Moving Picture World (Dec 1920)

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760 MOVING PICTURE WORLD December II, 1920 Stoll Organization to Send Eighty Men to Show Products of Company’s Studio ON the morning of Monday, December 6, eighty men will step into Pathe Exchanges throughout the country as representatives of the Stoll Film Corporation of America. This sales force will be prepared within the week to show the exhibitors in their territory four products of Stoll studios. The first of these productions, as was stated recently, will be ‘Squandered Lives,” an adaptation from “Duke’s Son,” by Cosmo Hamilton. It will be released January 2. Featured will be Ivy Duke and Guy Newall. Miss Duke is a player above the average in her endowment of good looks and that other characteristic so essential in the screen artist — intelligence. She has a wealth of reserve and also an abundance GEORGE BEBAN’S “One Man in a Million” picture and the personal appearance in the larger cities of the star with the film has been booked a hundred per cent, in every territory. According to Sol Lesser, who came East with Mr. Beban after having stopped in the exchange centers en route, where individual bookings were made, the Beban road show attraction will prove to be one of the biggest draws the exhibitor has yet handled. The initial opening will probably take place Christmas week, and it is reported that the new Branford Theatre, now being constructed by the Fabian interests in Newark, N. J., will offer this attraction as one of its first presentations. The theatre management will let no angle slip toward presenting Beban in as an artistic and seasonable manner as possible. After the Newark engagement the Beban film and star will be seen in New York and Brooklyn, and then the trip westward will AS an evidence of what may be expected from motion pictures he will produce in the near future, Harry Leonhardt, president of the Allied Independent Attractions, points to “The Devil,” starring George Arliss, which is set for Pathe release. The former owner of the California Theatre, Los Angeles, is enthusiastic over the results attained by the Arliss picture and approaches the production of other pictures with greatly increased confidence. An interview with him last week in New York City consisted of a discussion of “The Devil.” Charles O. Seesel, who made the sets for “Way Down East,” as well as for the Arliss picture, and Frank J. Hampton, Mr. Leonhardt’s studio manager, were in his room in the Claridge at the time. A book of “stills” on “The Devil” clearly showed why Mr. Leonhardt is so optimistic for the future. The Moving Picture World man wanted of animation, another combination that it is believed by President George King will contribute to the rapid building of a large following for her. Mr. Newall, who has the role of the younger son whose income is suddenly clipped by his father, portrays excellently the Anglo-Saxon who always is willing to take a sporting chance and who also is contented to “take his medicine” when his misdeeds find him out. Hugh C. Buckler, as the gambler, and C. Lawford Davidson, as the wealthy, but unsuccessful rival for the hand of the heroine, lend real support to the featured players. Many other players also take part in the production. be made, with week stop-overs in Philadelphia, Washington, Detroit, Louisville, Indianapolis, Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Seattle, San Francisco, Oakland, and ending in Los Angeles early in March. Will Open Theatre In many instances Beban will play day and date engagements. In Chicago he will appear in three theatres each day, while in Detroit he will be seen in two houses daily. Among the new silent houses that Beban’s show will open are the new Finkelstein & Ruben house in St. Paul, and the new Balaban & Katz theatre in Chicago. Sol Lesser has arranged for exploitation. In many instances Beban will come to the various cities as guest of the Chamber of Commerce or Rotary Clubs. He is giving up from eighteen to twenty weeks at his studio, but is scheduled to resume production in Los Angeles not later than March. 1921. to hear something about Mr. Leonhardt's future plans. He, however, wasn’t quite ready to go into details. He admitted that he was awaiting the completion of a scenario by Edmund Goulding, that negotiations were underway for a star, that Jimmie Young will direct the picture in Los Angeles and that production will probably be started before January IS. “Knowing the condition of the market now,” said Mr. Leonhardt, “I am not planning three, four or five pictures for next year, but am concentrating all my efforts on this one picture. We intend to specialize in quality, not quantity, and when production on this picture nears an end, we will begin to plan for another — and not before. I am very much pleased with ‘The Devil’ and I want this next picture to be as good, if not better. I hope to have a full statement for the trade next week.” Mr. Leonhardt has a particularly wide Southern Exposition The convention and exposition of the Southeastern motion picture people of Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Texas and adjacent states is to he held at the Auditorium in Atlanta, Ga., the week of December 6. In addition to the large number of exhibitors and film men expected to be present, a number of stars are expected. Never before in the history of motion pictures has the industry been so thoroughly publicized in the South, and it is the intention of the committee in charge to bring out every phase of the industry in every particular, artistically, mechanically and commercially. Every branch is expected to be represented with an exhibition of its products. Atlanta is expected to do its prettiest in entertaining its guests and no pains have been spared in making it a gala week for the silent drama and its many devotees. Preceding the exposition at Atlanta there will be a convention of exhibitors of North Carolina held at Charlotte, N. C. on December 5, 6 and 7, and those who attend one will attend both. Every producing unit will have representatives in attendance. Already many reservations have been made from New York. Philadelphia and Washington. acquaintance in the industry, and he was asked for the general opinion on business conditions. Has Not Profiteered “This is the only industry which has not profiteered,” he said, “and exhibtiors, knowing this, should face the future with confidence. It is no time for foolish pessimism and no time for undue optimism, but the time for work. The business possibilities of any theatre are almost limitless. I learned that when I was ‘doctor’ for Keith theatres. I met pessimistic house managers and showed them how it wasn’t impossible, after all, to increase their business. Business surely can be kept up now if the proper method are used.” “ Their Mutual Child” Ready for Release “Their Mutual Child” is the latest “Flying A” feature ready to set the pace as' a leading box office attraction in high-class comedy. This special on which so much time and money has been expended has now reached the finishing stages of cutting and assembling. Miss Fisher in Lead Margarita Fisher, in the leading feminine role, is suported by Nigel Barrie. Margaret Campbell, Master Pat Moore, carrying the title role: Harvey Clark, the versatile character portrayer. Joseph Bennett. Thomas O'Brien. Beverly Travers, William Lloyd. William Marion, and Stanhope Wheatcroft complete the strong east. George L. Cox directed. Publicity Is Now and Then Welcomed by Detective Men William A. Pinkerton tells Denverites that motion pictures of criminal acts should be prohibited as largely responsible for the crime wave now sweeping the country. Who’s next? Beban’s Film, “One Man in a Million,” Has Many 100 Per Cent. City Bookings Leonhardt Tells Production Plans; Pleased with Arliss in “The Devil”