Moving Picture World (Jan-Feb 1925)

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168 MOVING PICTURE WORLD January 10, 1925 First National Bookings Box Office Success of Previous Group Speeds Sales of Leader Group Exhibitors in key city points and in smaller towns are closing up rapidly for First National's new Leader group of pictures for this winter, the coming spring and early summer, according to a statement emanating from E. A. Eschmann, head of the company’s distribution department. "Our Pace ifaker releases for the fall and winter of 1924-25 have demonstrated such artistic quality and box office ‘drag’ that exhibitors have no hesitancy in taking the full group of Leader releases for distribution between February 1 and August 31, 1925,’’ said Mr. Eschmann. "This is not only a tribute to our selling organization, but primarily to the qualitj' and box office magnetism of First National product. If we hadn’t made and procured excellent pictures during the season ju^t closing we could not have sold them to more exhibitors than had ever before booked First National pictures, nor could we have started the new season with such a remarkable showing for the Leader group of pictures. “The seller must have something to sell that the buyer wants or he doesn’t sell. And what the exhibitor-buyer wants is pictures that will draw paying business to his theatre. The Pace Makers have done, and are doing, that, and the Leaders hold every promise of exceeding them in public popularity and hence in box office value.” The January Program Century Announces Four Two-Reel Comedies for That Month Abe Stern, vice-president of Century Comedies, announces that his company will release four two-reel comedies for January through the Universal exchanges. They are “Looking Down,” “The Aggravatin’ Kid,” “Her Daily Dozen” and “Taming the East.” “Looking Down” stars Wanda Wiley and is a combination thrill-comedy production written by Georges Fouret. “The Aggravating Kid” and “Taming the West” are Buddy Messinger pictures. “Her Daily Dozen” is Edna Marian’s third starring vehicle for Century. Her second picture, “My Baby Doll,” made especially for Christmas week, is making records for itself and Century comedies all over the country. Pickford ' Fairbanks After more than six months of inactivity, Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks will both plunge into production shortly after the new year dawns, according to a statement from the studio recently. Mary will probably be the first to start, and her first offering of the new season is expected to be an original story by Marion Jackson, which Marshall Neilan will direct. The Josef von Sternberg story, which she had planned to do, with von Sternberg directing, has been laid on the shelf until Spring. In the meantime, von Sternberg will direct one film for Metro -GoldwynMayer. Josef von Sternberg is the young director who recently sprang into prominence with his phenomenal production, “Salvation Hunters.” It was this picture that won him the coveted privilege of directing Miss Pickford. Doug says he will start soon after January 1. At present he is working on a story with a Spanish setting which gives promise of being his first 1925 vehicle. Mildred Harris Signed Will Play Feminine Lead Opposite Harry Carey in “Beyond the Border” Announcement was made this week that Hunt Stromberg has signed Mildred Harris as leading lady for Harry Carey in his forthcoming production, “Beyond the Border.” From this announcement it w’ould seem that the Chaplin family past and present are drifting into the fold of Producers Distributing Corporation. Mildred Harris is the former Mrs. Charles Chaplin and as previously announced, Syd. Chaplin will be seen in the coming Al. Christie feature “Charley’s Aunt.” “Beyond the Border” will be the first of the new series of Harry Carey westerns to be released by Producers Distributing Corporation during the coming season. Johnston Back from Trip Announces Completion of Third of Metropolitan Melodramas W. Ray Johnston, president of Rayart Pictures, on his return from a three week’s sojourn in California, announces the completion of the third of the series of fast-action stories known as Metropolitan Melodramas starring George Larkin, the wellknown “stunt” actor, which are made for Rayart release. This third picture is called “The Right Man,” and is from an original story by Harry P. Crist. Jack Harvey produced it under the supervision of George Blaisdell. Featured in support of George Larkin are Milburn Morante, the comedian, Mary Beth Milburn, Jerome La Gasse and Olive Kirby. Another picture completed during Mr. Johnston’s stay in the West was “Super Speed,” the third of the series of six Harry J. Brown Productions for Rayart release starring Reed Howes, the “Arrow Collar Boy,” “Super Speed,” as its name implies, is an auto racing story. It was directed by Albert Rogell. Mildred Harris is featured in support of young Howes. Mr. Johnston signed for twenty-four new productions for the 1925-1926 Rayart program, details of which will be announced at an early date. Completed in January Last Three of Producers Distributing’s Current Program The current program of Producers Distributing Corporation wall be concluded in January wdth the release of the three final numbers, “Let Women Alone,” "Soft Shoes” and “Off The Highway.” The January schedule of releases is headed by the Frank Woods production, “Let Women Alone,” a unique comedy-drama produced under the direction of Paul Powell, with Wanda Hawley, Pat O’^Ialley and Wallace Beery in the leading roles, supported by Ethel Wales, J. Farrel MacDonald, Harris Gordon, Betty Jane Snowden, Lee Wilard and IHarjorie Alorton. The second release of the month will see Harry Carey presented by Hunt Stromberg in “Soft Shoes.” This is a San Francisco underwmrld story that furnishes an odd background for the western character playd by Carey. The final release of the month, that completes the program for the current season, will be “Off the Highway,” starring Jacqueline Logan. This production, originally scheduled as a Regal Picture, will come to the screen as a Hunt Stromberg Production, made under the producer’s personal supervision. “Married Flirts” a Big Hit A crowded house of approximately 1,700 persons welcomed the showing of “Married Flirts” at the National Theatre in Louisville, Ky., recently, on the occasion of its opening there, and gave the picture an exceptionally hearty reception. Mr. Libson, owner of the National, also reports that a very satisfactory showing of this photoplay has taken place at the Palace Theatre in Cincinnati, Ohio, and adds that he is “more than pleased” with the showing made by Metro-Goldw-ym pictures to date. “Delightful, wholesome romance . . A fine production and an all star cast/^ Exhibitors Trade Review said that of East of Broadway v/1 Pau/ Schofield Production w..h Owen Moore, Mary Carr. Ralph Lewis and MargueritedruMotte wrr, All Associatecl Exhibitors Release