purcelle, The (3 parts) — Jan. 7 (Eclair) 82 Oat's Paw. The (2 parts) — .Mar. 17 (Thanhouser) 15S4 Caught in the Web — Mar. 11 (Reliance) 1436 Certainty of Man, The— April 1 (American) 1740 Chasing Gloom — Jan. S (Komic) Chicken Chasers. The — ^Feh, 14 (Joker) Child of the Desert, A— Mar. 7 (American) 1162 Circle of Fate, The (2 parts)— Jan. 16 (KayBee) 340 Circum-stantial Nurse. A — Jan. 9 (Princess) .... 218 Olerk, The— Feb. 17 (Majestic) 102O Closed at Ten— Mar. 11 (Beauty) 1.3<X> Coals of Fire — Jan. 16 (Thanhouser) 340 Coincidental Bridegroom, .\ — Jan. .30 (Powers). 466 Colonel (Tustanl's Last Stand— Mar. 19 (Frontier) 1428 Colonel of the Nuts. The— Mar. 12 (Frontier) . .1300 Colonel's Adopted Daughter — Feh. 10 (Kay-Bee) Colombo — Feb. 22 (Eclairl Coming Home (2 parts) — .Tan. 21 (Eclair) 3.36 Coming of the Padres. Tlie — Mar. 18 (American) 1436 Coming of the Real Prince. The (2 parts) — Mar. 21 (Reliance) Conscience (2 parts)— Jan. 21 (Broncho) 292 Countess Betty's Mine — >Tan. 21 (Nestor) .3.38 Country Girl. A— Feb. 6 ( Lux ) 1022 Courtship of O San. The (2 parts)— Feb. 26 (Domino) 1160 Coward Hater. The— Feb. S (Pex) .596 Cricket on the Hearth. The 12 parts)— Feb. 16 (.\merican) 874 Crook r>etective. The (Fantomas Series No. 4) (4 parts) — Mar. 7 (Gaumont) Cross In the Cacti. The (2 parts)— Feb. 18 (Eclair) 870 Cross Roads — Jan. 10 (Frontier) 86 Crucible. The — Mar. 2 (American) 1162 Cruel Lesson. A— Feb. 24 (Gaumont) 880 Cupid's Close Shave — .Tan. 16 (Nestor) 216 Cupid Incognito — .April I (Nestor) 1734 Cure. Th<^-.Tan. 14 (Broncho) 220 Cycle of Adversity, The^Tan. 11 (Rex) 86 S Dad's Terrible Match— Mar. 15 (Apollo) Dancer. The (2 parts) — Feb. 10 (Thanhouser).. Dances of Today — .Tan. 26 (Victor) Dangerons Experiment, A (2 parts) — Jan. 23 (Victor) 3.36 Dtybreak— Deo. 28 (Reliance) 90