Moving Picture World (Apr-Jun 1917)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD VOLUME XXXII April— June, 1917 INDEX TO CONTENTS Actors' Fund Fair Nets $SO,000 1020 Admission Prices Should Be Increased 1620 Advertisers, Associated, Doing Their Bit... 73 Advertising Film Men Organize 310 Advertising tor Exhibitors, by Epes Winthrop Sargent, 00, 1170, 417, 610, 790, 902, 1110, 1270. 1431, 1595, 1773. 1931, 20S7 Airdomes and Theaters Working as Teams.. 1970 Albany Legislative Hearing on Sunday Bill. 119 Aliens Are Building New Toronto Theater.. 658 Allen, Winifred, Featured by Triangle 603 Alliances, No Entangling 66 Ally Visitors See Trench War Films 1218 Anderson a Motion Picture Pioneer 15S6 Anson Describes His Work at Albany ... .1913 Argentine Imports of Our Pictures Growing. 789 Arms to Direct Goldwyn Publicity 1945 Argus Laboratories Incorporated 260 Aronson, Ivan 1921 Association Adds to Membership 2070 Association, New Activities Laid Out for. ..1001 Association Considers Transportation Matters 1765 At Hiram's Home Town 1284 Atlanta Exhibitors Withdraw Sunday Shows. 140 Atlanta Postpones Raising Theater Licenses. 1976 Atlanta Exhibitors Rejoice at Prospect 1976 Australia. Motion Pictures Expanding in.. 1619 Awake, Thou That Sleepest 765 B Baltimore's New McHenry Theater Opens. .1642 Bangor Company Takes Local Keith Houses 830 Barriscale, Bessie, Heads Own Company. . .1100 Barrows. E. M., Gains New Appointment.. 104 Beresford, Frank. Technical Director 430 Berst Criticises N. A. M. P. 1 1610 Better Films, Seattle Parent Teachers to List 1829 Big Plans for Keystone Convention 2100 Billboards, Bill to License and Control 998 Billy, the Exhibitor 1944 Bluebird Franchise Sold in Michigan 1047 Blue Laws, Iowa, Fight on Over 1489 Blumenthal, Ben, in New York 686 Board of Review, Will Not Consider 245 Bonavita Killed by a Bear 82 Bone Headed Censorship 1912 Brady, W. A., Speech of 245 Brazilian Market, Dominating the 1109 Brandt Heads Brooklyn League 243 Bristol. C. H., to Handle Advertising for Triangle 105 British Pictures, Great Throngs See 1420 Brooker Head of New War Syndicate 779 Brooklyn Exhibitors' Meeting 436 Brooklyn League Meeting 771 Brunette. Fritzi. in Lasky Picture 1291 Burke. Billie, With Famous-Plavcrs-Lasky. 405 Burnham, Frances 17H2 Burstein, Louis \ ' , ' ' ° ^1769 C Cameras, Standardization of, Urged 592 Canadian General Film Co., Re-organized.. S2S Capellani to Direct Miss Sanderson 1946 Capital City Feels Scarcity of Employees .1158 Carewe, Ora 103 Carrigan and Graves Add to Holdings. . ....1814 Carson, Wallace. Joins Bray 1506 Castle, Mrs., Engaged for Gold RoosterFeatures and Serials 629 Castle, Mrs., Making a Five-Reeler 1420 Catalogue of Educational and Selected Pictures 1103 Cause, the Picture, the Hour, The 2069 Censorship Before Kansas Supreme Court. .2142 Censorship, Boneheaded 1912 Censorship, California Detrimental Laws Side-tracked 471 Censorship, For Canadian Federal 828 Censorship, What Happened in Florida 772 Censorship, Illinois Bill 254, 406, 590, 1939 Censorship, Illinois, Jackson Bill Passes * Lower House 1S23 Censorship, The New Kansas Board of 313 Censorship, Kansas City, is Upheld 1326 Censorship, Kansas Board Recalls "Birth of a Nation" 1488 Censorship, Dodge City, Wants Needless Board 1005 Censorship, Kentucky, Two Startling Bills.. 661 Censorship, Kentucky. Exhibitors Fighting Hobbs Bill 837 Censorship in Kentucky Dead Until 1918.. 1165 Censorship, Maryland, Recall Certain War Films 997 Censorship, Why Law in Maryland Has No Appeal 1479 Censorship Bill, Michigan, Still in Committee 142 Censorship, Intolerance Spasm in Lansing.. 308 Censorship in Michigan Dies 6S6 Censorship, New Brunswick's New Censors 1316 Censorship, Cleveland Mayor Can't Stop "Puritv" Show .834 Censors, Ohio, Watch War Films 1164 Censorship, Pennsylvania, Backed by Judge.1643 Chapin's Lincoln Goes to Strand 1455 Changes in Maryland League Officers 1919 Chicago Local Meeting March 16 73 Chili. Picture Conditions Good 955 Child is Growing. The 65 Cincinnati Theater Managers Organize. .. .1484 Cleveland Film Exchanges, Directory of. . .1484 Cleveland Theater Managers, Changes Among 658 Cleveland Mayor Can't Stop "Purity" Showing 834 Color Photography, Development in 1771 Conquest Pictures (Edison) 978 Cooking. Art of. Taught by Film Series.... 302 Co-operative Association. Big Exhibitors Form 589 Community Theater in Omaha Neighborhood. 686 Convention and Exposition, Wide Interest in 1607 Convention of Northwestern Exhibitors at Minneapolis 1126 Convention, Panorama of, Minneapolis. .... .1127 Convention. Northwest, a Record Affair 1262 Conventions. Today and Yesterday 1093 Corbett. Manager, to Maine Exhibitors 13:'. Council of Women Wants Children's Shows. .1873 Courtesy and Rudeness in House Popularity. 60S Crandall Denounces Daylight Saving 2072 Credit to Whom Credit Is Due 766 Cressy Interests to Build New Theater 1980 Crown Point's New Crown Theater Opens. .1006 D "Daughter of the Gods, A" in London 1444 Davis. H. O. Resigns 1099 Day, Juliette 1294 Daylight Saving Found Awkward in St. John 1156 Decorative Titles 1267 Dennis, Amy, in Selig-Hoyt Comedies 1620 Deposits Still Required in Tennessee 1320 Des Moines Film Club and the Exhibitor... 147 Detroit, Open -Booking Finds Favor in 477 Devil's Pet Salad, The 1910 Dodsworth, Betty, in "Trooper 44" 69 Draft Will Make a Problem in Film Offices, .1972 Dwan, Allen, Now at Work in East 477 Devereaux, Jack, Featured by Triangle 440 Dintenfass Company at Jacksonville 627 Directors' Association Holds Dinner 601 Dubuque, Jake Rosenthal Shows Films at Majestic 479 E E'arle, Edward, Actor 434 "Easiest Way" to be Shown in Court 1317 East, We Sacrifice Markets in, Says Howell. 76!) Eclair, American to Resume Business 405 Economy, Indiscriminate, Is Unpatriotic. . .1165 Educational and Selected Films 78 Educational and Selected Pictures, Catalogue of 1103 Eucador, Pictures in 785 Efficiency vs. Artistry 584 Elmendorf Travel Talks, Inc 74 Eltinge, Julian, Comes to the Screen 1791 Emery Brothers Open Theater in Providence 830 Enlisting. Pennsylvania Bans All Films That Discourage 832 Essanay Re-opens Niles Studio 780 Essanay Cuts Out Depressing Stories 1605 Evansville Operators' Banquet 479 Exchange Efficiency, by John J. Rotchford. 99 Exchangemen, Washington, D. C, Discuss Film Building 636 Exchanges Lose by Incompetence 1329 Excited Minds Are Accusing Picture Shows. 65)1 Exposition, Wide Interest in 1451 Exposition ■ and Convention, Seventh National, Prospects Are the Eest 1918 Exhibition Headquarters for 1917 Chosen.. 249 Exhibitors' Association Is No More 70 Exhibitors Can Improve 932 Exhibitors' Convention to Meet in Mill City, t83 Exhibitors', or a General Convention 1911 Exhibitors Should Develop Pep and Book Good Shows 1165 Exhibitors, Strong Organization of. Urged. 939 Exposition Opens With Mae Marsh Day. ..2100 Ex-Postmaster General Joins Vitagraph. . .1099 Express Something 240 F Fairbanks. Douglas. Farewell Feed to 405 Farnum, Pretty Soft for 1793 Farrar Rises and Sings National Anthem.. 134 Feature Picture Circuit Proposed 1327 Film Cleaning Process. New 1964 Film Men Consider Shipping Rules 2096 Film Roadmen Out of Philadelphia Organize. 832 Films Claimed to Have Distributed Poison.. 305 Films Showing Early Motion Picture Experiments 1161 Films to Educate Congress 1766 Film Trade and R. R. Agreement 138 Film Trade Officers Chosen 667 Finch's, Flora, First Fun Film 6??