Moving Picture World (Jan-Mar 1914)

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VI INDEX Dazzle's Black Eye— Mar. 17 (Crystal) 1430 Decree of Justice, A — Mar. 2r» (American) l.lSf* Deail Line. The — Jan. 7 ( Nestor) .S2 Desert Oohl (2 partsi — Mar. i;i (Kay-Bee) ... .laSti Desert Trihesman. The (2 parts) — Mar. 3 (Thaii hoiiser) . . . ., l.'iOtI Destinies FnllilWMl Kt parts! — Ian. 12 (.American) 220 DejK'e and Two Pairs. A — .Tan. '2:i (Powers).... 'S'iH DeTu I'o.v of the Xurth, The C2 |>arts) — Feb. 25 (Eclairl K>l,S Diamond .Maker. The l-'i parts) — Mar. 4 (Kelair). 115.8 Diplomatic Flo CJ parts) — .Mar. 27 ( Victor) ... .l."».SO Discord and Harmony (3 parts) — Mar. 17 (G'old Seal) ir>S(] Divorce (2 parts) — Jan. 30 (Kay-Bee) 722 Doctor's Deceit, A — Jan. 26 (Imp) 4W Double Cross. The — Jan. 26 (Keystone) Dream Child, The (2 parts) — Feb. 23 (American) 1020 Duke's Talisman (5 parts) — Jan. 24 (Gaumont) E Educating His Daughters — Jan. 3 (Majestic)... SS Electric Girl, The — Feb. 22 (Eclairl 142.S Elevator Man, The — Jan. 25 (Thanhousen 596 Eleventh H'our. The (2 parts) — Jan. 10 (Bisonl. S6 Elixir of Love, The — Feb. 12 (Imp) Elopement by .\eroplane. An — Feb. 13 ( Lu.x ) . . 1 022 Elusive Diamond, The-^Jan. 23 (Thanbouaer) . . 468 Embezzler, The (2 parts) — Mar. 31 (Gold Seal) Enchanted Voice, An — Jan. 25 (Eclair) 338 Eugenic Boy, The— Mar. 15 (Thanhouser) 15.S4 Excursions In old Paris — .Tan. 27 (Gaumont)... 726 Excursion Through UUl Paris (Second Release) — Feb. 12 (GaumontI 1022 F Faith of Her Fathers, The (2 parts)— .Ian. 17 (Reliance) 342 Faith of Two. The — Mar. 13 (Powers) 1.3U0 False Beauty. .\ — .Mar. 5 ( Keystone) I'alse Bride, The (3 parts)— .Ian. 30 (Victor).. 401 Fan Making — Feb. 12 (G'aumont) Fantouias. .No. 3 (The Mysterious Finger-Prints) (4 parts)^an. 10 (Gaumont) 04 Fantomas. No. 4 (The Crook Detective) (4 parts) — Mar. 7 (Gaumont) Fatal Card, The — ^Feb. 21 (Frontier) 870 Fat and Thin of It. The— Mar. 22 (Cr.vstal) . .1430 Fate's Decree — Feb. 14 (Majestic) .874 Father's Devotion. A^an. 18 (Crystal) 214 Fighting Is No Business — Jan. 6 (Crystal) 84 Film Johnnie. .\ — Mar. 2 (Keystone) Fires of Conscience — Feb. 4 (Nestor) 596 First Nugget, The (2 partsi^an. 14 (Eelair). 214 Flaming Diagram, The (2 parts)— Mar. 9 (Imp) 1298. Flash In the Dark, The — Feb. IS (Nestor) 8iO Flash of Fate. The (2 parts)— Jan. IT (Bison(. 216 Flirt's .Mistake, A — .Tan. 12 (Keystone) Fooling rn<-le — Jan. 21 (Beauty) 470 For a Woman— Feb. 8 (Crystal) S.'M For Her Brother's Sake — Jan. 27 (Kay-Bee).. 600 For His Master |2 parts) — Feb. 7 (Reliance).. 724 For Life and Liberty— Mar. 26 (Imp) For the Family Honor (2 partsi — Feb. 26 (Rex). 1016 Far tl)e Freedom of Cuba (2 parts) — Jan. 24 (Bison) 338 For the Wearing of the Green (2 parts) — Mar. 5 (Domino) 1302 Forgetting— .Mar. 30 (Imp) Fourth Proposal. The— Feb. 1 (Rex) 464 Freak-Temperance Wave, A — Jan. 28 (Joker) . . 466 Fresh Freshman. The — Dec. 28 (Apollo) From Father to Son (2 parts)— Jan. 29 (Res). 464 From Nice to Monte Carlo — Jan. 9 (Lux) 470 From the Lion's Jaws (2 parts)Mar. 14 (Bison) „, Frou Fron (4 parts)-^an. 1 (Thanhouser) 94 6 Gambler. Jhe— Mar. 16 (Imp) Gangsters of New York. The (4 parts)— Feb. (Reliance) • Gee! But It's Great to be Stung— (Feb. 3 (Crystal) ^* Germ In the Kiss. The— Feb. 2 (Powers) 594 Getting a Suit Pressed^Feb. 19 (Komic) Getting Reuben Back— Feb. 10 (Crystal) 718 Getting Bid of His Mother-in-LawJan. 19 (Imp) Girl Bandit, The— Mar. 28 (Frontier) G)rl Who Dared, The — Mar. 18 (Beauty) 1436 Glimpse of Los Angeles, .\— .Tan. 1 (Keystone). G'lory of Whitney Durkel. The— Mar. 3 (Majestic) Going Some— Mar. 31 (Crystal) l'3b Golden Cross, The (2 parts)Feb. 24 (Thanhouser) .1184 Good In the Worst of Us, The (2 parts)— Feb. 11 (Eclair) '18 Crand Passion. The— Mar. 20 (Princess) l-->82 Granddaddy's Granddaughter— April 3 (Victor) .17.34 IJratefnl Outcast. A— iFeb. 1 (Crystal) 4<W) Greater Devotion. Tlie — ^Feb. 11 (Nestor) 1 18 Great Pasadena Rose Tournament. The — Felt. 1 (Apollo) •■• Green-Eyeil r>evil. The (2 parts)— Feb. 28 (Re llance) 1182 Gringo. The (2 parts)— Mar. 27 (Kay-Bee) Guilty or Not Guiltv?Mar. 8 (Thanlmnser) . . Guilty Secret (2 parts)— Feb. 14 (Gaumont).. H T'ands Invisible — Mar. 20 (Powers) H:'.0 Hand that Rules the World, The— Mar. 6 (.Powers I "''O ITnppv Coercion— April 8 (.\roerican) TTaroid's Burglar— Feb. 17 (Crystal) S70 n'arp of Tara. The (2 parts)— .Tan. 8 (Domino) . 220 Hawkeye and the Cheese Mystery— Mar. 16 (Powers) HSO Head Waiter. The— Dec. 28 (Tlianhouser) 90 Head Waiter. The— Mar. 28 (Joker) Heart of a Woman, The (3 parts)— Jan. 29 (Domino) •• ,599 Heart of Carlta, The— Mar. 1 (Kclair) 1018 Heart of Smiling Joe, The — 'Feb. 14 (Frontier). 716 Heart of the Hills, The (2 parts) — Mar. 12 (Rex) 13IIO Hearts and Flowers — .Mjir. 9 (Victor) Il!cavcii ^\'ill Protect the Working t^irl — Jan. 24 (.Toker) 336 He Doesn't Care to Be Phot(»graphed — Jan. 25 (Eclair) 338 Helen's Stratagem — Dec. 28 I.Maje.stic) 88 Her Brother — .Ian. 17 (Frontier) 214 Her lather's (fuilt — ^1 cb. 21 (Bison) Her First .\ri'est — .Mar. 27 ( Prjwers) 1580 Her Guilty Secret (3 parts) — Jan. (Gaiuuont). Her Love Letters — Jan. 20 (Thanhouser) 4t>8 Hermit, The (2 parts) — ^Feb. 2 (.4.merican) . . . . 598 Her Way— -Mar. 6 (Princess) 1,'iOO Il'e Who Laughs Last — Mar. 13 (Komic) He Would a Hunting G'o — Dec. 29 (Keystone).. Ilidilen t.nue. The — Jan. 24 (Reliance) 470 Higher Law, The — ^Feb. 21 (.Majestic) li)20 His Awful Vengeance — Dec. 31 (Reliance) 92 His Favorite Pastime — .Mar. 16 (Keystone) His First Love— Mar. 10 (Majestic) 1436 His Little Pal— Mar. 13 (Majestic) 1582 His Royal Pants— Feb. 13 (.Nestor) 718 Historic Bremen — Jan. 31 (Joker) His Twin Soul^an. 2 ( Lux ) 470 His Vacation^an. 27 (Crystal! 464 His Younger Brother — Mar. 14 (Frontier) 13()0 Hold-Up, The — ^Feb. 27 (Princess) Honeymooners, The (2 parts) — Mar. 13 (Victor). 1298 Honor of the Mounted. The (2 parts) — Feb. 17 (Gold Seal) 872 Hot Finish, A— Feb. 2 (Imp) 5.H4 Ii'ouse .\cross the Street, The — Mar, 5 (Rex)..1160 How Mosba Came Back— Feb. 29 (Crystal) 1010 How Motion Pictures Are Made — Jan. 13 (Keystone) I Idler, The — Feb. 14 (Reliance) 876 Imp Abroad. The^Tan. 12 (Victor) 210 Impostor, The — Mar. 5 (Komic! 129S In a Granite Quarry — ^Feb. 6 (Lux) 1022 In an Old Trunk — .\pril 5 (Eclair) 1734 Informer, Tlie (2 parts) — Jan. 22 (Domino).... 600 In Lapland — Jan. 12 (Powers) Interrupted Seance, .\n — 'Feb. 21 (Reliance) 1162 In the Clutches of the Gang (2 parts)^an. 17 ( Keystone ) In the Eye of the I^w — April 2 (Rex) 1734 In the Fall of '64 (2 parts)— Feb. 3 (Gold Seal) M6 In the Year 2014 — .Tan. 31 (.Toker) 466 Into the Foothills (2 parts)— Mar. 11 (Eclair) . .12.98 Into the Lion's Pit (2 parts)— Feb. 6 (Powers) .'i94 Into the Wilderness (3 parts)— Feb. 4 (Eclair) n'M Intruder, The — .Tan. 14 (Nestor! 216 In Union There Is Strength — .Tan. IS (Aitollo). Irene. tl!e Onion Eater's Daughter — >Feb. 6 ) Victor) Italian Love— Mar. 4 (Beauty) 1162 It May Come to TTiis^an. 13 (Crystal) 214 It's a Bear — Jan. 23 (Apollo) J Jake's Hoodoo — Jan. 13 (Majestic) 340 Jane Eyre (2 parts) — Feb. 9 (Imp) 716 Janitor, The — Feb. 4 (Reliance) 724 Jealousy and Giant Powder — Mar. 12 (Imp)... Jones' Burglar Trap^an. 20 (Crystal) 336 Joseph In the I>and of Egypt (4 parts)— Feb. (Tlianhouser) 880 Just a Song at Twilight — Feb. 10 (Majestic) . . 874 Just Kids (2 parts)— Jan. 28 (Eclair) 464 Just Motier-^an. 12 (Powers) 214 K Kathleen, the Irish Rose (2 parts)— Mar. 10 Thanhouser) 1*^32 Kelly's Ghost— Mar. 15 (Crystal) 1300 Kentucky Romance. A— Jan. 23 (Kay-Bee) 60O Kid Auto Races at Venice— -Feb. 7 (Keystone) Kidnapped Pugilist, Tht^Mar.' 19 (Rex) 1428 King, the Detective In Formula "879" (2 parts) —Feb. 5 (Imp) 594 King, the Detective, In the Marine Mystery (2 parts) — Mar. 23 (Imp) I. T,ackev. Tlie — Jan. 17 (Majestic) 340 Lady Doctor, The— April 5 (Crystal) 1736 Ijikes and Falls— Feb. 27 (Lux) 1166 Lamb. The Woman. The Wolf, The (3 parts) — April 4 (Bison) 1"34 Law of His Kind. 'Hie (2 parts)— Feb. 12 (Rex). 716 Ijiw's Decree, The (2 parts)— .Feb. 13 (Victor). 716 Lawyer's Courtship, Th(^— Jan. 15 (Gamnont) . . 470 Leak In the liV>reign Office, A— Feb. 17 (Thanhouser) 1020 Legend of the T-ilacs. The— Feh, 13 (Eelair).. il6 Legend of the Phantom Tribe, The (2 parts) — Feb. 29 (Bison ) Leonce at the Chateau D'lf— Feh. 10 (Gaumont) leper's Coat. The-^Tan. 23 (Rex) 3.36 Lesson In Bridge. A — Mar. 4 (Reliance) 1304 I.evinskv's Gold Mine — Mar. 16 (Imp) Levi's Luck — .Tan. 1 (Komic) 342 Lie. The (2 parts)— Jan. 6 (Gold Se'il).. 84 Like Father. Like Son (2 parts)— April 6 (American) ■ Little Blllv's Citv Cousin— Feb. 26 (Keystone) Little Billy's Triumphs— Jan. 29 (Keystone).. Lizzie and" the Iceman— Mar. 8 (Crystal) 1160 Loafer. The — .Tan. 7 (Reliance! 2?i) T^ser Wins, The— Jan. .30 (Princess) .i9i. Lost T'pasure. Tlie (3 parts)^Feb. 9 (Amen _^^ can) • ' — I/ive and Dvnamite.^Tan. 3 (I\eystone) love and Gasoline — Feb. 21 (Keystone) I.ove and Politics— Feb. 4 (.Toker) Tx)ve'8 Victory (2 parts)— Feb. 20 (Victor) ... 8.0 Luck of Hog Wallow Gulch. Ther-April 1 (Joker) ;■,■■; Lumber Industry of California— Feb. 18 (Joker) K Ma and Pa Play Poker — Feb. 25 (Joker) ...... Magic Salesman, The — Feb. 19 (Gaumont) .... 1166 .Man Between, The (2 parts) — Mar. 2 (Victor) . .1158 Mabel's Bear Escaiie — Jan. 31 (Keystone) Mabel's Stormy I.,ove .Vffair — Jan. ,5 (Keystone) .Mabel's Strange Predicament — ^Feb. 9 (Keystone) Mad Hermit. The (3 (jarts)— Jan. 31 (Bison). 466 Magic Skin", The l2 parts) — Jan. 3 (Victor)... 84 .Making a Living — Feb. 2 ( Keystone) .Man, The — Jan. 21 ( Reliance) Man Who Lied, The — Jan. 19 (Victor) 336 Man Who Slept, The — Feb, 9 (Victor) 716 Mario (2 parts) — Mar. 4 (Broncho) U)20 Marriage by Aeroplane (3 parts) — Jan. 31 (Gaumont) 728 .Marriage for .Money, A — Mar. 29 (Eclair) 1582 McSweeney's Masterpiece — Feb. 22 (Crystal).. 872 .Messenger No. 845 — Mar. '>) (Reliance) .Mexican's Last Raid. The — Mar. 11 (Nestor) .. 1298 Michael Arnold and Dr. Lynn (2 parts)— ^an. 15 (Rex) 214 Midnight Alarm, The — Feb. 7 (Joker) 594 .Midnight Scare, A — Jan. 20 (Crystal) 336 Mike and Jake (xo In for Matrimony — Mar. 21 (Joker) .Mike and Jake Join the Army — Jan. 21 (Joker ! Mike and Jake Live Close to Nature — Jan. 7 (Joker) Militant, The (3 parts)^an. 12 (Imp) 214 .Miniature, The — Feb. 17 (G'aumont) .Miser's Reversion, The (3 parts) — Mar. 24 (Thanhouser) Misplaced Foot, -^ — Jan. 1 (Keystone) Miss Aujcrica — Jan. 29 (Gaumont) .Missing Pearl. The — ^F'eb. 24 (Gaumont) .Mistaken Watch. .\— .Mar. 2s (Royal) Modern Fairy Tale, A— .Mar. 8 (Rex) IIOO .Modern Free-Lance, .\ (2 parts) — Mar. 16 (American) 14."!2 .Mollie ami the Oil King— Jan. 4 (Majestic)... 218 Money Lender, The — Feb. 14 (American).... 7*22 Moonshiner's Daughter. 'ITie — Mar. 14 (Majestic) 1438 Motber-in-Law Pays a Visit — Jan. 13 (Gaumont) Mountaineer. The— Mar. 25 (Nestor) 13S0 Mrs. Pinkhurst's Proxy — Jan. 4 (Thanhouser). 21S .Mud Bath Elopement, A— Jan. 22 (Rex) 336 .Murderous Elopement, A — Mar. 9 (Powers) . .1300 .Musician's Wife, The — Feb. 25 (Reliance) . .1164 Mutual Weekly. No. 52— Dee. 24 (Mutual Weekly) S8 Mutual Weekly, No. 33 — Dec. 31 (Mutual Weekly) 220 Mutual Weekly, No. 54— Jan. 7 (Mutual Weekly) 342 Mutual Weekly, No. 53 — Jan. 14 (Mutual Weekly ) 470 Mutual Weekly, No. 56 — Jan. 21 (Mutual Weekly) 600 Mutual Weekly, No. 57— Jan. 28 (Mutual Weekly) "22 Mutual Weekly, No. 58— Feb. 4 (Mutual Weekly) 878 Mutual Weekly. No. 39-^Feb. 11 (Mutual Weekly) 1022 Mutual Weekly, No. 60— Feb. 18 (Mutual Weekly) 1164 Mutual Weekly, No. 61— Feb. 25 (Mutual Weekly) 130* Mutual Weekly, No. 62— Mar. 4 (Mutual Weekly) l^S* Mutual Weekly, No. 63— Mar. 11 (Mutual Weekly) 158* Mutual Weekly. No. 64— Mar. IS (Mutual Weekly) 17*0 My Mother's Irish Shawls — Feb. 20 (Powers).. Mysterious Finger-Prints (Fantomas Series, No. 3) (4 parts)^an. 31 (Gaumont) 94 Mysterious Leopard Lady, The (2 parts)— «Iar. 24 (Gold Seal) ." Mysterious Shot, ITie (2 parts)— April 4 (Re _ ^ liance) 1 '* Mystery Ladv, The (2 parts)— Feb. 12 (Domino) 8i8 Mystery of Buffalo Gap, The— Mar. 7 (Frontier) .1158 Mystery of a Taxicah, The — Jan. 17 (Joker).. 216 My Wife's Away— Feb. 5 (Komic) 724. H Narcotic Spectre (2 parts)— .Tan, 9 (Kay-Bee).. 220 Narrow Escape, A— Feb. IS (Joker) Nemesis That Passed, The— Mar. 6 (Victor) . . New England Idyl, A (2 parts)— Feb. 4 (Broncho) "00 North of 53 Degs. (2 parts)^Feb. 27 (KayBee) 1302 Nutty Delivers the Message to Garcia — Jan. 11 (Eclair) 82 0 OlLsession. The — Feb. 3 (Gaumont) Oh! You Puppy— Jan. '27 (Crystal) 464 Old Locket. An— Feb. 13 (Rex) olives and Their Oil — Feb. 7 (Keystone) O Minii San (2 parts)— Feh. 3 (Domino) 722 One of the Bravest (2 parts)-Jan. 27 (Gold Seal) *6* One of the Finest— Feb. 27 (Nestor) 1016 One Happy Tramp — ^Mar. 31 (Crystal) One-Round O'Brien in the Ring Again — ^Feb. 8 (Apollo) .tf^' Opal Ring. The (2 parts)— Mar. 5 (Imp) 1160 Option. The— Tan. 18 (Rex) 214 Orange Bandit. Tli(^--Feb. 13 (Majestic) 1020 Ondiids— Mar. S (Eclair) 11;'J Oscar's Disappointment— Feb. 3 (Gaumont) 1«— n.scar's H'erolc Poses— .Tan. 20 (Gaumont) 4(0 Oscar Wins the Shop Girl— Feb. 5 (Gaumont).. Our Mutual Girl (No. D— ,Tan. 19 (Reliance). ._i9S Our Mutual Girl (No. 2)— .Tan. 26 (Reliance). nH'J Our Mutual Girl (No. Sl-'Feb. 2 (Reliance).. 7;Our Mutual G'Irl (No. 4)— Feb. 9 (Reliance)... 8,6 Our Mutual Girl (No. 8)— Feb. 18 (Reliance) .102.