Moving Picture World (Apr-Jun 1917)

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IV THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD June 30, 1917 Fine Arts-Triangle Studio Re-opening 1619 Fire Ordinance Hearing Postponed 304 Fire, Orpheum Theater at Evansville Burns. 144 Fire Ousts Audiences in Cincinnati 1646 Fire Rules, Capital City, Under Fire -51 Fire Rules, New 484 Fire Rules, New, Kansas City 14o Fire Rules Unchanged 1609 Fire. Exhibitor Vogel Dies in 1644 Fire. Manslaughter Charges Follow Coif ax. 1822 First National's First Picture 1578 Fisher, Bud, Likes Pictures 1136 Fisher, Milicent 788 Fitzpatrick-McEIroy Co. Adds Three Theaters 663 Five Cent Summer Shows, Threaten 1655 Flashes and Dashes 401 Florida, What Happened in i T2 Fox Extends World Service 260 Fox Opens New Exchange Quarters 628 Framingham, Mass., Beautiful Theater in. 1478 Frederickton. N. B.. May Add to Theater Tax 653 Freuler Gives 'Em the "Once Over" 104 From The Lambkin 1254 Furry, Elda, to Be Featured 607 Gaumont Men Off to War 1609 Gerson Protests at Och's Action 1917 General Film Co. of Canada 408 General Film, New Sales Manager 074 General Film to Make Display in Chicago. 1453 Getting down to Business 933 Glucksmann, Jacobo, in New York 1295 Goldflsh Talks About Goldwyn 1914 Goldwyn Leases Studio 252 Goldwyn to Establish Exchanges 408 Goldwyn Campaign Successful 410 Goldwyn Convention Exhibit 1102 Goldwyn Has Been Working Six Months... 1766 Goldwyn Names Exchange Cities 2095 Goldwyn Opening Six Canadian Offices 1455 Gonzales, Myrtle 953 Good Films, Theaters and Patrons 662 Good Houses at Higher Rates 1321 Graham Off on Long Trip 627 Grand Rapids, League Convention at.. June Irving, George, With Popular Players 1945 It Is To Laugh 2070 Ivan Subject Heads Benefit Performance. .1919 Jackson Bill Passed by Illinois Legislature. 839 Jackson Bill Passes Lower Illinois House. . .1823 Japan, Picture Conditions in 439 Japan, Pictures, Land of Rising Sun 1122 Java, Imposts Heavy Tax on Films 622 Joy, Leatrice, in Paramount Comedies. .. .2084 Justice, Ewan, Seriously III 1579 K Kansas City's New Fire Rules 145 Kansas City Screen Club's Fade-out End.. 1650 Kansas Convention 938 Kansas, Exhibitors' Campaign in 1128 Kansas League Meeting 407 Kansas Stands Pat on Deposits 2100 Kansas State Board Gets Down to Routine.. 664 Kentucky League to Re-organize 1606 Kentucky Theaters Face Coal Shortage. . . .14S5 Kentucky Theaters, Problems of 1321 Kentucky, Two Startling Bills 686 Kerrigan Begins Production June 5 1454 K-E-S-E Heads Meet in New York 1419 King, Henry R.. in Fortune Photoplay.... 440 Kramer's Sam, Leap for Life 780 Kleine Offices Move to Windy City 252 Kleinschmidt War Films Reported Stolen.. 303 Kutler Returns to Metro 1793 12. 1H7 Grand Forks, N. D.. Exhibitors Raise Prices. 1982 Green. Al, Director 441 Griffith in London 1270 Griffith Players in England 1946 Griffith's Return Expected 1289 Guetlein Brings Many Feet of Film 1266 Guiana, British, American Pictures Popular in 788 H Hale, Alan 75 Hall, Donald 1945 Hall, Frank. G 78S Hampton Resigns G. F. Presidency 601 Hanna, Franklyn. Metro Player 82 Hart, Bill, Hits the Great White Trail 1422 Hart, Gets Warm Reception in Cincinnati. 1484 Hart. Bill. Visit Delights Cleveland 1810 Hashlmura Togo on the Screen 250 Hay. Capt.. Collaborates With DeMille 1600 Health Campaign, Theaters to Aid 665 Held Up to Scorn 705 Henley. Hobart 1271 Herrington on the Road 406 Herrington Visits Philadelphia 590 Herrington. Long Hike for 771 Herrington in St. Louis 1450 Herrington Winds Up Long Tour 1790 HIcksburgh. O.. Mayor Forbids "Nation" Film Showing 476 Hill a Successful Salesman 1454 Hobbs Bill, Kentuckv Exhibitors Fighting.. 837 Hodkinson Returns from West 1101 Hoffman Says Picture Business Healthv. . .1004 Ho. for Grand Ranids .1791 Holmes. Taylor. With Essanay 1 44."". Houdini for Pictures 622 How Do They Do It ? 401 Howe. Lyman, Opens New York Office .... 2097 Howell, Alice, in New Comedies 113." Howells Sails for Orient 1702 Humanitv's Storv by Humanitv 2008 Humphrey, William. With Ivan 409 Tdea and Suggestion Contest 1128 Illinois State Convention 407 Illinois Legislature Passes Jackson Bill. . . 8.19 Imprison Makers of Indecent Pictures 1004 Tnre Definitely Out of Triangle 2071 Ince. Ralph and John. Join 408 Ince-Trianele Deal. The 1941 Indianapolis. Circle Theater Breaks Records 266 Indianapolis Shows Feel no War Sim Individual Producers 1750 T n Favor of the Pictures 58R In Few Words 1012 Insurance Rates Raised in Kentuckv 1<!21 Intolerance Spasm in Lansing 308 Iowa Exhibitors Watch New Flue Law Bills RfiS Towa Film News 1 nos Iowa Convention Planned IV" lO-ffft BJrtlbltnrs D«fy Blue kflWS ITSfi Laemmle, Carl, Back in New York 246 Land of the Rising Sun, Filming the 1615 Lasalida Film Inc. Formed 259 Lasky, Jesse L., Announces Producing Plans 1100 Laughlin. Clare E 1620 Laws Are Made for Evil Doers. But 1255 League and Exchange Men Confer 311 Legal Advisers, Board of. Formed 628 Lewiston. Me., Theater Combine in 302 Liberty Loan Eond Booth at Princess Theatre 1974 Liberty Loan Bonds, Brooklyn League Buys. 1450 Liberty Loan Eonds and the Industry 1946 Liberty Loan. Boosting the 1419 Liberty Loan, Industry to Back 1617 Lloyd. Harold. As "Lonesome Luke" 101 Loew Will Build Big Theater 136 Long Runs With Chosen Films 310; Louisiana Working for Members 1918 Louisville Has Regular 15-Cent Theater. . .1002 Louisville Discusses Five-Cent Tickets 1672 Lovely, Louise IfilO Lynch Head of Triangle Distributors 1578 M MacAlarney to Be Scenario Chief 1617 Macdowell. Melbourne 211 1 MacLaren. Mary. Engaged by Horslev . . . .1 7.85 Maine Exhibitors Organize l-ss Maine Exhibitors Meet 1917 Manitoba. Strand Theater, at Brandon 601 Manhattan Exhibitors Hold Regular Meeting 1918 Manning. Mildred 029 Marion, Francis, Engaged by Famous Plav ers-Lasky , 1297 Maryland T-eague Arouses Exhibitors 71 Maryland Exhibitors Dance 940 Maryland League Interest Wanes 1789 Maugham to Write for Famous Plavers Lasky '. i7fi« Mayfair Film Corporation Formed 972 Mayfair Leases Studio 1266 McLeer. John. Heads Pittsburgh U. Exchange 1319 McTammany. Ruth, as Alma 440 Medford. Ore.. New Theater to Open in.... 1125 Memphis Managers Form Association 660 Memphis, Sundav Closing Explained S40 Memphis Managers Get Arrested Weekly. 11320 Memphis, New Theater Planned bv Orpheum Co 1 486 Memphis Sees a Theater Building Boom... 478 Menace to the Drama 400 Meredith. Lois. Heads Own Company 2096 Methods of President Ochs 2)1 Metro Increases Capitalization to S2 600.000 1570 Michalena, Beatriz. Speaks 105 Michigan Censor Bill Still in Committee. . 142 Miehisan Convention Poorly Attended 2100 Michigan Exhibitors Should Begin to Act.. 8.°.s Michisan to Hold Annual Convention 1265 Mill City. New Faces to Meet at 481 Milwaukee to Have a State Convention ... .1263 Minneapolis Convention 500 Minneapolis Film Row Gets Out Its Glad Rass im7 Minneapolis' Last Year Manager Goes.... 1653 Minneapolis. Ruben and Finkelsteln Getting There Fast 841 Minneapolis Theaters to Aid Health Campaign 005 Monopoly in Film Hurts Territory 1491 Montagu Talks of Early Days.... 101 Moore. Tom. Has Big Project vn Moss Theater, New Motion Picture Educator. By Rev W. H. Jackson and Margaret I. MacDonald.. 88, 267, 443, 60S, 786. 957, 1103, 1273. 1429, 1603, X7T2, 2082 Motion Picture Exhibitor, The. .70, 247, 406, 589, 771, 938, 1262, 1450, 1606, 1788, 1915, 2099 Motion Picture Photography, by Carl Louis Gregory 97, 277, 424, 617, 797, 968, 1117, 12S3, 14.-S. 1002, 17S2, 1938, 2094 Motion Picture Problems Discussed 1421 Music for the Picture, by Clarence E. Sinn and Frank E. Kneeland. .98, 278, 426, 618, 798, 970, HIS, 1594, 1774, 1930, 2086 Musicians' Union in Cleveland Demands Raise 1322 Music Rights, Must Exhibitors Pay For. . .1616 Mutual and Fox Offices, New Managers For. 1817 Mutual to Release LaSalle Comedies 6^8 Mutual, More Stars for 1129 N National Association Forms War Board. .2098 National Film Booking Service Incorporates 137 Neilan, Marshall, Visits New York 14j4 Newark, Big Theater for y47 Newark Theater Managers Hold Testimonial 1102 •\ewark Exhibitors Get Together 1±26 Newark s Big New City Theater Sold 1642 New Association in Northern California. .2145 -\ew Brunswick, Censor Changes in 134 New Brunswick's Merger Joins Seven Theaters 1656 New Company Organizers Outline Aims. . . .ai45 New Grand Theater, Lander, Wyo 1425 New Orleans, Week-Long Runs in 146 New Orleans Theaters Improve 1652 New Orleans, Program Re-Arrangements in. 1652 New Orleans F. I. L. M. Club's New Head. 1826 New T. & D. Theater a House of Comfort. 1424 Norfolk Theater, R. T. Hogue, Buys 14S2 Nort-. Carolina Convention 1128 North Carolina Holds Successful Convention 2101 North Dakota Exhibitors 70 O Oklahoma Elects National Delegates 2105 Ochs, Methods of President 241 Ochs, Lee A., Testimonial Dinner to 1264 Ohio Convention Called 939 Ohio League Meeting 1453 Ohio Theaters Observe Registration Day.'. 1977 Oklahoma Exhibitors Meet 771 Oland. Warner, Engaged by Astra 972 Ontario Film Shows. Rules Governing 1163 Ontario May Start Film Exchange 1819 Open Booking Finds Favor in Detroit 4i7 Operators Are Declared Stage Emplo>es.. 312 Open Market, The 941 Oregon Exhibitors' Association Is No More 70 Oregon, Eastern. Is Prosperous 1010 Oregon Exhibitors Organize 247 Oregon Exhibitors Meet 1452 Oregon League Has a Real Time 1915 Opposed to Wheeier Bill 4U3 Ordinance That Favors Cheap Shows 1649 Organizing in Pennsylvania 249 Organization and Convention Related 585 Our Patriotic Duty 1578 P Panama Has Big Picture Theater 788 Paramount Declares for Open Booking. . . . 770 Paramount Gives Details of Open Booking. 1920 Paralta Plays. Inc.. Ts New Company 78 Parent-Teacher Shows Failures in Kansas City 480 Parker, Emma Jean 1586 Passing of "Pieces of Cheese" 103 Passing Through Crisis. Says Pathe 593 Patents Company Wins Decision 1945 Pathe Breaks Records 630 Pathe Exchange Officers Re-elected 1101 "Patria." T-ansins Lifts Ban From 1000 Patriotic Films Do a Valuable Service. .. .1001 Patriotic and Red Cross Films 1605 Patriotic Offerings. Mutual's 1619 Pearce Interests Take Lafayette Theater. . .1826 Penal Suits for Sunday Opening 141 Pennington. Ann. Comes Back to Screen.. 594 Pennsylvania. President Sahner Appeals.... 70 Pennsvlvania's Meeting. Preparing for. ...1607 Percy! Eileen, in "A Regular Guy" 630 Pertinent Example, A 585 Philadelphia Film Men Volunteer Aid 468 Philadelphia. Famous Players Has Worthy Local Offices 655 Philadelphia Theater Deals. Two 832 Philadelphia Operators Hold Annual Ball.. 1000 Philadelphia Mutual Moves to Vine Street. .1815 PhilllpI, Ed. H 266 Philips. Dorothy. Makes Progress 778 Photoplay League Plans 436 Photoplav-wright. The : Bv Epes WinthroD Sargent. .93. 273 420 613 793. 965. 1113. 1279, 1434. 1598 1778. 1934, 2090 Picture Situation in the United Kingdom. .1427 Pictures Interest Soldiers 1131 Pictures. Showing, in 50 Degrees Below Zero WW Pittsburzh. Plaza Theater Pleases 657 Pittsburgh Film Men Form Organization .... 837 Plvar Back Irom Canal Zone Tl