Moving Picture World (Apr-Jun 1917)

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790 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD May 5, 1917 Conducted by EPES WINTHROP SARGENT Udells. DAVE UDELL takes the floor to talk about suiting tbe type to the type of picture and other things. Generally you get two Udell advertisements at a time, but here are a lot to illustrate his material, and they are worth while keeping and studying. Mr. Udell admits that we have often thought that he used to be a printer's devil. It did not seem to us that he got his knowledge of type from the theater. He says : "Printers are O. K. if you handle them O. K., but there's the rub. A printer will either try and give you too much display or else none at all. Since A. D. 1917 I have given the printer a complete layout, naming A[tro Would Smile Ben Blair Toni^Ut'j ■ GystatThe&fc — J £3i f^f =» — 6-a<-i>( /-pv^Jt b-v*JLt*~ ^vt^ *'^-*7 the styles and sizes of type, borders, etc., I want used in all my advertising matter. In a small town all they have is a little Caslon and a few old worn out families which needed a shave long before Cheltenham became famous. The office here, however, has plenty of Cloister! But if you ever catch me running Cloister or any other ecclesiastical faces In my stuff telegraph me at once C. O. D. Nevertheless, Caslon is all right. It is a pretty face and the family has enough variety to make a wide range from light medium to bold condensed. "You will notice in lot of my ads that I use Caslon profusely for display the main reason being that I cannot secure anything else except Caslon. They have some fairly good Post and Bradley, which I also use extensively ; howbeit. the small town exhibitor who is trying to be progressive In the display line will find himself handicapped on every side. , AROUND JAMESTOWN TO HAVE & TO HOLD FRIDAY. FEB. 16. 5c & lie. CRYSTAL THEATRE A Ruined Financier The Code of Marcla Gray PARAMOUNT PICTURE PLAT TONIGHT -.•»; FEBRUARY 27 i crystal i theatre! "The inclosed layout on 'Ben Blair' is a sample of my instructions to the printer. The only thing I don't do is set the ad for him. I even measure the space for body type so that he will not mistake even a pica and run out too far in the margin. By the way, a margin is as big an asset to an advertisement as the type itself. It gives distinction to the letters if handled correctly. Ben Blair is a strong bold man and the lilm play 'Ben Blair.' is a heavy drama. Therefore, it is only harmonious to use strong, heavy display type. I selected Post. Different type should be used for different plays. For 'To Have and to Hold' I used a lighter face because the play is taken from past history and is of a light nature. Caslon and Jenson were my choice, but I would have used Bulfinch to better advantage. The index finger adds to the effect, pointing to a clipping from 'Ye Olden Time' around Jamestown. It J\[ero Would Smile If he could see the burning house In this westeru picture drama. Being on the plain It wes naturally a dry old structure and the flames soon consumed it. This fire was the turning point of an intense story which links the east with the west. Th© story takes you from a ranch of 50,000 cattle and a western barroom to a New York roof garden and the $125,000 mansion of a rich society family DUSTIM FARNVM in Ben Blair Tonight's Paramount shows you how easy it is for one's life to change to a variety ofplaces. Yoor eyes feast on the natural splendorof the golden west, and are later rest* ed by the Adam's period .decorations and furniture in a rich society girl's boudoir; the genuine Dutch Inlay pieces, the fountain playing, breakfast room and the luxurious apartments of a bachelor's clnb. Dustln Famum plays the part of a peor bo.who maker good Crystal Theatre 5c and 15c is as necessary to put effects in the advertising of a theater as it is to put effects in the acoustics. " 'The Code of Marcia Gray' is a heavy story. The use of John Hancock explains itself then in my ad on this subject. " 'The Saleslady' is dainty, therefore a dainty letter, Light Century or Bulfinch. In the border you see two one-point rules. This also add» f Loses $10,000 1 THE RACE Tonight lor 5c and 10c NexlT.r.uT Friday, March 23d Crystal Theatre The Saleslady ^EORGt WASlIIM.rgN Tonight Crystal Theatre to the daintiness of the subject. Plenty of white space harmonizes with the light face and makes it more legible. The ten-point body matter