Moving Picture World (Dec 1920)

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December 4, 1920 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 609 In the Independent^Field Cutting Farnum Feature “The Fighting Stranger,” the third of the series of six five reel Western features starring Franklyn Farnum which are being made by Colonel Wm. N. Selig for the Canyon Pictures, is now in the hands of the cutting department at the main office of the Canyon in New York. “The Fighting Stranger” is scheduled to follow “The Strug Charles Urban Is a Firm Believer That Quality Will Always Win Out THE time has passed,” said out for the producer, distributor Charles Urban, president of and exhibitor handling it. + fnmnanv of “T Viax/p nrnHnrpH rmali the Kineto Company of “I have produced quality films America, “when success is easily all over the world and it is my won. In the film industry, as in opinion, based on twenty years’ other industries, we are in the experience, that audiences are midst of a period of readjust mUch the same everywhere^, and scheduled to loilow ine otrug un-ai ui a , , j . gle ” which will be released with rnent, and it stands to reason no product can be too good, too in a short time in all the terri that in the long run the highest hlgh class for them. I am ap tories where franchises have been quality product is going to stand plying this experience to Movie soj(j the test of popularity and wm Chats, the Kineto Review and the ’ — Science series. “Audiences, too, have gone through a period of ‘education and their taste is being uplifted in pictures as it has been in music. I believe the reason why short subjects have come so to the front is that exhibitors have realized this and are building up their programs by choosing the Aywon Announces Several Features Ready for the State Right Market fine short subjects available. “The Kineto pictures have reached the stage where a steady supply is assured. We now have seventy of the Chats, sixty^ Reviews and thirty of the Science series. The collection is growing rapidly and the quality will be held up.” Lawyer Praises The Victim “The Victim,” the super-feature in which Robert T. Haines is starred and which the C. B. C. Film Sales Corporation is selling territories on, has been declared by Tobias Keppler, a New York lawyer, to be one of the best written, best directed circumstantial evidence stories from a legal standpoint he has ever seen. Nathan Hirsh, president of to know what pictures they can Aywon Film Corporation, has book ahead and just what kind of "built up a reputation because of pictures they are, Mr. Hirsh has bis square deal policy, selling pic arranged to place on the market tures at a price that will permit several features, territorial rights the buyers and exhibitors to for which he is now making con make a profit and supplying them tracts. They include The Worn -n/r rp J /7C “MadonnaS with the sort of box-office attrac an Above Reproach,” “The Evo Malty 1 UTliea Si Way US IVlUUUnnL^ tions they desire. lution of Man,’ “The Woman ot / fn Mr. Hirsh has long been con Mystery,” “When Dr. Quackel nected with the film industry and Did Hide,” “ Thirty Years Bellas been successful in producing tween” and “The Man of Courand distributing pictures for the age,” starring E. K. Lincoln. In state rights field. He has made additional, he has in preparation this a specialty and his organi several series of short subjects zation is known as one that de which will give him a complete ■livers the goods. line of dramatic and comedy of Believing that both the state ferings to suit all state rights rights buyers and exhibitors want needs. and Men” Play Toronto Strand Jans Pictures, Inc,, announce paid advanced K. Ziegfeld’s studio activities. He will continue to act as general manager for Emile Chautard, the director who is now filming Mr. Ziegfeld’s first production at the Peerless studio, Fort Lee. Mr. Lena has been with Universal, Eclaire and Peerless Feature Company, and with Emile Chautard since he came to this country in 1914. Irving Lesser Reports Many Sales and Secures New Lew Cody Feature Irving Lesser, general manager of Western Pictures Exploitation Company, announces he has secured world rights to Lew Cody’s -first independent production, “A Dangerous Pastime,” and will launch an extensive exploitation program in connection with the picture. Mr. Cody has recently achieved great success in a number of productions for Robertson-Cole. This production was directed by J. W. Horne, who also made Cody’s last picture for Robertson-Cole. H. Tipton Steck wrote "the scenario. Elinor Fair and ■Cleo Ridgeley appears in the principal feminine roles. Mr. Lesser announces the following sales on the productions his company is handling : The True Film Company, Dallas, rights to “That Something,” featuring Marjorie Wilson and Charles Meredith; to Crescent Film Company for Kansas and Missouri, “That Something,” ^Neptune’s Bride,” “Sins of the World” and “Souls of Men”; also the same four productions and “The Stranger” to Fred Cubberly, of First National, for Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota. that “Madonnas and Men’ opened at the Strand Theatre, Toronto, to the biggest business in the history of that house. Despite the worst storm of snow, sleet and rain that the Canadian city has experienced in some long time the Jans feature “turned ’em away,” and at the first pertormance over six thousand people An additional crowd, estimated at several thousand, were turned away. Arrangements are under way whereby the big feature will be booked and played in a chain of “legitimate” houses from coast to coast, the attraction being put on like a road show and played on a percentage with guarantee. WESTERNS E Muriel IV orking Fast Muriel Ostriche, the popular leading woman of the ArrowMuriel Ostriche comedies, which are being produced by Mrs. Garnette Sabin, is now actively engaged in production of her latest comedy to be released by Arrow, the work of which she is speeding up in order to be through in time to visit Atlanta for the Motion Picture Exposition which she and Mrs. Sabin have promised to attend. XHIBITORS who have been looking for fast action, thrilling two-reel Westerns are now booking the Star Ranch Series. If you want the kind of pictures that will sit patrons on the edge of their seats get in touch at once with your exchange, or Standard Film Service Fontenelle Feature Films United Film Service Specialty Film Co. Crescent Film Exch. CLEVELAND OHIO, KY., MICH. OMAHA IOWA AND NEB. ST. LOUIS E. MO. AND SO. ILL. DALLAS TEX., OKLA. AND ARK. KANSAS CITY, MO. W. MO. AND KAN. SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES CAL., NEV., ARIZ. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS NEW ORLEANS LA., MISS., SO. CAR., GA. FLA., ALA., TENN, Lena Joins Ziegfeld Albert J. Lena, for ten years an active figure in picture affairs, has just been placed in charge of W. Baren Joins Signet L. Lawrence Baren, formerly sales manager of the Bluebird and Aywon Film corporations, has been appointed manager of the New York exchange of the Signet Film Company. Mr. Baren has just booked the Doraldina photodrama, “The Woman Untamed,” to the Newark Theatre, Newark, N. J., and has arranged a special exploitation program. Consolidated Film Corp. Pearce Films ALSO ASK YOUR EXCHANGES IF THEY ARE READY TO BOOK YOU “THF VICTIM” Iv"1 ISStTff A 1 lUj V J G A J-1VJ st, ry of mystery, love and faith featuring Robert T. Haines and a wonderful acting cast. C. B. C. FILM SALES CORPORATION 1600 BROADWAY, NEW YORK