Moving Picture World (April-June 1915)

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April 3, 1915 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 29 NOW READY! RICHARD CARLE IN 'THE DANCING BEETLE' NOW READY! JEFF DE ANGELIS IN ' HEALTH BY THE YEAR ' Kathryn Osterman the famous Broadway Comedienne, appears in the third of the ComedyStar releases, "Housekeeping Under Cover," March 29th. Although it will have to fight to surpass the preceding releases, it has every indication of being just as commendable. The World Comedy Stars Film Corporation productions are establishing a satisfactory comedy standard. For goodness' sake, realize the drawing power of these Broadway stars — even though appearing in one reel comedies. They can be used to brighten up a night of features, or as a box office attraction. Start yt>ith ihe Richard Carle Release and get e'i>ery one. Ask Nearest World Film Exchange About Them WORLD FILM CORPORATION Lewis J. Selznicl^y Vice-President and General Manager 130 West 46th Street, New York, N. Y.