Moving Picture World (April-June 1915)

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1228 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD May 22, 1915 i fm^MfMnM, 'THE GODDESS" The Reviewer of the Dramatic Mirror is kind enough to say of the initial presentation of "The Goddess" at the Vitagraph Theatre : — "The Vitagraph Company need not feel the slightest trepidation for the success of this, their first invasion of the serial field, for — judging from the introductory episodes, this picture will undoubtedly prove to be the greatest serial that has yet been produced. In the first place it has for a foundation a great big idea, and secondly — it is decidedly di£Ferent from anything that has ever before been attempted. These two facts alone are enough to establish its success." Mr. Reviewer merely reiterates our belief, which we have told you many times before. The merit of the story is guaranteed by Gouvemeur Morris and Charles W. Goddard and we need say no more than that the direction is by Ralph W. Ince with Anita Stewart and Earle Williams in the leading roles with publicity galore in all the leading newspapers. Don't be the last: — Be the first man in your town to book "The Goddess" : — Through any ofiFice of the General Film Company. THE VITAGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA 1 ^ ri t> M tv M ^ m t> m t> m t^ n t> m t> m t} n t> i'^