Moving Picture World (Apr-Jun 1917)

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April 21, 1917 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 397 Entrancing Romances in Pictures The O. Henry story is the story you can never forget. With a swift, sure hand he sets his simple stage, fills it with delightfully human and absurdly romantic men and women whom he alone could portray, and makes them play out those droll comedies and pathetic tragedies which will live forever in the hearts of millions of people all over the civilized world. O. Henry stories make motion pictures you can never forget. They bring to life upon the "screen the vivid, picturesque, whimsical characters — the quaint, surprising situations — the sudden, unexpected climaxes that move you to laughter or to tears. O. HENRY BROADWAY STAR FEATURES These wonderful pictures have a vast audience ready-made, for practically the entire population has read the 0. Henry stories. Each 0. Henry picture is a faithful reproduction of the story, with all the great author's whimsicality and droll humor. Each is beautifully produced under the direction of THOMAS R. MILLS. Millions of people are waiting to see the 0. Henry Pictures. Their box office value is far above the average. Book them now — be the first to show them in your locality. DISTRIBUTED BY GENERAL FILM CO., Inc.