Moving Picture World (Apr-May 1918)

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May 11, 1918 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 899: hotel in Pittsburgh, and tells his sweetheart to meet him there and be married. Young Firkins hears of Booth's appointment, and boards the same train to the Pennsylvania city. Firkins executes many schemes to keep Booth from the prince's hotel, but not even a stick of dynamite used near the end of the play halts Booth. He gets the big order, and he is married despite the attempts of Firkins to steal the girl. Featnre George T\'alsh as Robert Booth and Regina Quinn as Ruth Hunneywell. Program and Advertising; Plirases: Battling for a Billion With a Girl. A Ripping Story of Love and Business. A Photodrama of Love and Ledgers. As Full of "Pep" as a Hot Tamale. George "Walsh, the Human Dj'namo. A Screen Success Replete With Thrilling Stunts. Stunt Snggestions: Put out a banner ■with this inscription, "Wanted: One Billion Dollar Contract." Make a little mysterj' of the hour Booth is to meet the prince, 4:40 o'clock. Put an advertisement in the paper or have little slips printed reading, " 'Brave and Bold' — be there at 4:40 (name of theater)." "You'll miss $1,000,000,000 if you're not at the appointed place at 4:40 (name of theater)." "If you never saw a billion dollar contract be "at (name of theater) today." Advertising Aids: Two styles each, one, three and six-sheets. Lobby displays, 8x10, 11x14, 22x28. Press sheet and mats (mats can be secured free by writing to the Fox Film Corporation, Publicity Department, New York City). Cuts are made on special order at the rate of 2ft cents per column. dren to participate. Make it a real circus day. Advertising Aids: Two styles each one, three and six-sheets. Rotogravure. Lobby displays, 8x10, 11x14 and 22x28. Ten cuts each of star and production, one to three columns wide. Slides. Advertising layout mats. Press book. "THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH." Thomas H. Ince Presents Enid Bennett in Florence Vincent's Story; Directed by Jerome Storm. Photographed by Charles Stumar. Paramount Release for May 6. Cast. Roxie Kemp Enid Bennett Owen Trent Earl Rodney Marjorie Trent. Ethel Lynn Mrs. Trent .Bliss Chevalier Col. Jeffrey Trent Carl Stockdale Nat Kemp Melbourne MacDowell The Story; Roxie Kemp is a showgirl whose act is to face several lions in their cage. She quits the circus when she is seventeen, and enters a girls' academy, where she has many interesting adventures, including one in which she saves a girl chum from a vicious dog. The mother of Roxie's sweetheart is an aristocratic vv'oman who refuses to sanction the marriage of her son to a former circus girl. Her husband, however, a colonel, then confesses that he owns part of the circus, and hints that if Roxie is not good enough for his son he (the colonel) is not good enough for the proud mother. After Roxie risks her life to save her father's circus from a riotous mob she is accepted as true blue all around, and finds happiness. Feature Enid Bennett as Roxie Kemp and Earl Rodney as Owen Trent. PrograiU and Advertising Plirases: An Interesting Story of Intimate Circus Life With a Love Interest of Intense Appeal. Brave Girl Trains Wild Animals and Tames Social Lions. Fascinating Life With the Circus Revealed Day by Day. Brave Circus Queen Show Ability to Run Society Circus. Dan Cupid Proves Himself the Greatest of All Shovi^men. Sensational Photoplay With Impelling Heart Interest. Advertising Suggestions: There is every chance to "bill like a circus" and pull all the "circus stunts" that may be devised. Transform the lobby into the appearance of a circus "marquee"; tent concerns in all of the large cities will rent banners and "fronts." Extra paper can be secured from the lithographic firms to literally "bill like a circus." You can devise your own street parade and get plenty of chil "MLLE. PAULETTE." Triangle Presents Claire Anderson in George Cowell's Story, Scenario by Frank Condon. Photogr^iphed by G. E. Peterson. Directed by Raymond Wells. Released May 5. Cast. Paula Grey Claire Anderson Robert Wayne George Pearce Jack Wayne . Wallace MacDonald Bill Jones Walter Perry Hilda Dot Hagar Mrs. Wilkins Anna Dodge Oscar Smallett George Hernandez Rev. Ichabod Whiffen John Lince The Story: At a mountain resort where his father has sent him to keep him from further indulgence in New York City's gay life. Jack Wayne rescues Mile. Paulette, an actress, who, in private life, is Paula Grey, from drowning. Assuming that she is just a visitor. Jack takes her to his camp. Shortly after his father, who has decided to pay him a surprise visit, appears. Jack tries to smuggle Mile. Paulette out concealed, in liis bathrobe, but Mr. Wayne, believing that his son is up to his old tricks again, orders him back to New York. Some . time later a girl friend of Jack's invites him to the home of Mile. Paulette, and. he is surprised to recognize in her the girl he rescued in the country. A newspaper reporter complicates matters by printing a notice to the effect that Jack and Mile. Paulette are engaged, thereby arousing the ire of Mr. Wayne, but in the end everything turns out happily as Jack and Mile. Paulette announce their engagement. Feature Claire Anderson as Paula Grey and Wallace MacDonald as Jack Wayne. Program and Advertising Suggestions: When Father and Son Compete for the Same Prize the Call of Youth to Youth Avirards the Victory. The Idle Rich Engage in Battle Under Gen. Dan Cupid. Surprising Outcome of a Vacation Romance. Sensational Newspapers Uncover Stage Scandal. Stage Beauty Makes Quick Choice Between Father and Son. Romping With the Sirens of the Great White Way. Advertising Aids: Two one-sheets, one each three and six-sheets. Heralds in rotogravure. Slides. Lobby displays, llx 14 and 22x28. Electros and mats. Press sheets. "AN HONEST MAN." Triangle Presents William Desmond in Henry P. Dowsts' Story. Scenario by George E. Jenks. Released May 5. Cast. Benny Boggs William Desmond Beatrice Burnett Mary Warren Nanine La Rose (Ruby Gushing), Ann Kroman Old Man Gushing Graham Pette The Story: Benny Boggs, a tramp, is rejected at a recruiting station. Wandering, he lands at Old Man Cushing's farm. Gushing, who is taken violently ill, and fearing that he will die, tells Boggs of a package behind a cider barrel which he would like to have delivered to his runaway daughter, Ruth, who is somewhere in the city. Boggs finds that the package contains $50,000, but being an honest man refrains from stealing the, money. In the city, after various experiences, he comes upon Ruth, who, being unable to make a living on the stage, is almost destitute. Boggs takes her home to her father, who has regained his strength. The two fall in love, and shortly afterward. Boggs leaves to fight for his' country, Ruth vowing to marry him upon his return. Feature William Desmond as Benny Boggs and Ann Kroman as Ruby Gushing'. Program and Advertising Phrases; Would You Trust a Tramp With $50,000 in Cash to Be Delivered to Your Daughter in New York's LTnderworld? Rejected as a Recruit, Accepted as a Sweetheart. . . The Call of Country and the Call of Love. Once More Honesty Proves to .Be the Best Policy. True Love Survives Despite Hunger and Poverty. Rugged Honesty AVins Reward in Wealth and Happiness. Advertising Aids: One design each one, three and six-sheets. Special process art heralds. Lobby displays, 11x14 and 22x28. Photographs. Slides. Electros and mats. Triangle Magazine. Press sheet. "A ROMANCE OF THE UNDERWORLD." Frank A. Keeney Pictures Corporation Presents Catherine Calvert in the Late Paul Armstrong's Greatest Screen and Stage Creation. Directed by James Kirkwood. Released on State Rights Plan. Cast. Doris Elliott Catherine Calvert Richard Elliott David Powell Thomas McDonald Eugene O'Brien Michael O'Leary Edwin Forsberg Mamie Bronson Sybil Carmen Dopie Benny Cecil Chichester Slippery Jake ' Harrv Lee Sarah Marcia Harris The Story: When Thomas McDonald, a young reform lawyer, institutes an investigation of the underworld, Doris Elliott, recently out of a convent, learns to her dismay that her brother, Richard, is a habitue of the low dives of the city. Michael O'Leary, a trafficker in drugs, lures Mamie Bronson to an opium den, and nothing more is heard of her. O'Leary then tries to get Doris into his power, and is attacking her when Richard, who has been apprised of the plan by Bennj', a dope fiend, enters. In the struggle which takes place in the dark a shot is fired, and O'Leary is found dead. Doris shoulders the blame, but during the trial Dopey Benny announces that he killed O'Leary. Benny succumbs to the effects of the drug, and the climax pictures Doris as the wife of the reform lavyyer, who defended her during the trial. Feature Catherine Calvert as Doris Elliott and Eugene O'Brien as Thomas McDonald. Program and Advertising Phrases: Picturing the Great Sociological Problems Disclosed in the Fight Against the Use of Habit-Forming Drugs. Exposing the Iniquities and Crimes of New York's Underworld. Great Moral Force Disclosed in Crusades Against Crime. Realistic Scenes and Incidents Picturing New York's Under'world. Backing the Government's Fight Against Habit-Forming Drugs. Great Love and Noble Sacrifice Revealed in Gripping Drama. Advertising Suggestions; The crusade against habit-forming drugs is going on all the time in every big city. Even the smallest communities have their victims. Showmen should investigate the conditions in their vicinity, and may easily couple the picture with the situation. Drug habits constitute a deadly evil, and this picture can be made to serve good purposes. Advertising Aids: Two styles of , onesheets. Two styles of three-sheets. One six-sheet. One twenty-four-sheet. Lobby displays. Heralds. Cuts. Press matter.