Moving Picture World (Jan-Mar 1918)

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January 26, 1918 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD IIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini! 3hn jfv^moo d.dioom Sfedxco present JAIIIE^ IHOIJTeoillERY TLAGG'i "GIRLS YOU KNOW" Types of attractive Americans I A series oj ttuelue original,' Kumor9us single-reel 5tories| featuring distinctive types of 1 attractive Airls First release January 2.1918 unth succeeding releases euery tu;o u)eeks thereafter. Distributed h7 THE GEORGE KLEINE SYSTEn 63 East Adams Street, Chicago Branches in all principal cities ;^ / V s>