Moving Picture World (Nov-Dec 1923)

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182 MOVING PICTURE WORLD November 3, 1923 Expansion of Plant and Growth of Business Forces Hallberg to Move JH. HALLBERG, for more than fifteen years a leading designer and manufac• turer of electrical machinery aind' specialties for Motion Picture Projection and for studios has moved his manufacturing plant from 209 West Forty-eighth street to Corona, Long Island. Mr. Hallberg personally supervises the design and sales and all correspondence should be addressed to J. H. Hallberg 445 Riverside Drive, New York. Besides this connection Mr. Hallberg still has his separate transformer and motor generator plants as in the past but all of the smaller specialties are manufactured in the above mentioned establishment. Mr. Hallberg has assumed the experimental directorship of a new research laboratory now nearing completion at Alpine, New Jersey where research will be conducted in all branches of science and particularly in connection with the electronic and similar treatment and diagnosis of disease. On account of the wonderful laboratory facilities placed at Mr. Hallberg’s disposal we expect that he will contribute new developments and apparatus to the motion picture art and he promises to disclose through our pages new inventions from time to time. A Milestone of Progress Mr. Hallberg has been exceptionally successful in producing very efficient motor generators, Economizers, Mazda lamp transformers, portable projectors, arc controllers, electric speed indicators, rheosats, gasoline electric light plants and kindred apparatus for the motion picture trade and his name stands as a milestone in the progress of the motion picture industry. We referred in a recent issue, to an inter view with Mr. Hallberg in which he disclosed to us a project for several modern motion picture theatres which were to be established in New York City more than J. H. HALLBERG A Pioneer of the Industry. twelve years ago and it is interesting to note that at that time his conception of what a modern motion picture theatre should be anticipated what is being done today and some of his ideas at that time are still in advance of the present age and we hope to have the pleasure in a later issue to give a complete outline with plans of the above referred to project as we believe that information will be of advantage to those who contemplate new theatres in the future. In 1912 about the time that S. L. Rothapfel came to New York and formed connection with the Motion Photo Play Co., a subsidiary motion picture branch of the B. F. Keiths interest, Mr. Hallberg did much towards securing perfect projection and furnished many special and new devices as used at that time by Mr. Rothapfel. There stands to Mr. Hallberg’s redit many of the most important motion picture theatre equipment installations in this country and we feel sure that the trade will be glad to know that he is still with us and promises to produce new and useful devices to improve motion picture projection. Improving Theatres HOLLAND, MICH.— G. Buis, who recently purchased old Knickerbocker 'Theatre, will expend about $5,000 to remodel House. When completed will reopen as the Holland Theatre, with pictures and Vaudeville. WATERLOO, NEB.— I. C. Han has installed new Powers 6A model projecting machine. ST. MARYS, O. — Auditorium Theatre will be remodeled. BRISTOL, TENN. — Extensive improvements costing about $21,000 will be made to Columbia Theatre. LOCKHART, TEXAS.— Old Baker Theatre has been remodeled. APPLETON, WIS.— Bijou Theatre has been remodeled and reopened with first-class picture program. rjnefgeJjcy (TkdetP ^nvouoeettve/hs Samples furnished on request. „ ... J3/aisde// ^ Slide Pencils (No. 168 BllIC no. f&9 Red >0 .73 Black Made in 6 other colors. An inexpensive method of making slides, neat pencil layouts and decorative effects, in colors. 1. Cut -through/ i one thickness/ between ' first two " perforations ^.Loosen the strip once f around . is important 3. Pull the strip straight away. /3/aisde// PENCIL COMPANY PHILADELPHIA US A. HELIOS REFLECTOR LAMP FOR BETTER PROJECTION For Direct or Alternating Current WITH AUTOMATIC ARC CONTROL ■w j ms ( 100% on CONDENSERS Y Oil HftVP 70-80% in CURRENT A V/U kjavc ( 70% in CARBONS AND OBTAIN SHARPER DEFINITION TO THE PICTURE, MAKING THE OBJECTS STAND OUT MORE CLEARLY May be utilized for slide projection. Cooling Device, permitting holding films, may be attached. DEALERS write for our proposition SOLE DISTRIBUTORS WARREN PRODUCTS COi 265 CANAL ST. NEW YORK