Moving Picture World (Apr-Jun 1917)

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THE M< >VING PICTURE \Y< >RL1> 1 427 ILLINOIS. Dki.mai: r SCHNBPP bod ol Mayor John S. S< 1 , p "i Springfield, baa taken a yea irs" option for renewal, on the I bal terton 1 >pera Hou -■■ 1 1 I a I :i ton ebj 1 ow ned George W. Cbatterton <>f Springfield. Although the in. 1 1-. will not forsake its old policy oi the at Heal attractions, Mr. Scbnepp expeota i" pay 1 -■ attention to tbe exhibition of bigfa class feature pictures, lit bad closed a deal for 1 1 ..f tbe Powers theater In Decatur wblob recently n-as destroyed by Dire and since tbat catastrophe ttmi bo ta Ice over tin Blooming ton bo 1 1< which be already bad in mind. ec F. Mnrris. «.r Springfield, aecretary of the Illinois State Federation ol La*bor, baa senl out circulars to local unions urging then to make social .-.-nters mil ol their halls and t<> build labor which win ip« suitable t'.-r theaters. Dndoubtedly the moving picture wlU play a large pari if this plan is carried out. a concert by the Illinois Watch Obmpanj band was .1 feature of tin opening of tin new Monarch Theater at Ninth Street and North <ir;imi Avenue. Pour n and t 1 1 r. ■*■ acta ■•! vaudeville are given for flv< cents. \ new peril confronts the moving picture as bibltors in "dry" Illinois towns are l"ts «>f them. Will many aaloonless villages attempt to secure more revenue from the photoplay vt Oilman the city fathers won di-en-Mii tinquestion "f where t" get tin m y for expenses when someone thought of Paul Kraft's apparently thriving moving picture place, a motion requiring Kraft to pay into tin city treasury the sum of K750 a year waa duly made but tailed of adoption. W. k. Elliott is erecting a new opera bouse at ■ Albert B. Wilson who formerly operated a moving picture theater in Cuba baa purchased the Princess Theater at Macomb from Prank <'. McGuare. Ira Furhy of Onarga has purchased the Palace Theater ;it Onarga from C. 1:. Ward of that place ami lias taken possession 1 leorge V7. Smith lias christened the oevi yng picture theater, which he has opened at 1 tti-' Lyric. An airdome has been opened at Olayton which will give moving picture shows three times a week, \v. m. afedcalf of Evansville. End., was at Canton with his camera where he took a number of moving pictures which were shown at the Princess Theater. Manager Clark of the Drexel Theater at Joliet idded vaudeville to his picture program at no addition in price. The house has just emerged from a peri. id of renovation anil improvement. Demand has been ma.h' upon tbe village board of Oak Park for a censorship of moving picture theaters ami other forms of commercialize. 1 entertainment This demand was made upon behalf of the children, by a committee ol women, a minister boo! teachers. Pictures and acts in Oak Park theaters deemed harmful t>> the young were Cited. The matter was taken under considerahtion by the hoard. Tucker \ Manning have opened the New La Salle 1 be house shows multiplereel features ami Kinemacolor pictures at five and ten cents. Pightlng immoral shows is one of the objects of tbe Illinois Civic 1 nion. Rev. l*. 1*.. Johnson, president, recently spoke at Monmouth where be -. .1 to form a local union. It is not iin hroba-ble that this organization win be found later actively engaged a^.niist the picture shows. 111 ..rd.T to provide a strong local attraction for tie p.v ric Theater at Robinson, arrangements were 1 1 .. Clarence *'. Johnson of Vlnoennes, End. to film the city's show places. Incidentally Vincei itself is a good place for some interesting pictures. 1 ■ -u roads used to run excursions to the historic city. Johnson has combined a number of views of famous scenes In one reel which be has been exhibiting with Success in southern Illinois theaters. Jack Kinnebrevt of Plymouth recently opened a picture >how under canvas at Bovi en, Alma made o:' tbe former residents of Pulton i'i> residing in Southern California were sent 1 Canton KeL'i-t'-r to Los Angeles tor exhibition at the Theater he Luxe. Orange and AUardo Streets. All the Pulton county exiles in the California city were mulled postcards, good for ad mission, t.y the Illinois newspaper which had the pictures made. The police department at Rockford is enforcing 1 he ordinance which demands that aisles in theaters be kept clear and that no standing room he sold. Sunday pmurauis at Homer Park on the Illinois 11 System near Homer will again moving pictures. The Sunday attractions semi-pleasure1 put last ted mud) b tten Hon because of thehr Indorsement by church workers who found they were aide to give beneficial pictures on sum lav 1.1 many who otherwise would engage in Leas lie 1 j. fui amusements. Many persons make their summer home Ln buildings and tents at the park. Th ntracl has been let for tie (14,000 movinc picture theater which It. .T. McMlchael, owner of the Star at Sparta. « ill erect in that city. C i" Ward who has been operating a photoplay house at Onarga has purchased the Blectric Theater at Fairhury. 11. i:. Barrlcklow who recently purchased the _ picture theater in t lie north part ..f Princeton announced that the house would be .lose.!, at least f'*r the summer Merchants of that section ■ ( a picture BhOH a a protit able attraction, contemplate operating tin if possible, at a low price with one <>r two free ' week. 1 Kankakee hs now running ended tiie \ audevllle season. B lywens, lormer treasurer of the Powers i! er In Decatur, will be manager of the new moving picture theater to 1 rected on Jasper 1 Grand Avenue in thai city at a • It wilt he W \ BO and will tavt .1 Beating capacity ot The Gem Theater at Cridley gave i benefit performance for the \\. 1 Corps which n 1st e.i i.. build a walk to tbe cemetery. The Palm I b< it : at Rockford is now opt 1 lously, baring cut out the supper hour rest. Construction work is rapid upon the building being ere< ted al Breen foi Schmidt Brothers, moving picture booh , Bergumier ft Cferlander have -old the Airdome on Charles Street near Seventh Street in Rockford to Aii'iu Johnson, owner of the Olympic Theater on Seventh street, and bis brother Emll. The place Will he operated with a photoplay policy under the Bcm name .»f Johnson Brothers, [mprovements were made before the summer show BeSSOU was begun. The srar Theater in Bvanston recently celebrated its anniversary week by giving special photoplay programs each day. The Cosmopolitan Amusement Company, of < 'ii icago, has been incorporated with a capital -toek of .f.-,.<HHi to do a theater and amusement husiiiess. The incorporators are John K. Culhane, I'M ward A. Myer and nit,, 1:. S.-hram. "Twilight Pictures'" have replaced stock which ran for seventy-two weeks at the Majestic Theater in Hock ford. Merrit s. Miller is directing the 11. 1 which i furnishing the music for tbe photoplay attractions. The 1; and li Feature Film Company of Chicago has been Incorporated with a capital stock of $2,500 to manufacture and deal in moving picture 81ms and to do a theater and amusement husiness. The incorporators are Michael x. tjollos. George N. Cellos and II. A. Manager Schuchert of th. Opera House Picture show at Chester helped in a deau-up movement in that town. He gave a free show on Saturday after noon to all the children who helped clean up their premises or the streets and alleys. Even the younger children were eligible as they could pull up obnoxious dandelions. The work was done in coOperation with the local Civic League. Lewis Adams of Monmouth is the manager of ilie new moving picture show which 1ms been opened al Vauvoo. B. I. Rritton has his new Grand Theater on Front Street at Mounds open for business. The Central Theater Company of Chicago his changed its name to the Schaefer Theater Company. The opera house at Scales Mound, which has been under lease 10 Bird & Son for some time, has been taken over by W. J. Berry man and W. 1;. EMge who will operate it for the next twelve months. They will endeavor to seine some theatrical attractions. Three reels of pictures and one act of vaudeville are being given for rive cents at th.* Irvin Theater at Winchester which now is under the management of Palls Brothers. The second night of its operation the new Orpheuni Theater at Cuba gave a henefit performance for the schools ami the next nigbt used some vaude ville. Competition is keen in Cuba. It is reported that an airdome will he opened at the West Side in McHenry, this summer. Mr. ami Mrs. Samuel Schlosser of Peru bave gone to QByUga where they have erected an airdome which will feature moving pictures this summer. Licenses for three theater in tfoline were held Dp by the City Commissioner. E. L. Kastman. until certain changes, declared to he neeessarj for safety, were made. The afoline and Barrymore Theaters were said to have failed to connect their tire alarm boxes with tii.' city system ami n.e Family was found to have a frame proscenium wall. Wiring changes were ordered in all three. Charles Rees has opened a moving picture show in tbe Lute Building at Bfaroa. W. A. Ross of Frankfort. Ind.. who took i ..I, ihe HcFerren's i»pera House in Hoopeston announces that this is Ian th. Qrst step in a plan to m a chain of moving picture ami vaudeville theaters in that Section with the . eiitnil office in HOOpeetOn. The opera bOUSC will he operated nightly with a program of four reels of pictures,, on. vaudeville act and a three-piece orchestra. t. c. German of Springfield, who ha had considerable experience as an exhibitor in Central Illinois tovMis, iv i„.u associated Amusemenl Company of thai city acting a bouse manager at the Vaude tte Theater on South Fifth Street. Tin o|M-ra bouse at Coal Citj baa been redecorated and fitted up by Bohemian residents of that elty for nee picture theater. The popular ity of the moving picture in tin communities made u p chiefly of foreiLrn-i».rn resident ["bis in in of entertaining -and ■ a (rreat factor for good in the mining t..wn-. Owners of multiple-reel religious pictures say their features haw dorm surprising Nu-im-ss in these small coal-producing .-.ties. Continued patronage of moving picture shows must have an important effect upon the patronage "f the Morris BoultinghouBe has shipped his moving picture equipment from Marion, Ky., to Qrayville, ■ " in airdome on North Street tin summer. Manager Wiley UcConnell of the Bijou 1 at Quincy gave a children's matinee al im i.iiman C. Mann's •■Around the World in Ninety Minutes" was shown. Recently at Prim Ind., the school hoard purchased tbe the theater and 1,470 pupils >an th, -\ benefit for the a, b. C, a woman's organisation, Was given bj the Male lie Ileal, r ;.l Alhioll, Both the club ami The management of the I i.-ii it necessarj to di .iiitv for the films shown and to inform the public that thi hihitor hi th. -mall .-ity is at the exchange. It. <\ s.-hroeder, manager of the Colonials at «rg, not only was one of the organize! t Rotary club in that cits but was honored by being elected secretary. Only one man I I i admitted to memhershi husiness men are hound to boost Schroeder'fl ■ The Pastime Theater at Bast liol 1 losed a is >z I ntest in which the pria awarded to twins. Frank Sloan has been -.-eking a building in Piper City with a view of opening a new moving picture thea tei I [lion moving picture operators of Spi ■ declare they have gained a victory because tbe management of the Amuse-U Theater on North Sixth Street has posted notices I t that only union labor wilt he employed. a deal ba bee e< ted ■■ bere 13 tbi Bast theater Company of laist Moline has adjoining the Mai Btk Thear., 9 bli b venient location for its new s-Jo.oimi vaudeville theater '.Veai. eating ca »acit 9 better entrance and altogether a more attractive theat.-r have .. tained by th Gem at Kelthsborg much has moved to tin Venable Building. MIDWEST SPECIAL SERVICE. NORTHWESTERN NEW YORK. TTEALTH Cominssioner Cnui-zak has caUed the attention of an managers of -, theaters in Buffalo to the epidemic of fl I). COUgh in that city. He asks ihem to .-<.-., perate in excluding children snowing signs <>r < "East Lynne" in moving pictures tvas Sunday feature at the Toek Theat.-r, B Mayor Edgerton of Rochester, n. v.. has appointed tive members of a board ..i examiners tor operators of moving picture theaters, Roy .1. Fisher, ia t..r at the Temple theater, and Harmon J. Smith, operator at the Colonial theater. 1 two members of the hoard other than city ofl It is provided by the rule, that on and after ] 1915. an applicant must hav served as an apprentice, under a licensed operator, not less than six months. All applicants must !..> at leas t_'l years of age ami have operated a picture ma at lest for si\ months he fore making application. a f f $2 is charged f.-r the License. Carnival Court, a Buffalo summer park, has amongits features an airdome. where free feature films are exhibited eacb evening. President Johnson of rhe company has made several improvements in tbe place. Genera] Manager Savage of the Buffalo '-ranch of she General Film Co., has appointed Edward Hay-, in charge of the company's bd« ial feature department jM this territory. 10. w. Qnlnlan and a. j. Sberich bave organized the Internationa] Feature mm Co., with offl -I Chap in Block, Buffalo. Among th. feature* an !..« .k itiLT is "Homer's Od Manager l>a\is of Keith's moving picture theater, Buffalo, has installed a radium go manufactured bj Atsco, inc. George Keating merly Mr. Davis1 assistant, i managing 1 theater. Euffalo. W. «;. Kali-ka, former assistant manager of the Strand theater. Buffalo, is OOW u tan theater of that ell Kali ska's original methods to attract the ePlW,)s are prOVlIlk* slleeessflll. He r \ii>s iieiei, Todd, a Ca from the stage. HuritiL the recenl troo ..-■ m Vera Cruz he threw the tirst verse and chorus «.f "The star Spangled Banner*' and the screei compai -Tit ..f the orchestra the audience heartily Joined inged with the Buffalo Courier to rush important Merlcao bu These arc Qaahed on the Allendale screen and are \cry popular. Bj I bOOl tea. Jots and students he packed his hen-., uh.11 "ESvangetine" ■■-..i^ being shown. H. baa in-tailed a neu s-Teen and red plush cur and has banked the front or BILLY BISON. When writing to advertisers please mention MOVING PICTURE WORLD