Moving Picture World (Dec 1920)

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December 11, 1920 MOVING PICTURE WORLD Selznick Accedes to Widespread Urgent Demand of Exhibitors for Reissues of Olive Thomas Films 761 AN urgent widespread demand from exhibitors for Selznick Pictures Corporation to re-issue the early productions starring the late Olive Thomas has caused the organization to finally concede to the requests. The Selznick productions in which the late star appeared are “Upstairs and Down,” “The Spite Bride,” “The Glorious Lady,’ “Out Yonder,” “Footlights and Shadows,” “Youthful Folly,” “The Flapper” and “Darling Mine,” and “Everybody’s Sweetheart,” which were released just prior to Miss Thomas’ death. From practically every town and hamlet in America boasting a picture theatre have come unsolicited testimonials of the tremendous success exhibitors are reaping with the Olive Thomas pictures, says Selznick. this fact is evidenced in telegrams received at the home offices of the Selznick organization. A Few Testimonials Morris Safier of Pittsburgh sent the following telegram: “Olive Thomas in ‘Youthful Folly’ being held over by Minerva Theatre for additional week. Breaking all house records. First time in history of theatre one picture played two weeks.” Edgar C. Pierce, manager of the Amuzu Theatre at WinstonSalem N. C., wrote: “I assure you that I feel justified in saying that Miss Thomas has before ” ' 6tter f°r me after her demise than W. aements, manager of the Stratford eAn*aVif’ 9h,,,Cag.° s largest picture house, sent the foUowmg wire: «We have • t concluded a run of Olive Thomas in ‘Everybody s Sweetheart.’ Even though we knew we were going to do good business, we did not anticipate the audience we were favored with in showing it. Your 1921 program so far is immense!” “More Than Ever Bef ore1 1 From Jack Allen, manager of the Counihan and Shannon Theatre Enterprises, came *?®.ssaSe • We wish to advise you that the Olive Thomas pictures in the past few weeks have done tremendous business for us in both Plainfield and Perth Amboy. In fact have come near breaking the record in both houses. E. Deos, manager of the Deos 1 heatre, Santa Ana, Cal., wrote : “Olive thomas pictures are doing more business at present than ever before. We simply were swamped with her last picture ‘Darling Mine’ will go over big. There can be no doubt of that.” Ihe Colonial Theatre at Indianapolis decided to play “Everybody’s Sweetheart” for two weeks instead of one. After the showmg of the same picture at the Broadway Theatre, New York City, the Keith-Proctor houses decided to extend all their runs throughout Greater New York. The Strand Theatre in Washington, D. C„ is reported to have broken records with “Everybdy’s Sweetheart, and had it been possible for Selznick to supply the management with another print, the picture would have been held over for a second week. Theatres in the Albany district are said to have had such great success with “Footghts and Shadows” that they immediately b°°ked ^ °Hv,e Jhomas Production every wereThown.1"" ,h' “,ire V°^oZ a Sfu?. di>eS ?0t permit the Publication of Jhowi' the' writer '""rs “ THAT’S NOT MINE !'• A scene from “ The Blue Moon,” released by A merican COMPLETION of what is described as one the strongest casts ever assembled for a motion picture is announced by Arthur Sawyer and Herbert Lubin, of S-L Pictures, for the forthcomD: Baker Production of “TemP, Dusk, that is now being made at Metro s New York studios in West Sixty MeJtro wHI release this big special. Featured at the head of the all? star cast is the lovely Anna Q. Nilsson, Ttf°weD with her are Robert Frazer, Ihomas W. Ross, Robert Schable Frank Currier and Charles Lane Calvin filTmu' W\S a,dapted by Mr Baker from FvJn” Johuston s story in the Saturday £73? p p°osL£Bik" is ala° ^ 0J" ;®e' the cast> Players conspicuous ln them respective kinds of work for to nn?tCS that they W0Uld be cal,ed upon P°rtray, were sought. Robert Frazer plays the part of the prom!?1 pyKUng Marlowe who marries the For p°rfrayed by Miss Nilsson. For the role of Bunny Fish, the gambler and man-about-town, Robert Schable was ffufone<ArMrRSc!]ablTe suPPorted Elsie FerRar?vZA ’Ce Brady’. Irene Castle and John Barrymore in special features, his latest work before the camera being with Mae MTnray in ‘:0n With the Danced’ ChTahrWathP^' R°-S w,I1uenact the role of M> fl h croupier in the gambling house. Fran? r ^ the °ng,nal staee “Checkers.” of thk purr,er was chosen for the part the hLRenerend Marlowe, the father of the boy who married a girl at a drunken ryea"d;h n f°rged a check in order to meet his losses at the gaming table McC,9rntr -play?d with B°oth and John McCullough m his early youth. J " of Clemen?apenWaS engaSed for the part ot Clement Palter, an old gambler and Paher hWee6n '°Wt’ the!l£> and conflici takefplc"' ,ha' n’"ch drama,ic inCtheled,Y?r^dt ‘S t asusistinS Mr. Baker Andre BaHatJe0” °fu tbe Production, and /vnare Barlatier is photographing. “The Double Adventure, ” Pathe Feature, Finished qn7he Rouble Adventure,” the fifteen-episode serial starring Charles Hutchison and ria/^'TT ^ 7Se m the P^tentious serial schedule Pathe will ofifer in 1921 has been completed, according to recent report ihe picture was directed by W S Van Dyke and produced by Robert Brunton It was written by Jack Cunningham, of 'the Brunton scenario staff, and provides the star with a dual role. The romantic element s reported to have been taken care of in a love story growing out of the central character s efforts in behalf of a girl The cast supporting the star contains many of the players who won applause by them work m “Daredevil Jack.” Josie Sedgwick will appear as the heroine, and Ruth Langston, who played “Mollie” in the Tack Dempsey serial, has an important role. Carl btockdale is another who was with Demosey in his Pathe serial. P Studio Bedlam Doesn't Feaze Robert Schable Robert Schable, playing the heavy lead in Temple Dusk, a George D. Baker Production being made at Metro’s New York studio, was the victim of noisy circumstances late one evening as close-ups and •semi-close-ujis were being taken of him. Schable s head was bandaged, and was supposed to be aching violently as the result ot the hero s successfully mixing it with him. Scenes were being shot in rapid succession ot Schable in this mournful state. Evinced Pleasure And all the time, workmen were rushing the demolishment of the set in order to erect a hurry-up set at once. Bob had little trouble registering pain. But when he was called upon to answer the telephone and evince Dleasure at an imaginary conversation, the snouts of the workmen, resounding hammer blows and the crash of falling lumber tended to interfere. Schable did his best to ignore bedlam, and Director Baker pronounced the shots “the best yet.” Now members of the “Temple Dusk” company are wisely saying: “You can’t din a good heavy lead down.” Kolker to Direct Tearle Henry Kolker, Selznick director, has b®tn a^.SIgned„t0 direct Conway Tearle in The Fighter, written by Albert Payson terhune, following the completion of the Hobart Henley production as yet unnamed in which the star is now working at the Selznick Fort Lee studios, according to an announcement by Myron Selznick The scenario for “The Fighter” is being whipped into shape by the R. Cecil Smiths, ot the Selznick scenario department, according to reports. 'In ihe Shadow °/k fhe Dome' A David G. Fischer Production