Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1915)

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September 4, 1915 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 1727 discovers her brother entrenched behind a barrel. She wrenches his gun from him and one of the opponents shoots and seriously wounds her. Pico takes his unconscious sister to Dr. Duvall, who removes the bullet. Pico, by his actions, has aroused the doctor's suspicion, and he is calling up the county attorney when Pico confronts him and In a hard voice asks him if he thinks his action is exactly professional. The physician realizes his breach and hangs up, without getting his party. In the days that follow, Georgia makes quick recovery. Amelia and her brother call during her convalescence and are introduced to her. Amelia immediately sees the physician's interest in the girl is more than friendly, and her jealousy is aroused. She determines to blacken the girl's character in such a way that it will cause a break between the two. While standing near the mantel she slips some of DuvalJ's heirlooms into her purse and takes them with her when she leaves. Georgia falls in love with the doctor, but believes he will never come to care for her, and so determines to leave secretly. Just as she is slipping but of the door, Duvall confronts her. Duvall in the meantime has missed the heirlooms and on the previous day remembered showing these and many others to the girl. She had taken quite an interest in them, and he suspects that she, being the sister of a gangster, took them. He accuses her, but she denies the charge. Georgia returns home to Pico and tells of the theft. Pico had observed the attitude of Amelia on one of her visits to the doctor's office and suspects her. That night he slips into Amelia's room and finds the heirlooms. On a sudden impulse he calls his sister up and has just told her where he is when confronted by Clay with a revolver. Georgia, getting no answer, suspects something wrong and hurries to the county attorney's house, where she finds her brother about to be placed under arrest. She pleads for his freedom, but in vain. Clay is surprised to know he is the brother of Georgia and calls Duvall to enjoy the joke with him. Amelia has heard of the arrest and hurries down to her brother's office to get the trinkets if possible. Duvall arrives, and at sight of Georgia's grief he also asks Clay to release Pico. Clay refuses and tells them he saw Pico steal the jewels with his own eyes. Duvall, looking closer, recognizes them, and finally the true meaning of it dawns on him and he turns to Amelia, who breaks down and confesses. Pico is released. Duvall then begs Georgia's pardon, and in the last scene of all the doctor and his former patient are clasped in each other's arms. JOE MARTIN TURNS THEM LOOSE (Two parts — Sept. 15). — An old maid receives a telegram from the administrator of a distant uncle's will, stating that he is shipping her share of the inheritance in a box. When the box arrives, the old maid discovers it contains a full-sized orangoutang, which escapes from the box and causes her no end of trouble when she tries to inveigle him to re-enter his prison. In the apartment next to that of the old maid is a musician who persists in torturing a trombone, to the exasperation of the old maid, who vainly tries to persuade him to cease his efforts. He, however, only slams the door in her face. When she returns to her apartment, she finds that the monk has again made his escape from the box and is roaming around the room, doing what damage he can. It is then that her attention is again called to the musician, who resumes his practice upon the trombone. The orang makes his escape from the apartment via a window and makes his way unmolested down the street, until he arrives at a circus tent, in which a performance is at that time going on. He enters the menagerie tent and proceeds to release all the animals of the menagerie. The elephants and camels are stampeded ; and the lions, tigers, leopards, pumas, and other animals, proceed to make for freedom. Many exciting scenes follow, in which the animals terrorize the neighborhood. They are finally all captured by the keepers from the circus. The old maid and the musician make up their differences ; and, going after the truant monkey, find him engaged in eating fruit at a fruit stand. He is vengefully borne homeward and confined with no chance of escape, while the romance of the old maid and the musician ripens into love. IMP. DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDEf (Two Parts —Aug. 27) . — Dr. Jekyll. a young London physician, while experimenting, finds a drug by means of which his evil nature predominates, and he is changed into a pale, misshapen creature of malicious and violent passions. During thj periods of his transformation he is known as Mr. Hyde. The scene opens in the parlor of Alice, Jekyll 's fiancee. She receives a note from Dr. Jekyll, in which he excuses himself for not being able to take her to the opera as his charity patients have to be attended to. and tells her to go with her father. Alice is angered. We next see Dr. Jekyll attending to his " IM EI \AS IVI A IM " Brass Frames and Rails Our frames are made to stand very rough usage. The heavy sheet brass is drawn through a die together with the moulding that clinches the brass to the wood in such a manner that it forms one solid piece, with no sharp edges to cut your hands when cleaning. Insist on the name "Newman" when buying frames. Get our New Catalog The Newman Mfg. Co. NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO 101 Fourth Ave. 717 Sycamore SI. 108 W. Lake St. Established since 1882 SOLIDHED POSTER TACKS No. 448 No. 46S No. 478 per 100 per 100 per 100 25c. 35c. 40c. Illustrations are actual size Saves Wear and Tear on Your Paper Solidhed Tack Co. 38 Murray Street, N. Y. Colored Celluloid and Special Advertising Tacks quoted »n request charity patients at his own office. Dr. Dan yon and Lawyer Utterson enter and make fun of Jekyll on account of his professional zeal for strange drug experiments. Later we see Lr. Jekyll in his laboratory, where, in the dead silence of the night, he plans to set free his evil self. He drinks the fluid he has discovered and is transformed from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde, now presenting the figure of a hideous deformed monster. He writes the following note : "To My Household Servants — The bearer, Mr. Hyde, Is my best friend ; treat him as myself. Dr. Jekyll." Hyde erives the note to the butler, who shows it to the nurse. They are both very much frightened at Hyde's fiendish appearance, but consent to carry out the instructions of their master. Hyde enters a dance hall and frightens everybody by his grotesque antics and hiaeous demeanor. Next we see him beating a poor cripple boy. A crowd assembles and Hyde takes refuge in Dr. Jekyll's laboratory. The crowd follow him there, and Hyde pays for the Injuries the boy has sustained through the beating he has given him. The lawyer, Utterson, calls while Hyde is taking the antidote, and, as he barely escapes being seen bv Utterson before the transformation takes place, Dr. Jekyll vows that he will never again tempt fate. A little later, while he is sitting at the fireplace, Dr. Jekyll feels a strange sensation, and realizes that he is being transformed to Hyde. His evil nature is gradually beginning to predominate without the use of the drug. Dr. Jekyll next dictates his will to Mr. Utterson. One clause of the will reads : "In case of my death or disappearance, all my worldly possessions revert to Mr. Hyde." Alice calls on Dr. Jekyll, and meets Mr Utterson and Dr. Lanyon. She enters the office of Dr. Jekyll, just as he is being transformed, but he manages to stop the transformation by taking the antidote. At the next attack he is not so fortunate; the attack comes on in front of Alice's house. Alice goes into the house to get a glass of water. In running away to avoid detection. Hyde meets Alice's father, and strangles him. Alice rushes after her lover and finds her father stretched out on the ground dead while Hvde is hiding in the bushes. Hyde makes his escape, and -ives a note to a boy he meets, telling him to run with it to Dr. Lanyon. The note asks the doctor to get the antidote Dr. Lanyon secures the antidote, and we next see Hyde in Dr. Lanyon's library, where by means of the drug he again becomes Dr. Jekyll. The police, however, are now after Hyde, and track him to his bedroom, but he fools them by taking the antidote Dr. Jekyll emerges from the bedroom, and Hyde cannot be found. But one day, Dr. Jekyll accidentally spills the valuable fluid. He looks around his laboratory for the requisite ingredients to renew it, but cannot find them. Then he writes a prescription, and, waving it through the open door so that he cannot be seen, he orders the butler to go to every chemist in London, if necessary, to have the prescription filled. Meanwhile, Mr. Utterson and Dr. Lanyon call to see him. Hyde raves around frantically looking for bottles of medicine, while the police, who are still on his track, are trying to obtain entrance. Owing to his fear of discovery, Hyde's raving turns to fiendish fury, and finally he drops dead. The door is broken open, and Dr. Lanyon covers the corpse with a cloth so as to hide the hideous features of Hyde from the spectators. Presently Alice rushes in, lifts the cloth, and behold ! Hyde in death has been transformed to Dr. Jekyll. She gives way to grief while Dr. Lanyon tries to console her by proclaiming Dr. Jekyll a noble martyr to medical science. BASHFUL GLEN (Sept. 14).— Glen Martin, a wealthy young club and business man, is very much sought after by members of the opposite sex. and being of a bashful nature, these attentions annoy him extremely. He goes on his vacation and while on the boat several yo"ng ladies are attracted to him, much to his displeasure. Upon arriving at the hotel he meets with the same annoyance from other girls, and is surprised to see some of the young ladies, who traveled with him on boat, stop at the same hotel. When shown to his room — is attracted for the first time at the appearance of the chambermaid — so much so, that he musters up courage to invite her out some evening. Much to his surprise she refuses. He tries to enjoy himself at a summer resort in various ways — but every time the admiring girls keep him fleeing from place to place. He gets an idea to stop it all by manufacturing a family for himself. He proceeds to buy a photo of a lady and child, with endearine notes on it, as if they were from his own wife and child, and places them in a prominent place in his room. Some of the girls in the hotel pass his room at the same time the chambermaid is busy in the room. They stop and talk and see the photos and immediately spread the news that he has pictures of another man's wife In his room. In the meantime a famous actress is on her honeymoon. They come to the hotel